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Audio/Video Archives - 2019-2020 Regular Session

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 57
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Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division


Presentation by the Office of the Legislative Auditor on Their Report on Prison Safety and Security

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Mental Health and Criminal Justice Day

Presentation by Professors Jillian Peterson and James Densley on Criminal Justice Responses to Mental Illness

HF 3411 (Edelson) Civil commitment governing provisions modified, engagement services pilot project established, and money appropriated.

HF 1864 (Munson) Presentence investigation reports inclusion of brain injury information authorized.
Bills Added:
HF1864 (Munson) - Presentence investigation reports inclusion of brain injury information authorized.
HF3411 (Edelson) - Civil commitment governing provisions modified, and engagement services pilot project established.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Youth and Criminal Justice Reform Day

Presentation by the Minnesota Youth Council

Presentation by the Department of Corrections Juvenile Justice Unit

HF 3453 (Edelson) Juvenile risk assessment provided,and issues relating to juveniles including alternatives to arrest and use of restraints addressed.

HF 3109 (Edelson) Individuals convicted as an extended jurisdiction juvenile statistic report required.

HF 3105 (Edelson) Probationary sentences for nonviolent offenders provided.

*Bills may be added to the agenda
Bills Added:
HF3109 (Edelson) - Individuals convicted as an extended jurisdiction juvenile statistic report required.
HF3105 (Edelson) - Probationary sentences for nonviolent offenders provided.
HF3453 (Edelson) - Juvenile risk assessment provided, and issues relating to juveniles including alternatives to arrest and use of restraints addressed.
H3105A1.pdf (2/18/2020)

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Survivor Advocacy Day

HF 3218 (Moller) Short Description: Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigation of peace officers accused of sexual assault required.

HF 3070 (Pinto) Human trafficking offense penalties increased, and prostitution patron penalties increased

HF 464 (O'Neill) Relating to public safety; establishing the domestic abuse transformation program account for funding domestic abuse transformation programs

HF 2983 (O’Neill) Unrestricted sexual assault examination kit; samples required to be tested, retention and storage requirements established, design and publication of a uniform consent form required, searchable database to track the status of testing created, additional lab scientists and software upgrade funding provided, and money appropriated.

Last Year Bills
*HF 734 (Gomez) Sex offense statute of limitations eliminated
*HF 2586 (Gomez) U-Visa certification documents timely process required by certifying entities.
*HF 2367 (Dehn) Certifying entities required to timely process visa certification documents.

*Bills that have been heard last year. Testimony was taken at that time. No testimony will be taken during this hearing on these bills. Technical amendments will be provided for these bills to update certain dates.
**Bills may be added to the agenda
Bills Added:
HF464 (O'Neill) - Domestic abuse transformation program account established to fund domestic abuse transformation programs, and money appropriated.
HF734 (Gomez) - Sex offense statute of limitations eliminated.
HF2586 (Gomez) - U-Visa certification documents timely process required by certifying entities.
HF3070 (Pinto) - Human trafficking offense penalties increased, and prostitution patron penalties increased.
HF2983 (O'Neill) - Unrestricted sexual assault examination kit; samples required to be tested, retention and storage requirements established, design and publication of a uniform consent form required, searchable database to track the status of testing created, additional lab scientists and software upgrade funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3218 (Moller) - Peace officers accused of sexual assault required to be investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
HF2367 (Dehn) - Certifying entities required to timely process visa certification documents.
H3218A1.pdf (2/14/2020)
H0734A1.pdf (2/15/2020)
H0464A1.pdf (2/15/2020)
H2367A3.pdf (2/17/2020)
H2586DE1.pdf (2/17/2020)
H2983A2.pdf (2/17/2020)

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Emergency Responders Day

HF 1782 (Youakim) Firefighters with cancer or heart disease program to provide payments, counseling, and training established; and money appropriated.

HF 1273 (Marquart) Emergency management readiness grants for local planning and preparedness efforts funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.

HF 3003 (Noor) Automatic sprinkler system installation in certain existing high-rise buildings required.

HF 2901 (Baker) Minnesota Recovers Task Force temporary subcommittee established, reports required, and money appropriated.

Last Year Bills
*HF 571 (Mariani) - Misdemeanor certification clarified.
*HF 2013 (Dehn) Marijuana offenses thresholds adjusted, and penalties provided.
*HF 301 (Stephenson) - A bill for an act relating to public safety; amending certain burglary crimes following a trespass notice.
*HF 1237 (Winkler) State and local jail and prison inmates required to be housed in publicly owned and operated jails and prisons, and state and counties prohibited from contracting with private prisons.

Last Hearing Bills
**HF 689 (Long) Probation length for certain offenses modified, and court-granted early termination and discharge of probation clarified.

*Bills that have been heard last year. Testimony was taken at that time. No testimony will be taken during this hearing on these bills. Technical amendments will be provided for these bills to update certain dates.

**Bills that have been heard last hearing. Testimony was taken at that time. No testimony will be taken during this hearing on this bill. An amendment discussed last hearing will be provided for this bill.
Bills Added:
HF1782 (Youakim) - Firefighter program established to provide payments to those with cancer or heart disease, and for firefighter counseling and training; and money appropriated.
HF1273 (Marquart) - Emergency management readiness grants for local planning and preparedness efforts funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3003 (Noor) - Automatic sprinkler system installation in certain existing high-rise buildings required.
HF571 (Mariani) - Misdemeanor certification clarified.
HF2013 (Dehn) - Marijuana offenses thresholds adjusted, and penalties provided.
HF301 (Stephenson) - Burglary crimes following trespass notice amended.
HF2901 (Baker) - Minnesota Recovers Task Force temporary subcommittee established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF689 (Long) - Probation length for certain offenses modified, and court-granted early termination and discharge of probation clarified.
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