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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division


2009-2010 Regular Session - Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Thomas E. Huntley, Chair

Chair Thomas Huntley began the forty-seventh meeting of the Health Care and Human Services Finance Division at 1:07 p.m. on Wednesday, February 24, 2010, in Room 200 of the State Office Building. A quorum was not present.

Chuck Johnson, Assistant Commissioner, Children and Family Services, DHS, continued his testimony from February 23 relating to:

ARRA TANF emergency fund (TEF) - revenue enhancement
TANF refinancing to the general fund
Align fee-related payments

Susan Castellano, Health Care Manager, DHS, briefly testified.

Commissioner Johnson continued his overview relating to:

Child support program eliminations
Eliminate Minnesota food assistance program grants
Eliminate or reduce selected grants
CFS rider technical corrections from 2009 session
Reduce children’s special revenue grants and balances

Loren Coleman, Assistant Commissioner, DHS, testified regarding:

MA Program: Growth by Segment

Bob Held, Division Director, Department of Human Services came to the table to respond to questions of members.

Discussion occurred throughout the testimony.

At 2:25 p.m. a quorum was noted and the Chair formally called the meeting to order. The clerk noted the roll:

Members Present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Abeler, Jim, Vice Chair
Anzelc, Tom
Brod, Laura
Bunn, Julie
Emmer, Tom
Hayden, Jeff
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Hosch, Larry
Kiffmeyer, Mary

Health Care and Human Services Finance
February 24, 2010
Page 2

Members Present (continued)
Liebling, Tina
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Scalze, Bev
Slawik, Nora
Thao, Cy
Thissen, Paul

Members Absent:

Dean, Matt

The Chair recessed the meeting until 6:30 p.m.

At 6:40 p.m. Representative Hosch assumed the gavel and Department of Human Services testimony continued:

Billie Jo Zielinski, Assistant Commissioner, DHS and Brian Osberg, State Medicaid Director, testified:

Increase MinnesotaCare managed care withhold
Inpatient hospital ratable reduction
Eliminate coverage for rehabilitative services
MERC PMAP carveout
Modify critical access dental provider eligibility criteria

Chris Reyser, DHS, came to the table to respond to questions of members.

Commissioner Zielinski continued her overview relating to:

Eliminate inpatient great Minnesota hospital 16 DRG add-on payment in Medical
Eliminate MinnesotaCare for adults without children with incomes above 75% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG)

Jayne Rankin, Budget Director, DHS, testified again.

Dave Greeman, DHS, came to the table to respond to questions of members.

Jayne Rankin testified again regarding unallotment items.

Vice Chair Abeler moved approval of the February 18, 2010 minutes. The motion prevailed.

Chair Hosch adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m.

Thomas E. Huntley, Chair

Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..

Governor's supplemental budget proposals - Department of Human Services