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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division


2007-2008 Regular Session - Wednesday, March 28, 2007




Representative Tom Rukavina, Chair of the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division, called the meeting to order at 12:38 P.M. on Wednesday, March 28, 2007, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
Rukavina, Tom, Chair
Poppe, Jeanne, Vice-Chair
Atkins, Joe
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Clark, Karen
Dettmer, Bob
Eastlund, Rob
Gunther, Bob
Haws, Larry
Hortman, Melissa
Mahoney, Tim
McFarlane, Carol
Moe, Frank
Murphy, Mary
Nornes, Bud
Norton, Kim
Ruth, Connie
Severson, Dan
Slocum, Linda
Welti, Andy

A quorum was present.

Chair Rukavina moved to amend HF 797 with the delete everything amendment, H0797DE1, attached. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Rukavina moved that HF 797 as amended be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division.

Discussion and questions followed.

Mike Lopez, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, introduced himself and provided testimony regarding HF 797 as amended.

Discussion and questions followed.

Representative Bly moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with an oral amendment, as follows:

Page 14, line 18, after "outreach" insert "at the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable


Discussion followed.

Representative Bly renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with the oral amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
March 28, 2007
Page Two

Representative Haws moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A2, attached.

Representative Haws presented the amendment H0797A2.

Discussion followed.

Representative Haws renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A2. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Mahoney moved to amend his amendment A07-0628, to have in the proper form that he intended, with the author's amendment as follows:

Page 1, delete line 2

Page 1, line 3, delete "2" and insert "31"

Page 1, line 3, delete "7" and insert "25"

Page 1, line 3, delete "the comma" and insert ":"

Representative Mahoney moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment A07-0628 as amended, attached.

Representative Mahoney presented amendment A07-0628 as amended.

Discussion followed.

Representative Mahoney renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment A07-0628 as amended. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Vice Chair Poppe moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with an oral amendment, as follows:

Page 14, line 32, after "utilizing" add "plant and"

Discussion followed.

Vice Chair Poppe renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with the oral amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Gunther moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A4, attached.

Representative Gunther presented the amendment

Discussion followed.

Jeff Freeman, Assistant Director, Minnesota Public Facilities Authority, introduced himself and provided testimony in support of amendment H0797A4.

Discussion and questions followed.

Representative Gunther renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A4. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
March 28, 2007
Page Three

Representative Clark moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment A07-0631, attached.

Representative Clark presented the amendment A07-0631.

Discussion and questions followed.

Mike Lopez, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, introduced himself and provided assistance in answering questions.

Further discussion and questions followed.

Representative Severson requested a roll call vote on the amendment A07-0631.

Further discussion and questions followed.

Representative Clark renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment A07-0631.

The Committee Legislative Assistant called the roll for the vote on amendment A07-0631. The roll call vote sheet is attached. With 12 Ayes and 7 Nays, THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Rukavina moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A10, attached.

Chair Rukavina presented the amendment H0797A10. Representative Clark assisted Chair Rukavina in presenting the amendment.

Discussion and questions followed.

Chair Rukavina renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A10. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Nornes moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A8, attached.

Representative Nornes presented the amendment H0797A8.

Discussion followed.

Chair Rukavina stated his opposition to amendment H0797A8.

Representative Nornes renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A8. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Representative Poppe moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with a handwritten amendment, attached.

Representative Poppe presented the handwritten amendment.

Discussion followed.

Representative Poppe renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with a handwritten amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
March 28, 2007
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Representative Severson moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A7, attached.

Representative Severson presented the amendment H0797A8.

Discussion followed.

Representative Severson requested a roll call vote.

Representative Severson renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A7.

The Committee Legislative Assistant called the roll for the vote on amendment H0797A7. The roll call vote sheet is attached. With 7 Ayes and 13 Nays, THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Representative Gunther moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A14, attached.

Representative Gunther presented amendment H0797A14.

Discussion and questions followed.

Myron White, Director, Red Wing Port Authority, introduced himself and provided testimony regarding amendment H0797A14.

Further discussion and questions followed.

Representative Gunther renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A14. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

The meeting was recessed at 2:07 P.M. to be reconvened at 6:00 P.M.

Chair Rukavina reconvened the meeting at 6:07 P.M.

Representative Nornes moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A5, attached.

Representative Nornes presented the amendment H0797A5.

Discussion followed.

Representative Nornes renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A5, attached. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Representative Severson moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A6, attached.

Representative Severson presented the amendment H0797A6.

Discussion followed.

