The following House Files were introduced:
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2855, A bill for an act relating to retirement; permitting certain disabled members of the Public Employment Retirement Association police and fire plan to elect to change the laws under which benefits are determined.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2856, A bill for an act relating to transportation; prohibiting certain passengers in the bed of a pickup truck; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 169.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2857, A bill for an act relating to public finance; altering the school district referendum market value tax base; modifying the taxation of seasonal recreational property; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 126C.01, subdivision 3; 275.025, subdivisions 1, 4; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 275.025, subdivision 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2858, A bill for an act relating to agriculture; excluding certain fish-raising facilities from certain licensing requirements; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97C.211, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs.
Paymar introduced:
H. F. 2859, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for systemwide asset preservation of Department of Corrections facilities.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Olin introduced:
H. F. 2860, A bill for an act relating to education finance; adjusting transition revenue for Independent School District No. 356, Lancaster; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 126C.10, subdivision 31.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Olin introduced:
H. F. 2861, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for Northland Community and Technical College, Thief River Falls campus; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Olin introduced:
H. F. 2862, A bill for an act relating to state lands; limiting acquisition of state-owned land; requiring payment of real estate taxes on purchased state land; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 94.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Cornish introduced:
H. F. 2863, A bill for an act relating to public safety; appropriating money for family substance abuse treatment services.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2864, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to the city of Brainerd.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2865, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for Brainerd downtown infrastructure improvements.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Simon introduced:
H. F. 2866, A bill for an act relating to elections; authorizing use of certain application forms; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 201.071, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections.
Juhnke introduced:
H. F. 2867, A bill for an act relating to soil and water conservation; creating farm unit conservation plan program; requiring conservation plan for participation in a state cost-share program; creating farmland conservation task force; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 103C.101, by adding subdivisions; 103C.501, subdivision 5; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 103C.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Brown and Cornish introduced:
H. F. 2868, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for a cooperative facilities grant to Independent School District No. 2134, United South Central; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2869, A bill for an act relating to environment; establishing a grant program for idling reduction technology purchases; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Nelson introduced:
H. F. 2870, A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles; creating limited security interest for cosigner of loan agreement to purchase motor vehicle; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 168A.05, by adding a subdivision; 168A.16.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Dill introduced:
H. F. 2871, A bill for an act relating to game and fish; providing for a conservation angling license; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 97C.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Nelson, Carlson and Hortman introduced:
H. F. 2872, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for asset preservation at North Hennepin Community College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Nelson introduced:
H. F. 2873, A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles; modifying provisions governing requirement and use of USDOT carrier numbers; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 168.185.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Brod introduced:
H. F. 2874, A bill for an act relating to public safety; requiring verification of citizenship and legal status of offenders committed to custody; requiring release of noncitizen inmates to United States immigration and customs enforcement; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 631.50.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Fritz introduced:
H. F. 2875, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for the Minnesota State Academies, Pollard Hall.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Tschumper and Hausman introduced:
H. F. 2876, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; appropriating money for the Chatfield Brass Band Library.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Paymar, Cornish, Hilstrom and Rukavina introduced:
H. F. 2877, A bill for an act relating to public safety; establishing crime of disarming a peace officer; providing criminal penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 609.50, subdivision 2; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 609.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Bigham, Garofalo, Morrow and Winkler introduced:
