Solutions for solving the estimated $4.8 billion deficit next biennium were few and far between at more than 20 town hall meetings held across the state the past two weeks. However, there was plenty of hand-wringing over the impact of Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s proposed budget cuts.
Government workers and local taxpayers turned up in droves from Virginia to Albert Lea and from Moorhead to Winona and told a legislative panel how the proposed budget cuts would affect them. A few offered solutions, ranging from implementing a four-day work week to raising taxes.
“This illustrates that we’re not looking at numbers on a page and there are no easy answers,” said Rep. Gene Pelowski Jr. (DFL-Winona). “There is no facet of life not touched by this crisis.”
House Majority Leader Tony Sertich (DFL-Chisholm) said it was important for legislators to get out of the State Capitol to learn what’s on Minnesotan’s minds and the “best way is to meet them where they live.” The nonpartisan takeaway was that taxpayers want there to be fairness when decisions are made, Sertich said. Pleased with the turnout at hearings, he added, “It’s rare that you’ll see a room full of politicians that did nothing but listen and didn’t talk.”
House Minority Leader Marty Seifert (R-Marshall) thought the meetings were a “mixed bag” that began heavy with testimony from government employees. “There were not a lot of voices from taxpayers or the business community,” Seifert said. “It was a way for people who spend tax dollars to reiterate their importance. We know a lot of that already.” Twin Cities metropolitan area meetings were more balanced, he said, but they were still “short on solutions.”
Ideas presented to solve the deficit will be brought back to the respective House and Senate committees and divisions for discussion.
Great demand to be heard
An estimated 6,000 people attended the opening week of hearings and more than 1,200 spoke their minds, according to House DFL Media.
Court Administrator Hans Holland was unable to attend the Mankato meeting Feb. 19, where 91 of the estimated 300 people in attendance were registered to speak. So, Holland drove to Albert Lea the following morning, where the allotted time, 10 a.m. until noon, was not nearly enough to hear from 46 pre-registered testifiers. As the clock ticked closer to 1 p.m., Pelowski concluded the meeting because the panel needed to make its way to another hearing planned for Winona.
That angered the Rev. Reuben Unseth who accused meeting organizers of limiting testimony to “a preponderance of people representing the state.”
Some Republican legislators agreed with Unseth. “I’m troubled that the average taxpayer is not getting much of a chance to offer ideas,” Rep. Paul Torkelson (R-Nelson Township) wrote in a later e-mail. “I heard from roughly 120 testifiers at the Mankato and Marshall meetings, and maybe eight people did not have a vested interest in state government funding. That’s not to say those folks shouldn’t have that right, because they should. But the overall lack of citizen and business input was disheartening to say the least.”
A much different crowd turned out Feb. 24 in Minneapolis, where legislators got an earful from both supporters and opponents of Pawlenty’s budget proposals.
That same night in Bloomington, 150 people pre-registered to speak. Several testifiers were met with hoots and hollers after speaking, much to the dismay of Rep. Ann Lenczewski (DFL-Bloomington), who repeatedly asked the audience not to clap or whistle in an effort to keep the line of testifiers moving forward.
Amid pleas from health care workers, teachers and parents of disabled children not to cut the budget for programs they depend on, Minneapolis resident Jeff Rosenberg seized the opportunity to rail against the governor’s plan to cut state spending and raise one-time revenues through K-12 accounting shifts. Accusing Pawlenty of “budget gimmicks,” he urged lawmakers to raise taxes instead.
“The governor pledged not to raise taxes and we are all paying for it now,” Rosenberg said, adding, “Minnesotans will stand behind you if you make the tough choices.”
Taking the opposite position, Kris Broberg, another Minneapolitan, told legislators that it is their own fault for creating massive government programs that people now rely on to fulfill their needs. He accused lawmakers of trying to make citizens “pay homage” to them in order to get their piece of the taxpayer money/pie.
