The means of determining whether a municipality must administer and enforce the State Building Code within its jurisdictions was signed by Gov. Tim Pawlenty May 15.
Sponsored by Rep. Al Juhnke (DFL-Willmar) and Sen. Tom Bakk (DFL-Cook), the law requires code enforcement of any municipality having an ordinance adopting the code in effect as of Jan. 1, 2008. An exception is made for municipalities with populations under 2,500 that are located outside the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area.
The law also permits lumber mills to sell ungraded dimension lumber for use in construction regulated by the code.
Another provision permits the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center Authority to enter into contracts to design, construct, furnish, equip and improve the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center.
Unless otherwise noted, the law is effective May 16, 2008.