Chair Wagenius called the meeting to order at 8:31 A.M. on March 3, 2009 in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Committee members present:
Anderson, Sarah
Anzelc, Tom
Clark, Karen
Dill, David
Doty, Al
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hamilton, Rod
Hansen, Rick
Hortman, Melissa
Knuth, Kate
Lillie, Leon
McNamara, Denny
Persell, John (Vice-Chair)
Scalze, Bev
Torkelson, Paul
Wagenius, Jean (Chair)
HF1025 Poppe, Austin; Flood mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Poppe presented her bill.
HF749 Howes, Akeley; Culvert reconstruction or replacement funding provided for Trunk Highway 64 in Eleventh Crow Wing Lake, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Howes presented his bill.
A quorum was present at 8:39 A.M.
Chair Wagenius moved HF749 and laid it over.
Chair Wagenius moved to amend HF749 as follows: lines 1.7 and 1.14, insert "1.5 million" in the space for the appropriation. The motion prevailed and the amendment is adopted.
HF274 Howes, Shingobee Connection Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF274 for possible inclusion in an omnibus bonding bill.
Representative Howes presented his bill.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over for possible inclusion.
Chair Wagenius moved HF1025 for possible inclusion and laid it over.
HF490 Olin, Saint Vincent; Flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF490 for possible inclusion.
Representative Olin presented his bill.
Jeff Seed, Acting Flood Chairperson with the city of St. Vincent, testified in support.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
HF1092 Olin, Roseau; Flood mitigation project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF1092 for possible inclusion.
Representative Olin presented his bill.
Jeff Pelowski, Mayor of the City of Roseau, testified in support.
Todd Peterson, Community Development Coordinator, City of Roseau, testified in support.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
HF1061 Brown, Shell Rock River Watershed District funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF1061 for possible inclusion.
Representative Brown presented her bill.
Brett Behnke, Shell Rock Watershed District Administrator, testified in support.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
HF1062 Brown, Shell Rock River Watershed District flood mitigation project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF1062 for possible inclusion.
Brett Behnke testified in support.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
Representative Lillie moved HF967, HF743, HF687, and HF959 for possible inclusion.
HF687 Mahoney, Saint Paul; Lake Phalen waterfall funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Mahoney presented his bill.
HF743 Lillie, Ramsey County; Funding provided for restoration of channel connecting Round Lake to Lake Phalen, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Lillie presented his bill.
HF967 Lillie, Ramsey County; trail construction funding provided, bonds issued, money appropriated.
Representative Lillie presented his bill.
HF959 Scalze, Ramsey County; Keller Regional Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Scalze presented her bill.
Greg Mack, Ramsey Coounty Parks and Recreation Director, testified in support of HF959 and HF967.
Jodi Martinez, Parks and Recreation Design and Construction Manager for the City of St. Paul, testified in support of HF743 and HF687.
Representatives Mahoney, Scalze, and Lillie testified in support of their bills.
Chair Wagenius laid the bills over.
HF1096 Mullery, Minneapolis; Victory Memorial Parkway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF1096 for possible inclusion.
Representative Mullery presented his bill.
Nick Eoloff, Project Manager, Minneapolis Park Board, testified in support.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
HF514 Mullery, Minneapolis parkway improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF514.
Representative Mullery presented his bill.
Jon Wertjes, Director of Traffic and Parking for the City of Minneapolis, testified in support.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
HF983 Hansen, Natural resources asset preservation and replacement established.
Representative Hansen moved his bill for possible inclusion.
Representative Hansen moved the
H0983DE1 amendment. The motion prevailed and the amendment is adopted.
Representative Hansen presented his bill as amended.
Bob Meier, DNR Assistant Commissioner, testified on the bill.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over for possible inclusion in an omnibus finance or capital investment bill.
The committee reconvened at 6:52 P.M.
Len Price, Executive Director, Minnesota Conservation Corps, presented the MCC budget.
Corps members Eric Adams and Kristy Ramos testified about their experiences in MCC.
Representative Torkelson moved the minutes of February 26th. The motion prevailed.
Arne Stefferud, Planning Analyst, Metropolitan Council, presented the Metropolitan Regional Parks budget.
HF496 Scalze, Metropolitan Regional Parks System funding provided for operation and maintenance, and money appropriated.
Representative Scalze moved and presented her bill.
Greg Mack, Director of Parks and Recreation for Ramsey County, testified on the bill.
John VonDeLinde, Director of Parks and Recreation for Anoka County, testified on the bill.
Chair Wagenius laid over HF496.
The committee adjourned at 8:18 P.M.
Jean Wagenius, Chair
Melissa Hysing, Committee Legislative Assistant