H. F. 2878, A bill for an act relating to crimes; providing penalty for careless driving resulting in death; providing for revocation of violator's driver's license; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 169.13, by adding a subdivision; 171.17, subdivision 1; 171.30, subdivision 2a.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Brynaert, Mahoney, Gunther, Doty, Ruth, McFarlane and Ward introduced:
H. F. 2879, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for public infrastructure grants; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Moe, Mahoney, Gunther, Ward, Ruth and McFarlane introduced:
H. F. 2880, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for greater Minnesota redevelopment; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Faust introduced:
H. F. 2881, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Spring Lake Trail in the city of Mora; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Faust introduced:
H. F. 2882, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for asset preservation at Pine Technical College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Faust introduced:
H. F. 2883, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Mora.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Faust introduced:
H. F. 2884, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Quamba.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2885, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Nashwauk.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2886, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Nashwauk.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2887, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to the city of Effie.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Dean, Dettmer, Bunn and Lillie introduced:
H. F. 2888, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for Stillwater flood control; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Davnie and Smith introduced:
H. F. 2889, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for repair, restoration, and shoreline stabilization of the glen area of Minnehaha Creek in the city of Minneapolis; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Ruud, McFarlane, Thissen, Loeffler and Murphy, E. introduced:
H. F. 2890, A bill for an act relating to health; providing colorectal cancer screening for the uninsured; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Ruth, Scalze, Carlson, Jaros, Solberg, Tingelstad and Howes introduced:
H. F. 2891, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Minnesota Wildlife Art Museum; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Sailer, Mahoney, Hamilton, Doty and Brown introduced:
H. F. 2892, A bill for an act relating to economic development; modifying programs of Minnesota Job Skills Partnership; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 116L.02; 116L.04, subdivision 1; 116L.05, subdivisions 3, 5; 116L.16; 116L.20, subdivision 2; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 116L.06.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Greiling and McFarlane introduced:
H. F. 2893, A bill for an act relating to education; authorizing school districts to participate in the state employee health insurance plan; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 43A.24, subdivision 2; 43A.30, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2894, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Coleraine, Bovey, and Taconite.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Lanning, Loeffler, Erickson and Solberg introduced:
H. F. 2895, A bill for an act relating to state government; appropriating money to the Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission for the celebration of Minnesota's 150th anniversary of statehood.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Thissen and Slocum introduced:
H. F. 2896, A bill for an act relating to public buildings; removing a requirement that a city hold a referendum before building, equipping, or maintaining a memorial for war veterans; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 416.01.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs.
Rukavina, Sertich and Lieder introduced:
H. F. 2897, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for a veterans memorial in the city of Virginia; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Paymar, Kelliher, Dill, Beard and Atkins introduced:
H. F. 2898, A bill for an act relating to insurance; regulating claim denials under aviation liability coverage; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 60A.081, subdivision 1; Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 360.59, subdivision 10.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Pelowski introduced:
H. F. 2899, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for capital improvements for Memorial Hall at Winona State University; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Carlson, Kelliher, Huntley, Thissen, Abeler and Loeffler introduced:
H. F. 2900, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for an outpatient clinic and health education facility at Hennepin County Medical Center.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Doty introduced:
H. F. 2901, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for a Tri-County Regional Services Center; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Loeffler, Mullery, Kelliher, Kahn, Dominguez, Gunther, Erhardt, Carlson and Hausman introduced:
H. F. 2902, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Lowry Avenue Bridge; authorizing the issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Gardner, Wagenius and Scalze introduced:
H. F. 2903, A bill for an act relating to energy and the environment; extending the definition of biomass with respect to renewable energy objectives, distributed energy resources, and renewable energy resource planning; extending the expiration date for the Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 216B.2411, subdivision 2; 216B.2422, subdivision 1; 473.1565, subdivision 2; Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 216B.1691, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Energy Finance and Policy Division.
