What entered the legislative process as a small bill requiring that state employees be granted paid leave to donate blood arrived at the governor’s desk as the omnibus state government policy bill.
The new law that resulted, sponsored by Rep. Gene Pelowski Jr. (DFL-Winona) and Sen. Ann Rest (DFL-New Hope), was signed by Gov. Tim Pawlenty May 13. The law is effective May 14, 2008, unless otherwise noted.
Included in the new law are provisions that:
• permit paid leave for state employees to donate blood, effective Aug. 1, 2008;
• form a subcommittee on government accountability;
• require performance measures to be used to increase funding in the state budget;
• put in statute the proper procedure for the sale of surplus state lands;
• require the convening of a working group for Minnesota Milestones process and indicators; and
• define “gambling device.”
First Reading: A grand finale
Foregoing the usual partisan warfare, all sides declare victory in 2008 session
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Published 5/30/2008
At Issue: Crossing the partisan divide
Concern over REAL ID makes for strange bedfellows
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Published 5/30/2008
At Issue: Taming the ‘Wild West’
Members aspire to streamline the legislative process
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Published 5/30/2008
Stepping Down: Three more say goodbye
Heidgerken, A. Peterson and Ruth make late departure announcements
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Published 5/30/2008
Minnesota Index
Figures and statistics on the 2008 legislative session
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Published 5/30/2008
Stepping Down: Reassessing priorities
After years of public service, Berns steps down to focus on his family
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Published 5/16/2008
Resources: Tallying the votes
What you should know first about how your legislator votes
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Published 5/9/2008
At Issue: A little-used tool in the toolbox
Governor can use unallotment to balance state’s budget if legislators do not
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Published 5/2/2008
Stepping Down: Seizing an unexpected opportunity
Paulsen leaving state House to run for the U.S. House
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Published 5/2/2008
Feature: Leap of faith
Legislators find political refuge in fellowship
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Published 5/2/2008
Stepping Down: Back to Bemidji
Moe takes a break from politics to focus on life at home
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Published 4/25/2008
At Issue: ‘Garbage’ or good legislation?
Omnibus bill can be one legislator’s junk, another’s treasure
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Published 4/11/2008
Stepping Down: Looking for better balance
After 12 years, Tingelstad to focus on family
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Published 4/4/2008
Stepping Down: Do right by the people
DeLaForest thankful for the ‘awesome responsibility’ of serving
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Published 3/28/2008
Stepping Down: Focus on family time
Finstad leaving to concentrate on his children
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Published 3/28/2008
Stepping Down: New house means leaving the House
Personal move leads to a professional change for Kranz
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Published 3/28/2008
Stepping Down: In the middle, a man apart
After 24 years in the House, Ozment prepares to step down
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Published 3/28/2008
Stepping Down: Rejuvenation for Walker
First black woman to serve in the House hopes for renewal time
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Published 3/28/2008
Minnesota Index
Session 2008 figures and statistics.
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Published 2/15/2008