About a 4.5-mile stretch of roadway could be transferred from the state’s trunk highway system to the county state-aid system.
Sponsored by Rep. Tom Anzelc (DFL-Balsam Township),
HF724 would turn back the portion of Trunk Highway 332, which runs between U.S. Highways 71 and 53 south of International Falls, to Koochiching County.
Passed 130-0 by the House May 10, the bill awaits action by the full Senate. Sen. Tom Saxhaug (DFL-Grand Rapids) is the Senate sponsor. The provision is also in
HF1068, the omnibus transportation policy bill, sponsored by Rep. Mike Beard (R-Shakopee).
Anzelc said an agreement between the state and county indicates that this stretch of road is more appropriately under county jurisdiction. Because all trunk highways are listed in state statute, legislation is needed to turn one back to city or county jurisdiction.
The turned back routes are not typically high priorities on the state highway system, but can be high priority for the local community. This way, the local jurisdiction can put the roadway high on its priority list and pick up associated ongoing maintenance costs.
This transfer would be implemented with a one-time payment from the state’s turnback account. Whenever the state turns back a road it is brought up to state-aid standards or, if the road is in pretty good shape, a financial agreement is reached with the local entity to give them a lump sum they can hold until the road needs to be rehabilitated.
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