Representative Severson renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A6. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
March 28, 2007
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Representative Ruth moved to amend her amendment H0797A9, to have in the proper form that she intended, with the author's amendment as follows:

Page 1, delete lines 3 and 4 and insert "Page 2, line 4, increase the appropriation for the

GI bill by $4,600,000 each year.

Representative Ruth moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A9 as amended, attached.

Representative Ruth presented the amendment H0797A9 as amended.

Discussion followed.

Representative Ruth renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A9 as amended. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Representative Gunther moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A11, attached.

Representative Gunther presented the amendment H0797A11.

Discussion followed.

Representative Gunther renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A11. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Gunther moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A12, attached.

Representative Gunther presented the amendment H0797A12.

Discussion followed.

Representative Gunther renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A12. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Mahoney moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A13, attached.

Representative Mahoney presented the amendment H0797A13.

Discussion followed.

Cindy Farrell, Chief Fiscal Officer, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, introduced herself and provided testimony in opposition to amendment H0797A13.

Questions and discussion followed.

Representative Mahoney renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A13. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Gunther moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A16, attached.

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March 28, 2007
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Discussion followed.

Amendment H0797A16 was temporarily laid over.

Chair Rukavina moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A24, attached.

Chair Rukavina presented amendment H0797A24.

Bonnie Elsey, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, introduced herself and provided testimony regarding amendment H0797A24.

Questions and discussion followed.

Chair Rukavina renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A24. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Gunther tabled amendment H0797A16.

Representative Gunther moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A20, attached.

Lee Nelson, Director, Legal Affairs, Unemployment Insurance Division, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, introduced himself and provided testimony regarding the amendment H0797A20.

Representative Gunther presented the amendment H0797A20.

Questions and discussion followed.

Representative Gunther renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A11. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Representative Mahoney moved to amend his amendment H0797A21, to have in the proper form that he intended, with the author's amendment as follows:

Page 1, line 9, after "corridor" insert "."

Page 1, delete line 10

Representative Mahoney moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A21 as amended, attached.

Representative Mahoney presented amendment H0797A21 as amended.

Questions and discussion followed.

Representative Mahoney renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A21 as amended, attached. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Ruth moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A25, attached.

Representative Ruth requested a roll call vote on amendment H0797A25.

Representative Ruth presented the amendment H0797A25.

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March 28, 2007
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Discussion followed.

Representative Ruth renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A25.

The Committee Legislative Assistant called the roll for the vote on amendment H0797A25. The roll call vote sheet is attached. With 7 Ayes and 13 Nays, THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Chair Rukavina moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A27, attached.

Chair Rukavina presented amendment H0797A27.

Lynne Osterman, MACRO Representative, introduced herself and provided testimony regarding amendment H0797A27.

Questions and discussion followed.

Chair Rukavina offered an oral author's amendment to be incorporated into the amendment H0797A27, as follows:

Page 1, line 3, delete "each year"

Lynne Osterman provided further testimony, followed by questions and discussion.

Chair Rukavina renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A27 as amended. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Clark moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A22, attached.

Representative Clark presented the amendment H0797A22.

Discussion and questions followed.

Representative Clark renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A22. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Mahoney moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A23, attached.

Representative Mahoney presented amendment H0797A23.

Questions and discussion followed.

Nancy Leppink, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, introduced herself and provided testimony regarding amendment H0797A23.

Discussion and questions followed.

Representative Mahoney renewed his motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A23. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
March 28, 2007
Page Eight

Vice Chair Poppe moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment A07-0640, attached.

Discussion followed.

Vice Chair Poppe renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment A07-0640. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Vice Chair Poppe moved to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment A07-0640, attached.

Vice Chair Poppe presented the amendment A07-0640.

Questions and discussion followed.

Vice Chair Poppe offered an oral author's amendment to be incorporated into the amendment H0797A27, as follows:

Page 1, line 3, add "Page 91, line 24, delete Section 15.

Renumber subsequent lines.

Vice Chair Poppe renewed her motion to amend HF 797, the delete everything amendment H0797DE1, with amendment H0797A27 as amended. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.

Chair Rukavina asked for further comments from neighbors.

Chair Rukavina thanked staff and students.

Susan Heegaard, Director, Office of Higher Education, offered testimony on HF 797 as amended, on behalf of the Governor.

Mark Misukanis, Office of Higher Education, offered testimony on HF 797as amended.

Jeanne Herrmann, Past Chair, Minnesota Career College Association, offered testimony on HF 797 as amended.

Chair Rukavina renewed his motion that HF 797 as amended be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Rukavina announced that HF 797 would be before the Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division on Friday at 12:30 P.M.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.

Representative Tom Rukavina, Chair

Susan Scott, Committee Legislative Assistant
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