People dial 911 expecting emergency response personnel to show up prepared. However, money paid by homeowners designated for firefighter training has not always gone there.
Since 2006, a 0.65 percent surcharge on homeowner and commercial fire insurance has been directed to the state fire safety account. Prior to that, Minnesota had a
0.5 percent state fire marshal tax, although it was not specifically identified on consumer policies.
The money is used for the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education, staffing and operations of the State Fire Marshal Division and fire-related regional response teams and other fire service programs that have the potential for statewide impact.
In recent years, legislators have used some of the account balance to help fund the state’s deficit. For example, in fiscal year 2010,
$6.9 million was transferred to the General Fund and $3.6 million in fiscal year 2011.
Sponsored by Rep. Steve Smith (R-Mound),
HF474 would require that money collected from the fire safety surcharge be used for fire safety purposes. The bill was held over March 10 by the House Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance Committee for possible omnibus bill inclusion. A companion,
SF744, sponsored by Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen (R-Alexandria), awaits action by the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.
Another Smith-sponsored bill held over by the committee,
HF609, would ensure that grant recipients use the money for activities and programs, including training recommended by the Fire Service Advisory Committee. Its companion,
SF503, sponsored by Sen. Warren Limmer (R-Maple Grove), also awaits action by the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.
“Minnesota currently ranks between 44th and 47th in spending for fire service, depending on how you measure that on a per capita basis,” said Brooklyn Park Fire Chief Ken Prillaman.
He said many departments, especially those staffed by volunteers and paid on-call personnel, rely on the services of the fire marshal and the surcharge dollars are crucial for training purposes.
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