A soil and water conservation district with a controversial past would be eliminated and have its duties transferred to the county, under a bill that won committee approval May 6.
Sponsored by Rep. Diane Loeffler (DFL-Mpls),
HF1645 would terminate the Hennepin County Soil and Water Conservation District — commonly known as the Hennepin Conservation District. Its powers and duties would be transferred to Hennepin County.
The House Government Operations and Elections Committee approved the bill and referred it to the House Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance Committee.
Loeffler said voters in Hennepin County often aren’t aware of what the district does, much less the qualifications of those who run for a seat on its board. In the past, she said this has led to some people being elected who weren’t up to the job.
“We know that there are risks when you’re just picking names; you won’t always get the best and the brightest,” Loeffler said.
In the early 2000s, the district board was plagued by well-publicized infighting and lawsuits. Since 2003, much of its work has been done in coordination with county staff. Rosemary Lavin, the county’s assistant director for environmental services, said county officials view the transfer as a way to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
“This is an opportunity to streamline government,” Lavin said.
Kim Boyce, the board’s current chairman, said the board has not taken an official position on the bill. Though he says the board has “struggled,” he said it’s important to maintain citizen oversight of conservation projects.
“We really have wrestled with and debated the merits of this,” he said.
LeAnn Buck, executive director of the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, said the association opposes the bill.
“The concern we have is that one elected board is removing another elected board,” she said.
Sen. Gen Olson (R-Minnetrista) sponsors the companion,
SF956, which awaits action by the full Senate.
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Published 3/9/2012