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Currently Posted Meetings

Monday, April 1, 2019

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Monday, April 1, 2019
Monday, April 1, 2019 , 9:00 AM

Legislative Water Commission

Chair: Sen. Bill Weber
Location: Basement State Office Building

1. Approval of Minutes—February 11 and March 18, 2019

2. Welcome to new member: Senator Michael Goggin

3. Presentation: MN Rural Water Association, Lori Blair, Director

4. Update: Section 404 Assumption: Clean Water Act

5. Update: Background--proposed changes to the specific conductance standard (Stark)

6. Discussion: Proposed Legislation for a Consolidated Water Agency (Stark)

7. Discussion: Progress on LWC recommended bills

8. Discussion: Next steps bills

9. Discussion: Proposed field tour with CWC, LCCMR, LSOHC-- Summer

10. Status of other introduced “water” legislation

11. Adjourn

For more agenda information, click here
Monday, April 1, 2019 , 9:00 AM

Property and Local Tax Division

Chair: Rep. Diane Loeffler
Location: Remote Hearing
I. HF 2348 (Loeffler) Division Report

Member discussion and consideration of amendments
Monday, April 1, 2019 , 9:30 AM

Rules and Legislative Administration

Chair: Rep. Ryan Winkler
Location: Remote Hearing
Rules and Legislative Administration
Chair: Rep. Ryan Winkler

Monday, April 01, 2019
9:30 AM to 11:15 AM
10 State Office Building

I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes of March 28, 2019

IV. Approval of House 2020-21 Budget: Testimony from House of Representatives Non-Partisan Staff

V. Adjournment

Monday, April 1, 2019 , 9:45 AM

Ways and Means

Time Changed
Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Location: Remote Hearing
The room is reserved until 12:30 if additional time is needed to complete the agenda.

HF 1706 (Lippert) Specifying duties and services of soil and water conservation districts
HF 1024 (Wolgamott) Designating a portion of marked Interstate Highway 94 as Kenneth E Sellon and Eugene B Schlotfeldt Memorial Highway
HF 1584 (Lee) Small business loan program for environmental improvement modified
HF 1127 (Baker) Designating a segment of marked Trunk Highway 23 in Kandiyohi County as Ryane Clark Memorial Highway
HF 2697 (Murphy) Claims bill
HF 1586 (Becker-Finn) Omnibus lands bill
HF 1623 (Hornstein) Transportation miscellaneous policy changes made
HF 1781 (Mahoney) Modifying use of Minnesota Investment Fund
HF 2401 (Davnie) Modifying general education aid
HF 341 (Mariani) Increasing the maximum penalty and requiring predatory offender registration for certain invasion of privacy crimes involving minors
HF 836 (Albright) Richard J. Ames Memorial Highway designation

HF 2009 (Cantrell) Health plan companies and commissioner of human services prohibited from requiring enrollees to follow metastatic cancer step therapy protocols
**BILL ADDED. HF 484 (Dettmer) Metropolitan agricultural preserves expiration modified

BILLS REMOVED: HF 5 AND HF 341 are removed from the agenda.
Bills Added
Bills Removed

Monday, April 1, 2019 , 12:00 PM

Education Finance Division

Chair: Rep. Jim Davnie
Location: Remote Hearing
Walk through of the Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division Report & the Education Finance Omnibus bill:

HF 2400 (Davnie) School district abatement aid calculation modified.

Amendments to the Education Finance Omnibus DE amendment are due on Tuesday, April 2 at 5 pm.

Public testimony will begin after the walk through of HF 2400's DE amendment and will conclude in the following meeting should it not be completed today.

*Public testimony is limited to 2 minutes - please email to reserve a spot on the public testimony list.*
Monday, April 1, 2019 , 12:00 PM

Health and Human Services Finance Division

Chair: Rep. Tina Liebling
Location: Remote Hearing
HF5 (Halverson) Paid family, pregnancy, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; data classified; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF2604 (Liebling) Legislatively mandated reports production cost report required.
HF2605 (Liebling) Background study fee deposit to special revenue fund required.
Testimony will be limited at two minutes and focused on the HHS section of HF5.
Bills Added
Monday, April 1, 2019 , 3:30 PM

Floor Session

Monday, April 1, 2019 , 6:00 PM

Capital Investment Division

Chair: Rep. Mary Murphy
Location: Remote Hearing
The Capital Investment Division will meet at 6:00 pm or 30 minutes after Floor session adjournment.

The sections of HF 1216 within the committee's purview will be heard.

HF 1216 (Schultz) Duluth; regional exchange district establishment authorized, state general sales tax exemption provided, advisory board created, powers and duties conferred, tax abatement and tax increment financing rules provided, local sales and use tax imposition authorized, state appropriation bonds issued, and money appropriated.

The Next Step - continued.
ADDED: State Agency testimony
Other agenda items may be added.
Bills Added

Monday, April 1, 2019 , 6:30 PM

State Government Finance Division

Chair: Rep. Michael V. Nelson
Location: Remote Hearing
I. HF 2746 (Alcomb) Appropriating money to preserve and make accessible
historic resources.

II. HF 2750 (Nelson) Base appropriation reduced, and Minnesota Film and TV Board transfer prohibited in fiscal years 2020 and 2021

III. HF 2751 (Nelson) Minnesota Humanities Center base appropriation reduced; and Healthy Eating, Here at Home program fiscal years 2020 and 2021 grants prohibited

More bills may be added
Bills Added