Time Changed Location Changed
Chair: Rep. Mike Freiberg
Location: Remote Hearing
HF2808 (Elkins)
Website Accessibility Grant Advisory Council established, grants to cities and counties to improve website accessibility funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1977 (Elkins)
Contract nonmonetary consideration restriction exemption added.
HF2066 (Runbeck)
SCEH2066-1 First Subcommittee Engrossment
Criminal background checks authorized by local units of government.
HF1949 (Nash)
Cloud computing service operations consideration in state agency information technology projects required, technology infrastructure inventories and security risk assessments required, information technology services consolidation and strategic workplan completion required, agency surcharge consolidation required, and reports mandated.
Legislative enactment single subject requirement enacted, and constitutional amendment proposed.
PLEASE NOTE: Testimony will be limited. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please contact Amanda Rudolph at amanda.rudolph@house.mn.
**Bills may be added or removed from the agenda.
Bills Added
Legislative enactment single subject requirement enacted, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Website Accessibility Grant Advisory Council established, grants to cities and counties to improve website accessibility funding provided, and money appropriated.
Contract nonmonetary consideration restriction exemption added.
Criminal background checks authorized by local units of government.
Cloud computing defined, and consideration of cloud computing options in state agency information technology projects required.