Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani Location: Basement State Office Building Agenda:
SciMathMN presentation on setting priorities for STEM education, recommendations from Minnesota's TIMSS participation
Discussion of Math and Science Teacher Academies
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski Location: 200 State Office Building Agenda:
HF57 (Emmer) Voters required to provide picture identification before receiving a ballot, issuance of voter identification card provided at no charge, and provisional balloting procedure established.
Chair: Rep. Debra Hilstrom Location: 10 State Office Building Agenda:
HF582 (Lesch) Defendant waiver of jury trial requirement changed.
HF45 (Bigham) Penalty provided for careless driving resulting in death, and providing for revocation of violator's driver's license.
HF134 (Garofalo) Careless driving resulting in death classified as a gross misdemeanor.
Chair: Rep. Paul Thissen Location: 200 State Office Building Agenda:
HF328 (E. Murphy) Adoption record and original birth certificate governing provisions modified
HF247 (Thissen) Long-term care savings plan provided and income tax subtraction provided for contributions made to the long-term care savings plan
HF337 (Fritz) Home care tax credit established, long-term consultation team amended, and caregiver burden scale established
HF42 (Thissen) Four-month waiting period waived for unemployed persons for MinnesotaCare, and money appropriated
HF327 (E. Murphy) has been removed from the agenda
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling Location: 10 State Office Building Agenda:
Permanent School Trust Land management update
HF104 (Dittrich) Permanent school fund revenue required to be set aside for school technology purposes.
HF780 (Dittrich) Prohibiting the payment of management costs from permanent school trust fund land proceeds.
Chair: Rep. Joe Atkins Location: Basement State Office Building Agenda:
HF281 (Kahn) Augsburg College on-sale liquor license authorized.
HF478 (Kahn) Direct wine shipment restrictions repealed.
HF459 (Reinert) Duluth; On-sale intoxicating liquor license authorized for the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Arena during intercollegiate hockey games.
Chair: Rep. Kent Eken Location: 5 State Office Building Agenda:
HF591 (Hansen) Reinvest in Minnesota Resources Law modified
HF536 (Persell) Local match requirements for certain grants modified
HF217 (Faust) has been removed from the agenda