Pelowski and Poppe introduced:
H. F. 2904, A bill for an act relating to state government operations; establishing procedures for state agencies to assist communities to recover from a natural disaster; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter 12A.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2905, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for forest bridge replacement.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Paymar introduced:
H. F. 2906, A bill for an act relating to animals; changing provisions regulating dangerous dogs; imposing penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 347.50, by adding a subdivision; 347.51, subdivisions 2a, 3, 4, 7, 9; 347.52; 347.53; 347.54, subdivisions 1, 3; 347.55; 347.56; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 347.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Peterson, A. and Koenen introduced:
H. F. 2907, A bill for an act relating to Yellow Medicine County; providing a process for making certain offices appointive in Yellow Medicine County.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2908, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for Coleraine downtown corridor redevelopment.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2909, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for dam repair on Balsam Lake in Itasca County.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Solberg and Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2910, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for the North Central Technology Laboratories facility.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Atkins introduced:
H. F. 2911, A bill for an act relating to crime; establishing offenses involving the sale and purchase of event tickets; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 609.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Cornish introduced:
H. F. 2912, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for street and infrastructure improvements in the city of Wells.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Peterson, A. introduced:
H. F. 2913, A bill for an act relating to occupations and professions; extending time for applying for restricted plumber's license; amending Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 326.402, subdivisions 1, 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Pelowski and Tschumper introduced:
H. F. 2914, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Wagon Wheel Trail; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Morrow and Brynaert introduced:
H. F. 2915, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for North Mankato land acquisition for Caswell Park.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Lieder introduced:
H. F. 2916, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to the city of Crookston to design, construct, furnish, and equip an ice arena complex.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Pelowski and Tschumper introduced:
H. F. 2917, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for an extension of the Root River State Trail; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Kalin introduced:
H. F. 2918, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Shafer.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Kalin introduced:
H. F. 2919, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Rush City.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Murphy, E.; Fritz; Slawik and Wardlow introduced:
H. F. 2920, A bill for an act relating to early childhood education; modifying developmental screening aid; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 121A.19.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Dill and Erickson introduced:
H. F. 2921, A bill for an act relating to game and fish; modifying the license period for angling and fish house licenses; amending Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 97A.411, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Murphy, E. and Greiling introduced:
H. F. 2922, A bill for an act relating to health; prohibiting the use of certain latex gloves in food and beverage service establishments; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 157.011, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Drazkowski; Anderson, B.; Ruth; Holberg; Severson; Peppin; Zellers and Buesgens introduced:
H. F. 2923, A bill for an act relating to state lands; requiring sale of state land to provide funding for transportation projects; appropriating money.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Dettmer, Hackbarth, Bunn and Dean introduced:
H. F. 2924, A bill for an act relating to state lands; authorizing conveyance of certain tax-forfeited land that borders public water.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Nornes introduced:
H. F. 2925, A bill for an act relating to state lands; authorizing the sale of certain tax-forfeited lands bordering public water in Otter Tail County.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Erickson introduced:
H. F. 2926, A bill for an act relating to natural resources; requiring rulemaking to modify wetland conservation enforcement.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Eken, Lieder, Olin, Marquart and Lanning introduced:
H. F. 2927, A bill for an act relating to natural resources; appropriating money for the construction of flood protection farmstead ring levees in the Red River Valley.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Peterson, A. and Koenen introduced:
H. F. 2928, A bill for an act relating to agriculture; authorizing farm use of certain anhydrous ammonia tanks; providing for refilling; authorizing rules to provide safety and environmental safeguards; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 18C.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs.
Koenen introduced:
H. F. 2929, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for a segment of the Minnesota River Trail; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Dill introduced:
H. F. 2930, A bill for an act relating to game and fish; modifying bear hunting permit drawing provisions; requiring rulemaking; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97B.405.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Peterson, A. introduced:
H. F. 2931, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Minnesota River Regional Park in Ortonville; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Moe introduced:
H. F. 2932, A bill for an act relating to town cemeteries; specifying uses of certain cemetery funds; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 365.29; 365.30; 365.31; 365.33, subdivision 4; 365.35; 365.36, subdivisions 2, 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs.
Dittrich, Hortman, Tingelstad and Abeler introduced:
H. F. 2933, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for asset preservation at Anoka-Ramsey Community College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Winkler introduced:
H. F. 2934, A bill for an act relating to courts; providing for a deferral from jury service for certain nursing mothers; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 593.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2935, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Nisswa.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Westrom, Beard, Wardlow, Cornish and Ruth introduced:
H. F. 2936, A bill for an act relating to public safety; requiring certain sex offenders to wear tracking and monitoring bracelets after release from prison; prescribing penalties; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 244.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Brynaert and Morrow introduced:
H. F. 2937, A bill for an act relating to human services; appropriating money for the Open Door Health Center.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mahoney, Hausman, Rukavina, Lesch, Paymar and Murphy, E. introduced:
H. F. 2938, A bill for an act relating to economic development; appropriating money to the city of St. Paul to defease, pay, redeem, or refund city bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Hosch, Haws and Juhnke introduced:
H. F. 2939, A bill for an act relating to higher education; clarifying MnSCU board policy on credit requirements; amending Laws 2007, chapter 144, article 1, section 4, subdivision 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division.
