The City of Red Wing is hoping to let a private investor buy its municipally owned golf course, but first it needs permission from state lawmakers.
Rep. Tim Kelly (R-Red Wing) sponsors
HF1017 that would grant that permission. The House Government Operations and Elections Committee approved the bill March 14 and sent it to the House floor. Sen. John Sterling Howe (R-Red Wing) sponsors the companion,
SF779, which awaits action by the Senate Local Government and Elections Committee.
Red Wing owns Mississippi National Golf Links, a 36-hole public golf course. The city contracts with a private firm to run it, but still ends up paying certain capital and maintenance costs. Brian Peterson, the city’s planning director, said selling the course would save local taxpayers money.
“A proposed sale of this nature would result in reducing budgetary pressure on the city without reducing the service levels, because it would still operate as a golf course,” Peterson said.
The land was declared surplus state property in the 1970s, and Red Wing obtained it from the state by way of a special law passed in 1976. Peterson said it’s unclear whether the law allows the city to sell the land, so city officials need lawmakers to grant them the authority.
Kelly’s bill would give the city statutory authority to sell the golf course. He said it would save the city $200,000 a year in maintenance costs. To help facilitate the sale, the bill would also give the city ownership of the road leading to the course facilities. Currently the city has an easement on the road.
At least one committee member was pleased to hear that the course would remain open.
“This is probably my favorite golf course that I go to. I just think it’s a gem,” said Rep. Bev Scalze (DFL-Little Canada).
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