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Currently Posted Meetings

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 , 8:00 AM
Time Note: Meeting may go longer than 9:30 am

Capital Investment Division

Chair: Rep. Mary Murphy
Location: Remote Hearing
Listening to Minnesotans in their hometowns: An overview of House statewide bonding tours

MMB Presentation on Governor’s bonding recommendations


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 , 12:00 PM

Floor Session

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 , 12:45 PM

Government Operations

Time Changed Location Changed
Chair: Rep. Mike Freiberg
Location: Remote Hearing
Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act. Emergency insulin program established, Minnesota insulin patient assistance program established, pharmacy and insulin manufacturer participation required, reports required, and money appropriated.

Please note that this is a clone bill to HF3100 (Howard). The clone bill will be referred to the Committee on Government Operations on the first day of session.

Pursuant to House Rule 4.20, the following bills were returned to the Committee on Government Operations from the General Register. The committee will not take public testimony on these bills, as they were heard and debated on the merits during the 2019 legislative session. Only technical amendments may be offered for these bills. The committee will be making procedural votes to move the bills out of committee and back to the General Register.

HF1397 (Freiberg) Daylight saving time effective year-round provided upon federal authorization.

HF1994 (Freiberg) Hennepin County; provisions modified applying to the financing of campaigns for Hennepin County elections and for certain political subdivisions in Hennepin County.

HF192 (Masin) Metropolitan Council staggered terms provided, nomination committee membership expanded, additional information required to be made publicly available as part of the selection process, and council member qualifications clarified.

HF703 (Masin) Political subdivision compensation limit repealed, and conforming change made.

HF2059 (Lee) Fair campaign practice provisions changed.

HF511 (Elkins) Plastic bags and similar items prohibition on local ordinances repealed.

HF94 (Vang) Elections; number of voters an individual may assist in marking a ballot increased.

HF505 (Fischer) State flag design task force created.
Bills Added

Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Location: Remote Hearing
Minnesota Sentencing Guideline Commission Day

Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission Presentation on the 2020 Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission Report to the Legislature

HF 3156 (Mariani) Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF 689 (Long) Probation length for certain offenses modified, and court-granted early termination and discharge of probation clarified.

HF 3157 (Mariani) Sentencing Guidelines Commission; Sentencing Guidelines provided by adding a section to article XIII of the Minnesota Constitution, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Bills Added

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 , 2:30 PM


Chair: Rep. Laurie Halverson
Location: Remote Hearing
HF 3100 (Howard) Emergency insulin program established, Minnesota insulin patient assistance program established, pharmacy and insulin manufacturer participation required, reports required, and money appropriated.

Public testimony may be limited to 3 minutes per testifier. If you are interested in testifying on HF 3100 in the Commerce Committee, please email and by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2020
Bills Added
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 , 2:30 PM
Time Note: **The committee hearing is set to begin at 2:30 PM. Should floor session go beyond 2:30 PM, the committee will meet 15 minutes after session adjourns.**

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

Time Changed
Chair: Rep. John Persell
Location: Remote Hearing
PLEASE NOTE: Location - Room 10


Pursuant to House Rule 4.20 HF721 was returned to the Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division. The committee will not take public testimony on this bill as it received a full hearing last year. The committee will vote to send the bill back to the General Register.

HF1255 (Wagenius) Cities authorized to adopt pesticide control ordinances.

HF3057 (Lee) Nonexpiring air emission permit public hearing required every five years.

HF3058 (Lee) Air quality permit; cumulative pollution analyzation and consideration before issuance requirement modified.

If you would like to testify, please contact Addie Miller at or 651-296-2491.
