Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HFXXXX (Newton) Providing an official method for folding the Minnesota State Flag.
Bills Added:
(Juhnke) - Veterans Preference Act provisions clarified and amended.
(Faust) - "IRAQ WAR VET" and "AFGHAN WAR VET" license plates eligibility clarified.
(Morrow) - Gold Star motor vehicle license plate eligibility extended to include children and siblings of persons who have died while serving in active military service.
(Hansen) - Tree care and tree trimming company registration required, and sale and distribution of firewood regulated.
(Nornes) - Agent Orange; Congressional Delegation of the Great State of Minnesota called, by resolution, to fully support and fund passage of the Agent Orange Equity Act of 2009.
(Emmer) - Horses and other equines clarified as livestock and that raising them is an agricultural pursuit.
(Olin) - Compensation program modified for livestock crippled or destroyed by a gray wolf.
(Faust) - Pesticide control provisions changed, waiver of fee authorized, bovine tuberculosis control provided, native grasses and wildflower seed production and incentive program eliminated, and ownership of agricultural land authorized by certain nonprofit corporations.
(Juhnke) - Congress of the United States memorialized to oppose legislation interfering with a state's ability to direct the transport or processing of horses.
(Newton) - Transit fee exemption provisions clarified for veterans with service-connected disabilities.
(Newton) - Veterans of Foreign Wars Day designated as May 28.
(Doty) - Higher education benefit eligibility requirement eliminated for surviving spouse and children of a deceased veteran who dies as a result of military service.
(Doty) - Minnesota "Support our Troops" account eligible money use expanded.