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Audio/Video Archives - 2019-2020 Regular Session

Health and Human Services Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 39
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Health and Human Services Policy

HF3928 (Brand) Health advisory councils and committee changes made.
HF2052 (Cantrell) Health indicator reports modified.
HF2008 (Cantrell) Renovation and lead hazard reduction provisions modified.
HF2910 (Cantrell) Respiratory care practitioner requirements modified.
HF3794 (Huot) X-ray provisions changed.
HF1591 (Morrison) Personal identifier transfer allowed in the cancer reporting system.
Bills Added:
HF2008 (Cantrell) - Renovation and lead hazard reduction provisions modified.
HF2052 (Cantrell) - Health indicator reports modified.
HF2910 (Cantrell) - Respiratory care practitioner requirements modified.
HF3794 (Huot) - X-ray provisions changed.
HF1591 (Morrison) - Personal identifier transfer allowed in the cancer reporting system.
HF3928 (Brand) - Health advisory council and committee changes made.
H2008DE1.pdf (3/2/2020)
H3928A1.pdf (3/2/2020)
H2910A1.pdf (3/3/2020)
H3794A2.pdf (3/3/2020)

Health and Human Services Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
NOTE: HF1400 received an informational hearing, including public testimony, on September 11, 2019. Public testimony at this hearing will be limited to the content of the A-2 author's amendment.

HF3079 (Richardson) Disabilities added to focus of health disparities.
HF3318 (Acomb) Metro Demo housing support program expanded.
HF3026 (Mann) Coverage provided for routine patient costs incurred in clinical trial course if medical assistance program would provide coverage for same routine patient costs not incurred in clinical trial.
HF3892 (Morrison) Women exempted from MinnesotaCare cost-sharing and premiums during postpartum period, and human services commissioner required to provide recommendations on continuous health coverage for women transitioning from medical assistance postpartum coverage.
HF1400 (Morrison) Health care interpreters spoken language registry system established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3632 (Moran) Family assets for independence initiative modified.
HF4013 (Fischer) Lead risk assessments and orders requirements modified.
HF3486 (Jordan) Lead service line replacement authority provisions changed.
HF4010 (Jordan) Groundwater protection provision modified.

HF3093 (Richardson) Maternal health provisions implemented, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF3079 (Richardson) - Disabilities added to focus of health disparities, and populations added to community grants targeting health disparities.
HF3318 (Acomb) - Metro Demo housing support program expanded.
HF3026 (Mann) - Treatment from approved clinical trials exempted from coverage.
HF1400 (Morrison) - Health care interpreters spoken language registry system established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3632 (Moran) - Family assets for independence initiative modified.
HF3892 (Morrison) - Women exempted from MinnesotaCare premiums, and human services commissioner required to provide recommendations on ensuring continuous health coverage for women transitioning from medical assistance postpartum coverage.
HF4013 (Fischer) - Lead risk assessments and orders requirements modified.
H3079DE1.pdf (2/27/2020)
H1400A2.pdf (2/27/2020)
H3318DE2.pdf (2/27/2020)
H3892DE1.pdf (3/2/2020)
H3026DE1-2.pdf (3/2/2020)
H3093A20-0665.pdf (3/2/2020)
H4013A1.pdf (3/2/2020)
H3318A1.pdf (3/3/2020)

Health and Human Services Policy

**Bills may be added. Bills may be taken up in any order based on authors’ availability.**

NOTE: For the purpose of making a corrective referral, the following bill will be moved to the Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division without recommendation:
HF3678 (Bahner) Income and asset exclusion expiration date extended for public assistance program eligibility as part of the income and child development in the first three year of life demonstration project.

**NOTE: Public testimony was received for HF3032 at the committee hearing on Wednesday, February 26. The February 28 hearing for this bill will be limited to member discussion.**