Brian Ducklinsky told Albert Lea attendees that proposed cuts have “not gone far enough in some areas.” He suggests selling some of the state’s assets to raise revenue.
David Culver of Hopkins gave legislators in Bloomington several suggestions on the tax front, such as rescinding the tax cuts of the Ventura administration. “Raise the taxes on the wealthy and businesses until they are paying their fair share.” He also said he wanted to see a permanent solution for the budget. “Don’t just go for the quick fix. Going for the quick fix in the past is one reason why we’re in this mess in the first place. Don’t flinch from dealing with long-term spending commitments and be courageous enough to raise taxes where required.”
Roger Janzig, a Bloomington resident and a member of AFSCME, said he’d like to see the rich and middle class taxed more proportionately.
“The trickledown effect doesn’t work,” he said. “You say, ‘If we give more money to the rich the economy gets stronger.’ When that happened, the state started collecting less revenue and more small businesses went out of business.”
Gambling was another remedy proposed to fight the deficit. “All I need to have you do is have video poker,” said Ken Leland of Albert Lea. Supporters of a racino at Canterbury Park also spoke in favor of expanded gambling opportunities.
City and county workers objected to proposed cuts to local government agencies, many of whom are the delivery system for state and federally funded programs.
Albert Lea City Manager Victoria Simonsen said the city has worked to reduce its dependence on Local Government Aid, which now represents 35 percent of the city’s budget.The counter-fix is a huge local property tax increase, she said. “The citizens of Albert Lea cannot tolerate anymore.”
Richfield Mayor Debbie Goettel shared some of the same concerns. She said that because of the aid unallotment in December to help balance the state’s current biennial shortfall, the city had to dip into its reserves because money had already been spent in anticipation of that state payment.
“Most of our budget is for public services,” she said. “With a small budget like Richfield’s, we’ll have to cut public safety (if the aid isn’t there).”
Mower County employee Craig Oscarson suggested that counties be given the option of a four-day work week, which he estimated would save up to $75,000 in Mower County on fuel, staffing, utility and maintenance costs. Pelowski asked Oscarson to submit his idea to the Minnesota Association of Counties, who could research the concept on a statewide level.
At the Minneapolis meeting, one speaker suggested that the state save money by temporarily cutting wages for state employees; however, he warned against laying people off, saying they would just collect unemployment.
Health care
Reductions to health care services would also adversely affect rural communities, said Stephen Waldhoff, chief executive officer of the Albert Lea Medical Center, and Adam Rees, Austin Medical Center administrator. Both centers would face $4 million in service reductions at a time when their charity cases are rising.
Chuck Van Wey, a 14-year cancer survivor and patient advocate, worried that cuts would affect matching federal dollars. He urged legislators to maintain funding for cancer screenings because “the investment is minimal compared to treatment.”
Calling cuts to the mentally ill “penny wise and pound foolish,” social worker Tedd Baumgardt also said group homes and social workers cost far less than hospitalization.
Higher education cuts couldn’t come at a worst time because many dislocated workers are returning to school to move into alternative careers, said Terry Leas, a Riverland Community College instructor. For every $1 million cut, the college would serve 400 fewer students, said Leas.
