Location Changed Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Greg Davids
Location: 5 State Office Building
HF2786 (Swedzinski) Qualifying cities exempted from 2011 aid penalties.
HF2792 (Doepke) Independent School District No. 284, Wayzata, lease levy authorized for administrative space.
HF1954 (Downey) Counties and cities required to report additional budgetary information.
HF2927 (Hortman) Metropolitan Council and Three Rivers Park District spending authority modified.
The DE amendment to HF2690 is posted under Committee Documents. Committee Engrossments of HF2786 & HF2927 will be posted when available. Please contact the Committee Administrator if you would like to see the adopted amendments from Property & Local Tax Division.
Action will be taken on HF2792, HF2786, HF1954, HF2927 and HF2690.
Bills Added
Individual income, corporate franchise, property, sales and use, and other taxes and tax-related provisions changed; supplemental targeting refund provided; city aid payments modified and cities exempted from 2011 aid payment penalties; technical, minor, and clarifying changes made in enterprise zone and economic development powers, and obsolete provisions eliminated; fund transfer required; and money appropriated.
Historic structure rehabilitation tax credit sunset extended.