Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Additional bills may be added
NOTE: HF2601 and HF2157 will be heard jointly and will be also heard first on the agenda.
Presentations by Minnesota State Colleges and Univiersities (MNSCU) Re-entry programs for Veterans
Bills Added:
(Hancock) - Bemidji; Northern Minnesota Veterans Home funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
(Persell) - Bemidji; veterans facility establishment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
(McElfatrick) - Veteran education program established, and money appropriated.
(Dettmer) - Pay differential law amended as it applies to school district employees who are members of the National Guard or any other reserve unit.
Additional bills may be added
NOTE: HF 2608 has been removed and will be rescheduled for Monday 3/12/12
Bills Added:
(Anderson) - Noncompetitive appointment of disabled veterans in the classified service provided.
(Anderson) - State award issuance to Minnesota National Guard nonmembers allowed.
(Anderson) - Veterans removal hearing board appointment procedure modified.
(Anderson) - Resolution; Congress and the President of the United States memorialized to formally recognize the Khmer Freedom Fighters.
(Kriesel) - Special veterans' plates service branch designs added.
Short Presentation/Programs Update by Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans(MAC-V) will be first on the agenda.
Bills Added:
(Kriesel) - Veterans and spouses of a disabled or deceased veteran hiring and promotion preference by private employer permitted.
(Dettmer) - Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery burial eligibility expanded to include deceased allied Hmong-American or Lao-American veterans of the American Secret War in Laos.
(Dettmer) - Congress and the President of the United States memorialized to amend federal veterans cemetery law to expand eligibility for burial in state veterans cemeteries developed with federal funding to include allied Hmong-American and Lao-American veterans of America's Secret War in Laos.
(Dettmer) - Lawful gambling net profits for military marching, color guard, or honor guard units allowable per diem reimbursement increased.
Testifers for HF 1452 and HF 1820:
Ralph Donais: Military Action Group and United Veterans Legislative Council of MN
Testifiers for HF 2139:
Don Kerr, Executive Director, Department of Military Affairs
Don Sinnwell, local business owner and Veteran
NOTE: BILL ADDED .HF 1821 was heard on January 30th but laid over to work out some language changes. These changes have been addressed and the bill will be reconsidered at end of this committee meeting if time is available.
Bills Added:
(Dettmer) - Tax credit for past military service eligibility modified.
(Dettmer) - Military service credit; income based reduction modified.
(Urdahl) - Motor vehicle sales tax exemption provided on a portion of the value of a motor vehicle purchased abroad during military service outside the United States.
(Bills) - Tax credit provided to employers who employ qualified veterans.
(Dettmer) - Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.
(Dettmer) - Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.
(Urdahl) - Honor guard stipends preference modified.
(Dettmer) - Beyond the Yellow Ribbon civil immunity provided, and business discrimination provision modified.
(Anderson) - Veteran license plate collection preserved, and distribution and sale of remaining discontinued veterans plates directed and use of revenue authorized.
(Gruenhagen) - Military affairs; nonpublic employees reemployment rights protections extended.