Interim Update: Disaster relief enacted
Brief special session ends with $80 million flood, storm aid package
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Published 10/19/2010
Never a dull moment
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Published 6/1/2010
RIP: Bills that didn’t make it
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Published 6/1/2010
Art of compromise is the heart of politics
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Published 6/1/2010
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Published 6/1/2010
One more goal in his playbook
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Published 6/1/2010
Retiring from public service — again
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Published 6/1/2010
Fulfilling her ‘deal’
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Published 6/1/2010
Excited for a new opportunity
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Published 6/1/2010
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Minnesota Index: the 2010 session
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Published 6/1/2010
‘A decade is a long time’
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Published 5/6/2010
Magnus will run for state Senate
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Published 5/6/2010
First Hmong House member shifts focus
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Published 5/6/2010
Erring on the side of openness
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Published 4/29/2010
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Published 4/29/2010
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Published 4/22/2010
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Published 4/22/2010
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Published 4/15/2010
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Published 4/15/2010
Energized to follow a different path
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Published 4/8/2010
Legislative powers
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Published 4/8/2010
Unallotment upheaval
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Published 2/18/2010
Hard times hit home
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Published 2/11/2010
State of the State: Laying out his recovery plan
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Published 2/11/2010
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Published 2/4/2010
Minnesota Index: Session 2010
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Published 2/4/2010
First Reading: No easy fixes
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Published 5/29/2009
At Issue: State government funding signed
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Published 5/29/2009
Governor's Desk
Bills not acted upon in 2009 could come to life in 2010
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Published 5/29/2009
Minnesota Index: 2009 session
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Published 5/29/2009
First Reading: Letting the sunshine in
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Published 5/15/2009
At Issue: Budget cuts for state government
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Published 5/15/2009
Minnesota Index: Government in Minnesota
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Published 5/15/2009
First Reading: Hammering out an agreement
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Published 5/8/2009
Resources: From beginning to end
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Published 5/8/2009
At Issue: Tightening the belt
Less funding, more accountability in omnibus state government finance bill
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Published 4/24/2009
First Reading: Protecting public dollars
Lawmakers push for better financial controls at state agencies
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Published 4/17/2009
At Issue: Making technology accessible
Lawmakers want to open state Web sites to individuals who are deaf, blind or hard-of-hearing
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Published 4/3/2009
First Reading: Looking to the past
Division hears New Deal‘s controversial story
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Published 2/27/2009
Feature: Getting an earful
Legislators fan out across the state to hear budget deficit problems, solutions
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Published 2/27/2009
New Member: From tragedy to high hopes
Hayden hopes to effect big change
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Published 2/20/2009
New Member: A passion for local issues
Reinert plans to be ‘an advocate and a partner’ for Duluth
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Published 2/20/2009
Feature: Is there a page in the House?
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Published 2/13/2009
New Member: Former teacher returns
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Published 2/13/2009
New Member: From NYC to Minnesota
Business brought Doepke to state, led to public service
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Published 2/13/2009
New Member: Keeping it local
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Published 2/6/2009
New Member: Facing complex problems
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Published 2/6/2009
New Member: Planning for the future
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Published 2/6/2009
New Member: 'Honesty, common sense'
‘Honesty, common sense’
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Published 2/6/2009
New Member: Altitude adjustment
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Published 2/6/2009
New Member: A young, rural voice
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Published 1/30/2009
New Member: A political education
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Published 1/30/2009
New Member: The deficit is top priority
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Published 1/30/2009
New Member: A global view in St. Paul
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Published 1/30/2009
New Member: Honored to serve
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Published 1/30/2009
New Member: Waiting years for his seat
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Published 1/30/2009
At Issue: Leading by example
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Published 1/23/2009
New Member: Doing greater good
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Published 1/23/2009
New Member: A heritage of involvement
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New Member: Passionate about business
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Published 1/23/2009
New Member: No shortcut to service
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Published 1/23/2009
New Member: Working to unite
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Published 1/23/2009
New Member: Walking the talk
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Published 1/23/2009
New Member: Making a difference
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Published 1/23/2009
New Member: Taking the chance
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Published 1/23/2009
At Issue: The state of our state
Tax cuts, wage freezes on governor’s list to help budget
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Published 1/16/2009
Feature: Opening day
Occasion gives legislators reason to pause, appreciate democracy at work
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Published 1/9/2009
At Issue: Beyond the budget
Assistant leaders optimistic about accomplishing more than solving the money woes
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Published 1/9/2009
Minnesota Index: Minnesota House 2009
Figures and statistics on the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2009.
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Published 1/9/2009