HF196 (Greiling) Mental health provisions modified, inmate assessments required, children's mental health grants and training established, medical assistance covered services modified, Crisis Intervention Team State Council created, and money appropriated.
HF1067 (Huntley) Mental health provisions modified, county board duties clarified, mental health service delivery reform provided, grants authorized; and medical assistance and MinnesotaCare coverage modified.
HF794 (Otremba) Medical assistance coverage modified to include consultations with psychologists, and medical assistance reimbursement rate for critical access mental health services increased.
HF1875 (Huntley) Medical education research funds; public program volume factor for MERC converted from revenue to charges.
HF1 (Thissen) Children's health security account and program created, eligibility criteria and covered services specified, Legislative Task Force on Children's Health Care Coverage established, and money appropriated.
HF297 (Huntley) Health care premiums restricted, universal health care plan required, MinnesotaCare provisions modified, residents right to affordable health care stated, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1873 (Bunn) Health care cost containment goals annual reports required, medical expenditure review committee and health care transformation task force established, performance payments modified, grants provided, and money appropriated.
HF1729 (Huntley) Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange established; and Section 125 plans required.
HF276 (Otremba) MinnesotaCare self-employed farmers income definition modified.
HF463 (Murphy, E.) MinnesotaCare small employer buy-in option created.
HF1809 (Dominguez) Essential community provider status applications and renewals authorized, safety net health care providers grants provided, reimbursement rates modified, MinnesotaCare outreach grants and study required, and money appropriated.
HF1078 (Huntley) Hospital public interest review and alternative approval process modified, and hospital accountability requirements established for tax purposes.
HF1399 (Huntley) Northeastern Minnesota community-based health care coverage program demonstration project established, federal grant program references removed, evaluation report due dates modified, and money appropriated.
HF644 (Huntley) Health Care Access Fund Oversight Commission established.
Other bills will be added…