A little bit of everything
Omnibus economic development law touches on a wide range of topics
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Published 6/1/2010
Return on investments
State employee and teacher retirement accounts hurting
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Published 4/15/2010
Building a better unemployment system
Omnibus workforce policy bill includes help of laid-off workers
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Published 3/25/2010
Minnesota Index: Working (or not) Minnesotans
Figures and statistics on employment and unemployment in Minnesota
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Published 2/11/2010
At Issue: Line-item vetoes for jobs bill
New law funds jobs and housing, makes ice hockey the state sport
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Published 5/29/2009
At Issue: The works
Jobs programs get a boost in economic development finance bill
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Published 5/1/2009
First Reading: Career non-opportunities
Lawmakers offer conflicting ideas on how to create jobs
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Published 3/27/2009
At Issue: A lifeline for the jobless
A law extending unemployment benefits highlights a growing problem
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Published 1/30/2009
Minnesota Index: Employment or lack thereof
Figures and statistics on unemployment in Minnesota.
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Published 1/30/2009
First Reading: New jobs in hard times
Lawmakers make job creation a priority for 2009
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Published 1/16/2009