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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Audio/Video Archives - 2025-2026 Regular Session

Energy Finance and Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Total Results: 2

Energy Finance and Policy

I. Call to Order

II. Minutes from February 11, 2025

III. HF 28 (Mekeland) - Data center energy generation redundancy provided.

IV. Adjournment

*All agenda items subject to change at the discretion of the Chair.

If you wish to testify, please email by 1:00 PM on 2/12/2025.
Bills Added:
HF28 (Mekeland) - Data center energy generation redundancy provided.

Energy Finance and Policy

I. Call to Order

II. HF 9 (Swedzinski) - Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified; electric utility requirements relating to energy, solar, or carbon-free standards delayed under certain conditions; and sales tax exemption for residential heating fuels and electricity expanded.

III. Adjournment

*All agenda items subject to change at the discretion of the Chair.

If you wish to testify, please email by 1:00 PM on 2/10/2025.
Bills Added:
HF9 (Swedzinski) - Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified; electric utility requirements relating to energy, solar, or carbon-free standards delayed under certain conditions; and sales tax exemption for residential heating fuels and electricity expanded.
Page: Total Results: 2

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