Ninety percent of the receipts from the sale of trout and salmon stamps sold to anglers goes into a management account to maintain and improve fish habitat.
According to a bill passed 115-14 by the House May 10, the money in the account would be appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for managing trout and salmon habitats. Currently, a citizen budget oversight committee recommends to the Legislature how to spend the receipts.
Sponsored by Rep. Denny McNamara (R-Hastings),
HF1011 would require the commissioner to spend the money for various trout- and salmon-related projects, such as stabilizing eroding stream banks, adding fish cover, rearing trout and salmon, acquiring easements along trout waters and for research.
The bill now goes to the Senate where Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen (R-Alexandria) is the sponsor.
Open season
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