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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Ways and Means

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation of the November 2016 Budget & Economic Forecast

Agriculture Policy

Informational hearing on Governor Dayton's Executive Order 16-07: Directing Steps to Reverse Decline and Restore Pollinator Health in Minnesota.

Select Committee on Affordable Child Care

Audio Available: Download Mp3
The Select Committee on Affordable Child Care will hold a meeting in Minneapolis, MN on Tuesday, July 19, 2016, at the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, 2117 West River Road, Minneapolis, MN 55411 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The committee will be hearing from providers, parents, and the public about child care in the area.

**For more information, please contact David Larson at 651-296-5621 or

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Proposed Supplemental Calendar for the Day: May 22, 2016

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03 regarding deadlines: HF 3980 (Sanders) Miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors corrected.
Bills Added:
HF3980 (Sanders) - Revisor's bill correcting miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors.

Ways and Means

House Conferees: Reps Knoblach, Loon, Dean, Garofalo, McNamara
Senate Conferees: Sens Cohen, Wiger, Lourey, Saxhaug, Fischbach
Bills Added:
HF2749 (Knoblach) - Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
To Be Announced

Ways and Means

Bills Added:
SF2626 (Lillie) - Minnesota State Retirement System board of directors provisions changed, labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, and agency director salary increase ratified.
Bills Added:
HF2749 (Knoblach) - Omnibus supplemental budget bill.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Calendar for the Day: May 22, 2016

Capital Investment

Agenda Notes

Chairs: Rep. Paul Torkelson and Sen. LeRoy Stumpf
CONFEREES: SENATE: Stumpf; Tomassoni, Sieben, Hayden, Nelson - HOUSE: Torkelson; Albright; Vogel; Swedzinski; Hausman
Room 10 State Office Building
Per Joint Rules 2.06 the gavel will rotate every 24 hours.

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
House conferees: Baker, Zerwas and Liebling
Senate conferees: Rosen, Sheran and Benson

- Conference committee on SF 1440 (Rosen)/HF 1652 (Baker): Prescription monitoring program modifications.
House conferees: Zerwas, Mack and Fischer
Senate conferees: Sheran, Marty and Abeler

- Conference committee on HF 3142 (Zerwas)/SF 2475: Statewide trauma system; home care; hearing instrument dispensers; Zika preparedness; and food, beverage, and lodging establishment provisions amended. (Omnibus health department policy bill)

HF XXXX (Dean, M) - allowing licensure of graduates of foreign medical or osteopathic schools under certain conditions

If you would like to testify, please contact Chris Stolarzyk, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Calendar for the Day: May 21, 2016

Capital Investment

There will be a DE amendment for HF 3692.
Bills Added:
HF3692 (Torkelson) - Public land, buildings, and other capital improvement spending authorized; previous appropriations modified; new programs established and existing programs modified; bonds issued; and money appropriated.

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF2727 (Halverson) - Campaign finance and disclosure law enactment required, and constitutional amendment proposed.

Ways and Means

Supplemental Budget bill
Bills Added:
HF2749 (Knoblach) - Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
Consideration of an amendment to the Budget Resolution.

A delete-all amendment has been posted for HF622. It is coded and A16-1229 and is drafted to HF3692 but will be amended to be a delete-all to HF622
Bills Added:
HF622 (Torkelson) - Public land, buildings, and other capital improvement spending authorized; previous appropriations modified; new programs established and existing programs modified; bonds issued; and money appropriated.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Calendar for the Day: May 20, 2016

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03 regarding deadlines: HF 622 (Torkelson) Capital improvement funding provided, prior appropriations modified, sale and conveyance of state bond financed property provided, disaster relief provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03 regarding deadlines: HF 3692 (Torkelson) Public land, building, and other capital improvement spending authorized; previous appropriations modified; new programs established; existing programs modified; bonds issued; and money appropriated.

Supplemental Calendar for the Day: May 19, 2016.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Those wishing to testify on HF 2342, please contact the Committee Administrator by phone at (651) 296-5068 or email at

Calendar for the Day: May 19, 2016

Resolution 2016-R24

Resolution 2016-R25

Resolution 2016-R26

Resolution 2016-R28

Resolution 2016-R29

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03 regarding deadlines: HF 659 (O'Driscoll) Disability application deadlines for the general state employees retirement plan modified.

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03 regarding deadlines: HF 2342 (Dettmer) Capitol grounds memorial commemorating Minnesotans awarded the Medal of Honor provided.
Bills Added:
HF2342 (Dettmer) - Capitol grounds memorial commemorating Minnesotans awarded the Medal of Honor provided.
2016-R24.pdf (5/16/2016)
2016-R25.pdf (5/16/2016)
2016-R26.pdf (5/16/2016)
2016-R28.pdf (5/16/2016)
2016-R29.pdf (5/16/2016)

State Government Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Committee will convene in the afternoon at the call of the chair.
Bills Added:
HF659 (O'Driscoll) - Omnibus state retirement bill.

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Bills Added:
HF659 (O'Driscoll) - Omnibus state retirement bill.
H0659-2A.pdf (5/13/2016)
H0659-3A.pdf (5/13/2016)
H0659-4A.pdf (5/13/2016)
H0659-2A_Summary.pdf (5/13/2016)
H0659-5A.pdf (5/15/2016)

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Calendar for the Day: May 18, 2016

Ways and Means

Supplemental Budget Conference Committee: HF2749

House Conferees: Reps Knoblach, Loon, Dean, Garofalo, McNamara
Senate Conferees: Sens Cohen, Wiger, Lourey, Saxhaug, Fischbach
Bills Added:
HF2749 (Knoblach) - Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
other bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF1412 (Fabian) - Electronic waste management provisions modified.
HF963 (Kiel) - Railroad crossing rights-of-way by utilities requirements established, and money appropriated.
HF2991 (O'Driscoll) - Appraiser fees, investigation costs, and appraisal management companies regulated.
HF3255 (Knoblach) - Labor agreements ratified, and compensation plan approved.
HF3584 (Cornish) - Labor agreements and compensation plan ratified.
HF3585 (Drazkowski) - Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, affirmative approval required before interim implementation of state employee collective bargaining agreements, exclusive representatives prohibited from requiring political contributions, and open meetings required.
SF2626 (Lillie) - Minnesota State Retirement System board of directors provisions changed, labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, and agency director salary increase ratified.
HF621 (Torkelson) - Higher education asset preservation and repair provided.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Calendar for the Day: May 17, 2016

Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03 regarding deadlines: HF 3549 (Sanders) Presidential primary established, provisions related to precinct caucuses modified, and technical and conforming changes made.
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