Peace officers are often in difficult situations, trying to defend others or protect themselves. Having someone take their equipment is not something they should have to worry about.
A new law, sponsored by Rep. Michael Paymar (DFL-St. Paul) and Sen. Ann Lynch (DFL-Rochester), clarifies that it is illegal to take from a peace officer any defensive device issued for their protection, including a firearm, tear gas, Taser or baton. Violation is a felony with a possible five-year sentence and $10,000 fine.
Signed by Gov. Tim Pawlenty May 13, the law is effective Aug. 1, 2008.
Rep. Mark Buesgens (R-Jordan) unsuccessfully proposed changing the title of a section of the new law to “Keep Your Hands Off the Cop’s Stuff.”
At Issue: Offering a way out
Omnibus public safety policy bill aims to help future workers
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Published 5/9/2008
Minnesota Index
Figures and statistics on crime and punishment in Minnesota
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Published 3/28/2008
At Issue: Preparing for the worst
Emergency responders push for new training centers
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Published 3/14/2008