Hortman introduced:
H. F. 2940, A bill for an act relating to consumer protection; providing for disclosure of damage to older vehicles; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 325F.6644.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Hausman introduced:
H. F. 2941, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for asset preservation at the University of Minnesota; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Juhnke; Otremba; Finstad; Hamilton; Urdahl; Magnus; Koenen; Hansen; Olin; Heidgerken; Welti; Eken; Morrow; Doty; Bly; Marquart; Shimanski; Simpson; Westrom; Nornes; Gunther; Peterson, A.; Lieder; Poppe; Drazkowski; Demmer; Kelliher; Moe; Wollschlager; Brown; Haws and Sertich introduced:
H. F. 2942, A bill for an act relating to agriculture; creating a livestock investment grant program; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 17.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs.
Madore, Hornstein, Lieder and Doty introduced:
H. F. 2943, A bill for an act relating to transportation; requiring transit implementation plan to meet 80 percent of transit needs in greater Minnesota by 2015; requiring annual assessment of ADA paratransit ridership needs in metropolitan area; requiring annual transit report; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 174.24, by adding a subdivision; 473.1465, by adding a subdivision; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 174.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Kohls and Hoppe introduced:
H. F. 2944, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for Carver County to acquire property for the Lake Waconia Regional Park.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Bigham and Dettmer introduced:
H. F. 2945, A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles; authorizing issuance of retired veteran license plates; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 168.123, subdivision 2.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Hansen; Eken; Knuth; Gardner; Scalze; Poppe; Murphy, E.; Swails; Wollschlager; Bly and McNamara introduced:
H. F. 2946, A bill for an act relating to energy; mandating inclusion of strategic tree planting as eligible for direct expenditures as energy conservation improvement; amending Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 216B.241, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Energy Finance and Policy Division.
Hilty introduced:
H. F. 2947, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the city of Moose Lake South Substation Expansion Project; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mahoney, Hausman, Rukavina, Lesch, Paymar and Murphy, E. introduced:
H. F. 2948, A bill for an act relating to state revenue; forgiving loan repayments on a loan to the city of St. Paul to finance the St. Paul RiverCentre; amending Laws 1998, chapter 404, section 23, subdivision 6, as amended.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Atkins introduced:
H. F. 2949, A bill for an act relating to public safety; controlled substances; adding Salvia divinorum to schedule IV of the controlled substance schedules; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 152.02, subdivision 5.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Murphy, M.; Jaros; Huntley and Hilty introduced:
H. F. 2950, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for sewer reconstruction in Midway Township.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Urdahl and Heidgerken introduced:
H. F. 2951, A bill for an act relating to education; expecting students to be present and participate in school safety drills; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 121A.035, subdivision 2; 121A.037; 299F.30, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on E-12 Education.
Urdahl, Heidgerken, Wardlow and Olin introduced:
H. F. 2952, A bill for an act relating to game and fish; establishing an alternative fishing contest fee for certain fishing clubs; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97C.081, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Urdahl, Juhnke, Heidgerken, Hosch, Otremba, Doty and Koenen introduced:
H. F. 2953, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to the city of Litchfield for wastewater treatment facility improvements.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Anderson, B. and Urdahl introduced:
H. F. 2954, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Simon and Anderson, S. introduced:
H. F. 2955, A bill for an act relating to education; amending school background check requirements; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 123B.03, subdivision 3, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on E-12 Education.
