A proposal heard in the House Education Finance Committee could establish a statewide teacher evaluation and appraisal process and radically change teacher tenure.
HF945, sponsored by Rep. Branden Petersen (R-Andover), was laid over March 16 for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill. Sen. Gen Olson (R-Minnetrista) sponsors a companion,
SF636, which was laid over by the Senate Education Committee.
“This bill is all about effective performance management and the bottom line is effective teachers to improve student academic achievement and growth,” Petersen said. It moves from a “last in, first out” concept to one based on merit.
Some provisions align with existing Q-Comp programs or other locally based evaluation methods but prescribe more detailed requirements. Beginning in 2012-2013, all teachers would be rated on a five-part effectiveness scale and ranked on a four-tier status designation as standard, advanced, distinguished or exemplary. It also would make student test scores count for 50 percent of an appraisal. Districts would report annual teacher ratings.
The system would apply to district and charter school teachers and could be used to terminate teachers rated ineffective. During the first 60 days of a probationary teacher’s first year of employment, a school board could terminate a teacher at will. A continuing contract would be for a renewable five-year period based the teacher’s appraisal and other criteria including a portfolio.
Beginning in 2014, the basic revenue formula allowance would increase $50 per pupil, to $5,174, to offset costs, including proposed bonuses of 10 percent of a teacher’s salary for teachers rated distinguished and 20 percent for those rated exemplary.
“You have broad goals that I agree with but I don’t think the bill before us is justified on the basis on any evidence I’ve seen in terms of the detail of the evaluation or the framework,” said Rep. Kathy Brynaert (DFL-Mankato). She said current student assessments are not designed to link to individual teachers, and the employment consequences would be “out of line.”
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