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Currently Posted Meetings

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Location: 200 State Office Building
Bills Added
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF45 (Bigham) Penalty provided for careless driving resulting in death, and providing for revocation of violator's driver's license.
HF1849 (Nelson) Local government unit mandates removed, extended and modified.
HF1097 (Hansen) Aircraft cockpits secured against lasers.
HF1088 (Swails) Commercial driver's license record-keeping requirements conformed to federal regulations.
HF1665 (Swails) Education; Best practices center for shared services established.
SF1794/HF1127 (Eastlund) National Guard and reserve member pay differential clarified for teachers.
HF644 (Champion) Home rule charter or statutory city authorized to adopt a program requiring certain hiring practices in city contracts.
HF986 (Thissen) County maintenance of effort provisions amended for mental health provisions.

HF809 (Hornstein) has been removed.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chair: Sen. Jim Vickerman
Location: Basement State Office Building
HF1122*/SF1779 (Juhnke/Vickerman) Omnibus agriculture and veterans finance bill
Introductions and side by side walk through.
Chair: Rep. Mary Murphy
Location: 5 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. Thomas Huntley
Location: 500N State Office Building
HF1703 (Huntley) Health care eligibility provisions amended for medical assistance, MinnesotaCare, and general assistance medical care, and Drug Utilization Review Board established.
HF1728 (Loeffler) Provisions amended for child care programs, program integrity, adult supports including general assistance medical care and group residential housing and Minnesota family investment program.
HF1708 (Hosch) Mental health provisions amended, medical assistance reimbursement and eligibility changed, provider qualification and training requirements changed, mental health behavioral aide services amended, an excluded service added, special contracts with bordering states changed, and new methodology rate required.
HF1565 (Kelly) Goodhue County; Nursing facility beds consolidated and relocated to a new site.
HF2069 (Liebling) Chemical health pilot projects created.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chair: Sen. Linda Scheid
Location: 125 State Capitol
HF704/SF166 (Knuth/Scheid) Insurable Interest Act
Reviewing revisor side-by-side
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Floor Session

Location: House Chamber
Chair: Rep. Tom Huntley
Location: 200 State Office Building
Bills Added
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Higher Education

Time Changed Location Changed Agenda Changed
Chair: Sen. Sandy Pappas
Location: 118 State Capitol
Discussion of items that differ in the two bills, starting with policy provisions.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chair: Rep. Linda Scheid
Location: 125 Captiol
HF704/SF166 (Knuth/Scheid) Insurable Interest Act
Continued discussion of Revisor side-by-side
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Ann Lenczewski
Location: 10 State Office Building
HF885 (Lenczewski) Department of Revenue technical and policy bill

The committee will return at 5pm to complete the agenda:
HF1298 (Lenczewski) Omnibus public finance bill
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

E-12 Education

Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF2/SF1328 (Greiling/Stumpf) Omnibus E-12 Education bill
Walk-through of spreadsheets and side-by-sides
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Public Safety Finance

Chair: Sen. Linda Higgins
Location: 112 State Capitol
HF1657/SF802* (Paymar/Higgins) Omnibus public safety and judiciary appropriations
Review of the side-by-side and spreadsheet
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Economic Development

Chair: Sen. David Tomassoni
Location: 318 State Capitol
HF1169/SF2081* (Rukavina/Tomassoni) Discussion of differences between the House and Senate bills.