When speeds along rural two-lane state highways increased from 55 mph to 60 mph, it had the unintended consequence of increasing speeds in work zones along the highway too.
Current law only allows work zone speeds to be reduced by 15 mph, so Rep. Melissa Hortman (DFL-Brooklyn Park) sponsors
HF3263, which would allow the Department of Transportation to reduce work zone speeds on such highways to no more than 40 mph. The House passed the bill March 23 130-0. It awaits action by the Senate Rules and Administration Committee. Sen. Joe Gimse (R-Willmar) is the Senate sponsor.
Rep. Joe Hoppe (R-Chaska) successfully amended the bill to include a requirement that slow-moving vehicles use the far-right highway lane on multi-lane roads. Drivers may be fined $50 for non-compliance.
Revenue generated by the traffic fines would be deposited into a traffic safety education account in the General Fund. The funds may be used by the State Patrol to conduct traffic safety programs. Driver manuals would be updated beginning in August 2010.
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