HF3838 (Olson) Board of Pharmacy application and renewal fees for medical gas dispensers reduced, Opiate Epidemic Response Advisory Council term lengths and appointment procedures modified, opiate epidemic response account technical changes made, opiate or narcotic pain reliever refill timelines eliminated, and money appropriated.
HF2772 (Olson) Home and community-based services employee scholarship program expanded to also repay qualified educational loans of employees.
HF3322 (Kunesh-Podein) Medical assistance requirement for persons needing breast or cervical cancer treatment modified.
HF2971 (Cantrell) Vocational services for individuals with disabilities provided, and reports required.
HF1732 (Kresha) Child maltreatment and neglect sections reorganized and clarified, and technical changes made.
HF2044 (Klevorn) Birth and death record access changed.
HF3445 (Morrison) Psychiatric residential treatment facility services determination and documentation requirement to involve state medical review agent eliminated, per diem rate per youth psychiatric residential treatment services provider establishment required, and facilities or licensed professionals permitted to submit billing for arranged services.
HF2179 (Huot) Casket and urn sale license exception clarified.
HF771 (Moran) Cultural and ethnic communities leadership council governing provisions modified.
HF3276 (Moran) Child out-of-home placement cost of care, examination, and treatment governing provisions modified.
HF3032 (Halverson) Tobacco; flavored product sale or furnishing prohibited, selling or furnishing administrative penalties modified, persons under age 21 who sell or distribute flavored products alternative civil penalties provided, and criminal penalties provided.

Bills Added:
HF771 (Moran) - Cultural and Ethnic Communities Leadership Council governing provisions modified.
HF1732 (Kresha) - Child maltreatment and neglect sections reorganized and clarified, and technical changes made.
HF2044 (Klevorn) - Birth and death record access changed.
HF2179 (Huot) - Casket and urn sale license exception clarified.
HF2772 (Olson) - Home and community-based services employee scholarship program expanded to also repay qualified educational loans of employees.
HF2971 (Cantrell) - Vocational services provided for individuals with disabilities, and reports required.
HF3276 (Moran) - Child out-of-home placement cost of care, examination, and treatment governing provisions modified; and initial phone call between foster parent and child's parent or legal guardian required.
HF3322 (Kunesh-Podein) - Medical assistance requirement for persons needing breast or cervical cancer treatment modified.
HF3445 (Morrison) - Psychiatric residential treatment facility service determination and documentation requirement to involve state medical review agent eliminated, per diem rate per youth psychiatric residential treatment services provider establishment required, and facilities or licensed professionals permitted to submit billing for arranged services.
HF3678 (Bahner) - Income and asset exclusion expiration date extended for public assistance program eligibility as part of the income and child development in the first three years of life demonstration project.
HF3032 (Halverson) - Tobacco; flavored product sale or furnishing prohibited, selling or furnishing administrative penalties modified, persons under age 21 who sell or distribute flavored products alternative civil penalties provided, and criminal penalties provided.
HF3838 (Olson) - Board of Pharmacy application and renewal fees for medical gas dispensers reduced, terminology and related changes made, Opiate Epidemic Response Advisory Council term lengths and appointment procedures modified, opiate epidemic response account technical changes made, opiate or narcotic pain reliever refill timelines eliminated, and money appropriated.
H0771DE1.pdf (2/24/2020)
H2044DE1.pdf (2/25/2020)
H1732A20-0653.pdf (2/26/2020)
H3276A2.pdf (2/26/2020)
H2772A2.pdf (2/26/2020)
H3445A2.pdf (2/26/2020)
HF 2971 DE1 2.28.20.pdf (2/26/2020)
H1732A20-0657.pdf (2/27/2020)

Health and Human Services Policy

HF3032 (Halverson): Tobacco; flavored product sale or furnishing prohibited, selling or furnishing administrative penalties modified, persons under age 21 who sell or distribute flavored products alternative civil penalties provided, and criminal penalties provided.

HF3072 (Moran): Smoking prohibited in passenger vehicles and public transportation vehicles with persons under age 18 present, and violation fine established.
Bills Added:
HF3032 (Halverson) - Tobacco; flavored product sale or furnishing prohibited, selling or furnishing administrative penalties modified, persons under age 21 who sell or distribute flavored products alternative civil penalties provided, and criminal penalties provided.
HF3072 (Moran) - Smoking prohibited in passenger vehicles and public transportation vehicles with persons under age 18 present, and violation fine established.
H3032A1.pdf (2/21/2020)
H3072A1-1.pdf (2/24/2020)

Health and Human Services Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation from Commissioner of Health Jan Malcolm

HF2898 (Edelson) Civil commitment governing provisions modified, engagement services pilot project established, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF2898 (Edelson) - Civil commitment governing provisions modified, and engagement services pilot project established.
A20-0600.pdf (2/13/2020)
H2898A1.pdf (2/17/2020)
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