Murphy, M.; Hilty; Jaros and Huntley introduced:
H. F. 2956, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Northshore Express Inter-City Passenger Rail; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Wagenius, Rukavina, Ozment, Tschumper and Juhnke introduced:
H. F. 2957, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for grants to political subdivisions for capital projects for the beneficial use of wastewater; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Erickson and Doty introduced:
H. F. 2958, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Sullivan Lake Dam; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Johnson, Juhnke, Hoppe, Sailer and Beard introduced:
H. F. 2959, A bill for an act relating to telecommunications; requiring the commissioner of commerce to contract for a statewide inventory of broadband service; appropriating money.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Olin introduced:
H. F. 2960, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for the city of Hallock water tower.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Urdahl, Jaros, Solberg, Lanning and Liebling introduced:
H. F. 2961, A bill for an act relating to Minnesota heritage; establishing a Minnesota State Anthem Commission.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Olin introduced:
H. F. 2962, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a water treatment facility in the city of Greenbush.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Hansen, Jaros, Tingelstad, Kahn and Murphy, M. introduced:
H. F. 2963, A bill for an act relating to natural resources; establishing regulation of ballast water discharge into Lake Superior; setting ballast water exchange, discharge, and treatment standards; requiring adoption of rules; requiring regional cooperation; providing civil penalties; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 84D.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Hilstrom, Dittrich, Laine, Dominguez, Rukavina, Abeler, Tingelstad, Johnson and Zellers introduced:
H. F. 2964, A bill for an act relating to horse racing; providing for sharing of purse set-aside and breeder's fund revenue; modifying certain restrictions on simulcasting; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 240.06, subdivision 5a, by adding a subdivision; 240.13, subdivision 6.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Gottwalt, Wardlow, Berns and Severson introduced:
H. F. 2965, A bill for an act relating to drivers' licenses; requiring that full head and face be shown on driver's license photograph; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 171.07, subdivisions 1, 3; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 13.6905, subdivision 8; 171.071, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Nelson introduced:
H. F. 2966, A bill for an act relating to traffic regulations; allowing certain state hospitals and institutions and county social service agencies to operate vehicles exempt from payment of registration tax and fees; regulating display of vehicle license plates; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 168.012, subdivision 1; 169.79.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Hortman introduced:
H. F. 2967, A bill for an act relating to traffic regulations; providing for trailer brakes; imposing penalties for forging or possessing false commercial motor vehicle inspection decal; providing that officer may require weighing and inspection of truck weighing more than 10,000 pounds; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 169.67, subdivision 3; 169.781, subdivision 5; 169.85, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 2968, A bill for an act relating to drivers' licenses; amending appearance of restricted license; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 171.07, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Nelson introduced:
H. F. 2969, A bill for an act relating to traffic regulations; providing for civil penalty for violation of truck weight limits by motor carriers; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 169.871, subdivision 1b.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Drazkowski and Wollschlager introduced:
H. F. 2970, A bill for an act relating to traffic regulations; requiring motorists to move to far left of roadway before passing road maintenance workers; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 169.18, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Juhnke introduced:
H. F. 2971, A bill for an act relating to energy; creating wind energy conversion system aggregation program; creating an account; authorizing rulemaking; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 216F.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mahoney introduced:
H. F. 2972, A bill for an act relating to economic development; renaming Minnesota Technology, Inc. to Enterprise Minnesota, Inc.; updating provisions; making technical changes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 116O.01; 116O.011; 116O.02, subdivision 6; 116O.03, subdivisions 1a, 7; 116O.04, subdivisions 1, 2; 116O.05, subdivisions 1, 2, 4; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116O; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 116O.03, subdivision 11; 116O.06; 116O.07; 116O.071; 116O.072; 116O.08; 116O.09, subdivisions 1, 1a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; 116O.091, subdivisions 1, 4, 5, 6; 116O.10; 116O.11; 116O.12; 116O.122; 116O.13; Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 116O.09, subdivision 2.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Dittrich, Garofalo, Brown, Moe, Howes, Morrow, Greiling, Swails, Tillberry, Bigham, Solberg, Wollschlager, Ward, Benson, Slocum and Westrom introduced:
H. F. 2973, A bill for an act relating to education finance; eliminating the permanent school fund subtraction; simplifying education funding; dedicating permanent school fund revenue for technology; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 127A; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 126C.21, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Dittrich, Garofalo, Brown, Moe, Howes, Morrow, Norton, Greiling, Swails, Tillberry, Bigham, Solberg, Wollschlager, Ward, Benson, Slocum and Westrom introduced:
H. F. 2974, A bill for an act relating to education; managing school trust land; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 84.027, by adding a subdivision; 127A.30.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on E-12 Education.
