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Currently Posted Meetings

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009


Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Location: 200 State Office Building
Bills Added
Monday, April 6, 2009


Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF1221 (Bunn) Stillwater lift bridge endowment account established.
HF863 (Hilty) Excess energy savings carry forward allowed by power companies, and conservation improvement program study.
HF1754 (Hilty) Energy or commerce projects and activities funding provided, money appropriated, assessments, audits, insurance, public utilities, cooperative electric associations, and municipal power agencies provisions modified.
HF680 (Kalin) Federal stimulus funding direction provided for energy programs.
HF908 (Urdahl) Shared work plan provided relating to unemployment insurance.
SF656 (Hilty) Appliance energy standards analysis by legislative energy commission

HF809 (Hornstein) has been removed
Monday, April 6, 2009
Time Note: Committee will recess at 1 p.m. for the floor session and reconvene immediately following session

Rules and Legislative Administration

Chair: Rep. Tony Sertich
Location: 118 State Capitol
Discussion of time parameters for April 6 and April 7 House Floor Debate
House legal fees
Monday, April 6, 2009

Floor Session

Location: House Chamber
Chair: Rep. Tom Huntley
Location: 200 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Al Juhnke
Location: 5 State Office Building
HF1122 (Juhnke) Omnibus agriculture, rural economies and veterans affairs bill.
*Note - The delete all amendment will be available at this hearing. The bill will be amended and voted on the following day.
Monday, April 6, 2009

Energy Finance and Policy Division

Time Changed
Chair: Rep. Bill Hilty
Location: Basement State Office Building
HF932 (Bly) Rate schedule for renewable energy projects established, reports required.

HF549 (Davnie) has been removed from the agenda
Monday, April 6, 2009


Time Changed Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Ann Lenczewski
Location: 10 State Office Building
HF1998 (Paymar) Income tax rates increased.
HF923 (Carlson) Property taxes; One-year lag in determining fiscal disparities contribution net tax capacities and discrimination levies eliminated.
HF2217 (Dill) Cook County; Local sales and use tax and bonding authority limit for certain projects modified.
HF1405 (Hilstrom) Tax data disclosed to law enforcement authorities.
HF1257 (Mullery) Taxation mandates imposed on pass-through interests of nonresident individuals clarified.
HF1584 (Gardner) Home heating fuel exemption modified.
HF1105 (Swails) Transit taxing district redefined, and tax levy outside existing transit taxing district authorized.
HF2172 (Lenczewski) Sales tax technical changes made.

HF101 (Kalin) has been removed from the agenda
Monday, April 6, 2009

State Government Finance Division

Time Changed
Chair: Rep. Phyllis Kahn
Location: 300N State Office Building
HF691 (Rukavina) Vacation donation program modified;
HF715 (Newton) Disabled veteran owned businesses designated as targeted group businesses for purposes of awarding certain state and metropolitan agency contracts;
HF938 (Reinert) State employees with disabled veteran status provided additional sick leave;
HF1053 (Simon) Public officials required to provide additional data to the secretary of state for use in maintaining the voter registration system, and automatic voter registration of applicants for a driver's license, instruction permit, or identification card provided, and certain notice requirements changed;
HF1113 (Morgan) Early voting authorized, and special elections provided in case of vacancies in nomination;
HF1218 (Lillie) State Contracts ratified;
HF1219 (Kahn) Health insurance benefit availability required for domestic partners of state employees if they are also made available to spouses;
HF1351 (Winkler) Absentee ballot requirements and provisions modified;
Monday, April 6, 2009

Civil Justice

Chair: Rep. Joe Mullery
Location: 300S State Office Building
HF354 (Hilstrom) Mortgage foreclosure proceedings notice and mandatory mediation required prior to commencement on homestead property, and homestead-lender mediation account created;
HF1396 (Smith) Domestic abuse; Courts authorized to include pets and companion animals in protective orders;
HF1795 (Ruud) Birthing center licensure established, liability limited for hospitals and physicians in certain situations, fees established, and licensed birthing centers designated as essential community providers.
HF127 (Holberg) Motor vehicle definition clarified in statutory provision deeming the driver to be the agent of the owner in case of accident;
HF1482 (Thissen) Estates subject to medical assistance claims modified;
HF521 (Thissen) Volunteer health practitioner provisions modified;
HF804 (Thissen) Guardian and conservator governing provisions modified;
HF854 (Lesch) Customer liability for unauthorized use of lost of stolen cellular phones limited;
HF348 (Lesch) Law prohibiting she
Chair: Rep. Mary Murphy
Location: 5 State Office Building
HF2229 (Murphy, M) Cultural and Outdoor Resources Finance Division's Agencies and Accounts Appropriation Bill as amended by the A09-0305 amendment
-Final Passage
Committee discussion of structure for the Constitutionally Dedicated Funds for Outdoor Heritage; Clean Water; Parks and Trails; and Arts and Cultural Heritage
Monday, April 6, 2009

Game, Fish and Forestry Division

Chair: Rep. David Dill
Location: Basement State Office Building
Monday, April 6, 2009

Game, Fish and Forestry Division

Chair: Rep. David Dill
Location: Basement State Office Building
HF2221 (McNamara) Bow fishing to take rough fish restrictions modified
Monday, April 6, 2009

Local Government Division

Chair: Rep. Michael Nelson
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF1670 (Mariani) Municipality rent control provisions modified.
SF740 (Abeler) Anoka County; Design-build process authorized to award contract for construction of intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and County State-Aid Highway 83.

SF104 (Kelly) has been removed from the agenda
Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Thomas Huntley
Location: Basement State Office Building
HF2148 (Huntley) Medicare costs modified for purposes of nursing facility rebasing.
HF1032 (Fritz) Self-advocacy program established for persons with developmental disabilities, and appropriated money transferred.
HF1830 (Huntley) Seven-county metropolitan area hospital payment rates modified.
HF1771 (Scott) Child support provisions changed, and child support payment redirected.
HF985 (Hayden) Children aging out of foster care provisions modified.

HF1567 and HF1329 have been removed from the agenda