Amendment to Hansen Amendment
Date: 4/6/2017
Journal Page 4309 -- * Please see the Journal of the House for official recorded roll call votes.
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Allen | Applebaum | Becker-Finn | Bernardy | Bly |
Carlson, A. | Carlson, L. | Clark | Considine | Cornish |
Davids | Davnie | Ecklund | Flanagan | Franke |
Freiberg | Halverson | Hansen | Hilstrom | Hornstein |
Johnson, C. | Johnson, S. | Koegel | Kunesh-Podein | Lesch |
Liebling | Lien | Lillie | Loeffler | Mariani |
Marquart | Masin | Maye Quade | Metsa | Moran |
Murphy, E. | Murphy, M. | Nelson | Olson | Omar |
Pelowski | Pinto | Poppe | Pryor | Rosenthal |
Sandstede | Sauke | Schultz | Slocum | Sundin |
Thissen | Urdahl | Wagenius | Ward | Youakim |
Albright | Anderson, P. | Anderson, S. | Anselmo | Backer |
Bahr, C. | Baker | Barr, R. | Bennett | Bliss |
Daniels | Daudt | Dean, M. | Drazkowski | Erickson |
Fabian | Fenton | Franson | Garofalo | Green |
Grossell | Gruenhagen | Gunther | Haley | Hamilton |
Heintzeman | Hertaus | Hoppe | Howe | Jessup |
Johnson, B. | Jurgens | Kiel | Knoblach | Koznick |
Kresha | Layman | Lohmer | Loon | Loonan |
Lucero | Lueck | McDonald | Miller | Nash |
Neu | Newberger | Nornes | O'Driscoll | O'Neill |
Peppin | Petersburg | Peterson | Pierson | Poston |
Pugh | Quam | Rarick | Runbeck | Schomacker |
Scott | Smith | Swedzinski | Theis | Torkelson |
Uglem | Vogel | West | Whelan | Wills |
Zerwas |
Date 4/6/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
CALENDAR FOR THE DAY Unofficial Eng. Amendment |
Amendment S0605A4 Anderson, S. |
4307 |
Yeas 91 |
Nays 38 |
Date 4/6/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
CALENDAR FOR THE DAY Unofficial Eng. Amendment to Hansen Amendment |
Amendment S0605A17 Murphy, E |
4309 |
Yeas 55 |
Nays 71 |
Date 4/6/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
CALENDAR FOR THE DAY Unofficial Eng. Amendment |
Amendment S0605A8 Hansen |
4310 |
Yeas 53 |
Nays 76 |
Date 4/6/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
Shall the decision of the Speaker stand as the judgment of the House |
4311 |
Yeas 73 |
Nays 55 |
Date 4/6/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
CALENDAR FOR THE DAY Unofficial Eng. Amendment |
Amendment S0605A10 Lillie |
4312 |
Yeas 62 |
Nays 68 |
Date 4/6/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
Is it the judgment of the House that the Pinto point of order is well taken |
4314 |
Yeas 57 |
Nays 74 |
Date 4/6/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
CALENDAR FOR THE DAY Unofficial Eng. Amendment to Amendment |
Amendment S0605A24 Anderson, S. |
4315 |
Yeas 70 |
Nays 61 |
Date 4/7/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
CALENDAR FOR THE DAY Unofficial Eng. Passage, as amended |
4319 |
Yeas 75 |
Nays 55 |
Date 5/9/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE Anderson, S., Motion - Adoption |
4882 |
Yeas 75 |
Nays 56 |
Date 5/9/2017 |
Bill # SF0605 View Vote |
MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE Repassage, as amended by Conference |
4883 |
Yeas 75 |
Nays 56 |