Representative Barb Sykora, Chair of the Education Finance Committee, called the thirty-fifth meeting to order at 12:35 PM on Tuesday, April 12, 2005, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
SYKORA, Barb, Chair
DEMMER, Randy, Vice Chair
DORN, John
EKEN, Kent
A quorum was present.
HF1551 (Holberg) Student survey notice requirements provided (Informational only)
12:36:35 PM Rep. Holberg presented HF1551.
HF1948 (Holberg) Public school employee usage of public funds and resources to promote or defeat a political candidate or question prohibited (Informational only)
12:43:26 PM Rep. Holberg presented HF1948.
12:52:18 PM Testifying on HF1948:
Charlie Kyte, Executive Director, Minnesota Association of School Administrators
HF1852 (Klinzing) Teacher content-based professional development grant provided to the Minnesota Humanities Commission, and money appropriated
1:05:40 PM Rep. Klinzing moved HF1852 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
1:05:53 PM Rep. Klinzing presented HF1852.
1:06:44 PM Testifying on HF1852:
Stanley Romanstein, President, Minnesota Humanities Commission
1:13:17 PM Peggy Anderson, Teacher, Michael Dowling public school
1:16:31 PM LaTanya Washington, School Director, WISE Charter School
1:20:23 PM Rep. Erickson offered to amend HF1852 with the H1852A1 amendment.
1:20:53 PM Rep. Erickson presented H1852A1.
1:21:45 PM Testifying on H1852A1:
Patrick McCormick, Deputy Director, Minnesota Historical Society
1:23:05 PM Tim Hoogland, Institutional Outreach Coordinator, Minnesota Historical Society
1:27:07 PM
Rep. Erickson moved to amend HF1852 with the H1852A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
1:29:31 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF1852, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
HF1279 (Heidgerken) Section-based school finance formula task force created
1:29:53 PM Rep. Heidgerken moved HF1279 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
1:32:24 PM Rep. Heidgerken presented HF1279.
1:37:53 PM Testifying on HF1279:
Brad Lundell, Executive Director, Schools for Equity in Education
1:39:23 PM Doug Conboy, Superintendent, Renville County West school district
1:40:36 PM Vernae Hasbargen, Director of Legislative Action, Minnesota Rural Education Association
1:42:04 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF1279.
HF1176 (Brod) Special education teacher license variance modified (Informational only)
1:42:51 PM Rep. Brod presented HF1176.
1:43:35 PM Testifying on HF1176:
Gary Nytes, North Central Service Cooperative
HF1769 (Hornstein) No Child Left Behind Act and other student testing laws evaluated by the Office of Educational Accountability
1:46:20 PM Rep. Sykora moved HF1769 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
1:46:40 PM Rep. Hornstein presented HF1769.
1:49:41 PM Rep. Sykora offered to amend HF1769 with the H1769A1 amendment.
1:55:15 PM Testifying on HF1769:
Pat Olson, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Education
1:56:36 PM Rep. Klinzing moved to orally amend HF1769 as follows:
Page 2, Line 3 after "evaluation" insert "that are germane to the purpose of the evaluation"
1:57:57 PM Rep. Sykora moved to amend HF1769, as amended, with the H1769A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
1:58:15 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF1769, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
HF1434 (Dittrich) Hazardous traffic condition pupil transportation zone locally controlled process defined and levy for hazardous pupil transportation services authorized
1:59:04 PM
Rep. Sykora moved HF1434 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
1:59:35 PM Rep. Sykora offered to amend HF1434 with the HF1434A1 amendment.
1:59:45 PM Rep. Dittrich presented the H1434A1 amendment.
2:00:28 PM Rep. Sykora moved to amend HF1434 with the H1434A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
2:00:39 PM Rep. Dittrich presented HF1434, as amended.
2:02:18 PM Testifying on HF1434, as amended:
Tom Heidemann, School board member, Anoka-Hennepin school district
2:08:32 PM Chuck Holden, Director of Operations, Anoka-Hennepin school district
2:13:56 PM Rep. Davnie moved to orally amend HF1434, as amended with the following:
Page 2, Line 6, delete "meeting" and insert "hearing"
2:15:11 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF1434, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
2:16:41 PM Rep. Sykora recessed the meeting.
