People living in a condominium, townhouse or other common interest community generally belong to an association that pays for such things as lawn care and snow removal. The association financial records, membership, board minutes, contracts and other agreements are available for owner review, but not copies. Under a new law, signed by Gov. Mark Dayton March 29, that will change, but there could be a cost.
Effective Aug. 1, 2011, owners will be allowed to have copies of the documents and would permit the association to charge a fee for copies; however, no more than 25 cents per page could be charged for 100 or fewer pages of black and white copies. Excluded from access, however, will be records related to information that was the basis for closing a board meeting.
Rep. Phyllis Kahn (DFL-Mpls) and Sen. Larry Pogemiller (DFL-Mpls) sponsor the law.
Minnesota Index: Child support
Facts and statistics on child support in Minnesota
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Published 3/23/2012
Leveling the playing field, but for whom?
Tort reform needed for businesses, but others say at the consumer’s expense
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Published 2/3/2012