Unplowed roads are a public safety hazard, according to Rep. Mike Nelson (DFL-Brooklyn Park), whose snow removal bill passed the House, 133-0, March 24.
HF2231 would allow a road authority to remove snow from unopened or private roads in uncompleted subdivisions where there are five or more lots. The local authority would be required to adopt an annual resolution finding that a subdivision developer, because of insolvency or pending foreclosure, is unable to maintain the road and that the snow obstructs school buses, public works vehicles or ambulances.
The city or local government could charge the properties within the subdivision for snow removal costs and would be exempt from liability for tort claims resulting from injury to persons or property. It does not exempt road authorities from injury claims due to negligence by the road worker or the local government and its officers.
The bill now goes to the Senate where Sen. Ken Kelash (DFL-Mpls) is the sponsor.
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