2:35:40 PM Rep. Sykora resumed the hearing.
HF1599 (Rukavina) School districts authorized to levy for employee health care premium increases
2:36:17 PM Rep. Sykora moved HF1599 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
2:37:01 PM Rep. Rukavina presented HF1599.
2:40:14 PM Testifying on HF1599:
Ron Dicklich, Executive Director, Range Association of Municipalities and Schools
2:46:36 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF1599 for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
HF2340 (Zellers) School readiness project planning grants authorized, and money appropriated
2:47:11 PM Rep. Sykora moved HF2340 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
2:47:22 PM Rep. Zellers presented HF2340.
2:48:49 PM Testifying on HF2340:
John Fredrickson, Assistant Superintendent for Administration, Osseo school district
2:51:23 PM Myrna Kragness, Mayor, Brooklyn Center
2:54:02 PM Steve Klein, Executive Director, Community Education Emergency Program
2:58:26 PM Dr. Karen Effrem, Parent, Plymouth
3:04:23 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF2340 for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
HF1927 (Solberg) School district refunding bonds made eligible for taconite production tax revenue payments
3:05:43 PM Rep. Sykora moved HF1927 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
3:06:03 PM Rep. Solberg presented HF1927.
3:07:25 PM Testifying on HF1927:
Tom Deans, Attorney, Minnesota School Boards Association
3:13:11 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF1927 for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
HF1242 (Westrom) Telecommunications/Internet access equity aid provided, and money appropriated
3:13:45 PM Rep. Sykora moved HF1242 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
3:14:02 PM Rep. Westrom presented HF1242.
3:15:34 PM Testifying on HF1242:
Pete Royer, Director, LCM
3:19:08 PM Vernae Hasbargen, Director of Legislative Action, Minnesota Rural Education Association
3:21:08 PM Dr. Peter Knoll, Education Director, Minnesota Catholic Conference
3:25:04 PM Rep. Sykora laid over HF1242 for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
3:25:25 PM Rep. Greiling assumed the gavel.
HF2334 (Sykora) Early childhood education pilot program established for at-risk children between the age of three and entering kindergarten
3:26:04 PM Rep. Sykora moved HF2334 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
3:26:15 PM Rep. Sykora presented HF2334.
3:27:57 PM Testifying on HF2334:
Jackie Johnston, Community Ed Director, Fridley and Brooklyn Center
3:42:06 PM Dr. Karen Effrem, Member, EdWatch
3:45:41 PM Rep. Greiling laid over HF2334 for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
HF832 (Klinzing) School site governance program provided
3:46:39 PM Rep. Klinzing moved HF832 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
3:46:54 PM Rep. Klinzing presented HF832.
3:57:39 PM Testifying on HF832:
Roger Aronson, Minnesota Association of Secondary and Elementary Principals
4:04:20 PM Tom Deans, Attorney, Minnesota School Boards Association
4:16:28 PM
Rep. Dorn moved to orally amended HF832 as follows:
Page 3, Line 9, delete "," after "issues" and insert "."
Page 3, Line 9, change "consistent" to "Consistent"
4:24:27 PM Rep. Greiling laid over HF832, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
4:24:49 PM Rep. Demmer assumed the gavel.
HF1167 (Abeler) Adult basic education formula modified, grants awarded, and money appropriated
4:25:08 PM Rep. Greiling moved HF1167 be recommended for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
4:25:27 PM Testifying on HF1167:
Eric Nesheim, Executive Director, Minnesota Literacy Council
4:29:31 PM Vicki Ostrom, Coordinator, Adult Basic Education, Cambridge
4:32:54 PM Rep. Demmer laid over HF1167 for possible inclusion in the Education Finance omnibus bill.
4:33:09 PM Rep. Meslow moved the minutes of: April 11, 2005. THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED.
4:33:30 PM The meeting was adjourned.
Bethany Johnson
Committee Legislative Assistant