Dittrich, Garofalo, Brown, Moe, Howes, Morrow, Norton, Greiling, Swails, Tillberry, Bigham, Solberg, Wollschlager, Ward, Benson, Slocum and Westrom introduced:
H. F. 2975, A bill for an act relating to education finance; appropriating money for general education; eliminating the permanent school fund subtraction; simplifying education finance; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 126C.21, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Murphy, E. and Wardlow introduced:
H. F. 2976, A bill for an act relating to early childhood education; modifying child care assistance reimbursement rates; amending Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 119B.13, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Knuth, Hilstrom and Greiling introduced:
H. F. 2977, A bill for an act relating to education finance; repealing a school district pension subtraction; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 127A.50.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Morgan, Greiling, Benson, Heidgerken, Urdahl, Knuth, McFarlane and Hilstrom introduced:
H. F. 2978, A bill for an act relating to education finance; increasing the basic formula allowance; eliminating proration of special education revenue; increasing funding for special education services; modifying the referendum ballot language in cases of renewal of referendum authority; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 126C.17, subdivision 9; 126C.20; Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, sections 125A.76, subdivision 4; 125A.79, subdivision 6; 126C.10, subdivision 2; Laws 2007, chapter 146, article 3, section 24, subdivisions 2, 5.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Benson, Greiling, Morgan, Knuth, McFarlane and Hilstrom introduced:
H. F. 2979, A bill for an act relating to education finance; requiring a location equity revenue study.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Benson, Faust, Greiling, Heidgerken, McFarlane and Hilstrom introduced:
H. F. 2980, A bill for an act relating to education finance; modifying school facilities formulas; qualifying additional districts for alternative facilities revenue; increasing deferred maintenance revenue; increasing the leased facilities levy; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 123B.59, subdivision 1; 123B.591, subdivision 2; 126C.40, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Carlson, Greiling and McFarlane introduced:
H. F. 2981, A bill for an act relating to education finance; authorizing an intermediate school district to borrow in anticipation of revenue payments; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 126C.51; 126C.52, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 126C.53; 126C.55.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Bly, Mariani, Greiling, Heidgerken, McFarlane, Slocum, Gunther, Laine and Davnie introduced:
H. F. 2982, A bill for an act relating to education; establishing a five-year pilot program allowing alternative learning centers and charter schools to identify systemic improvement measures to best serve eligible students; appropriating money.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on E-12 Education.
Peterson, S. introduced:
H. F. 2983, A bill for an act relating to early childhood education; creating an Office of Early Childhood Education; directing the governor to appoint a director of early childhood education.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on E-12 Education.
Slawik and Lillie introduced:
H. F. 2984, A bill for an act relating to early childhood education; modifying the school-age care program; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 124D.19, subdivision 11.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on E-12 Education.
Dettmer, Magnus, Wardlow, Holberg, Erickson, Tingelstad, Eastlund, Ruth and Dean introduced:
H. F. 2985, A bill for an act relating to the military; providing assistance to school districts that pay salary differential for certain members of the military; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 471.975.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Kahn, Greiling, Dominguez, Mariani, Thao and McFarlane introduced:
H. F. 2986, A bill for an act relating to education; appropriating money for a grant to the Minnesota Humanities Center.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Juhnke; Otremba; Finstad; Hamilton; Magnus; Koenen; Olin; Heidgerken; Welti; Urdahl; Eken; Morrow; Doty; Marquart; Westrom; Nornes; Gunther; Peterson, A.; Bly; Lieder; Poppe; Demmer; Kelliher; Moe; Brown and Sertich introduced:
H. F. 2987, A bill for an act relating to motor fuels; modifying definition of biodiesel; increasing minimum biodiesel content; creating tiered biodiesel content goal; establishing B20 panel with authority to increase minimum content; requiring a proposal; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 239.77, as amended; Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 296A.01, subdivision 8a.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Brod introduced:
H. F. 2988, A bill for an act relating to subordinate service districts; authorizing towns to refund surplus revenues upon the removal of a district; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 365A.095.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs.
Koenen introduced:
H. F. 2989, A bill for an act relating to taxation; individual income; veterans; creating a subtraction for military pensions; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 290.091, subdivision 2; Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 290.01, subdivision 19b.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Kohls, Brod, Zellers and Dettmer introduced:
H. F. 2990, A bill for an act relating to taxes; exempting certain motor vehicles from the motor vehicle sales tax; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 297B.03.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Simon introduced:
H. F. 2991, A bill for an act relating to data practices; modifying provisions of the safe at home program; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 5B.02; 5B.03, subdivision 1; 5B.07; 171.06, subdivision 3; 171.07, subdivisions 1, 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Juhnke and Urdahl introduced:
H. F. 2992, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Little Crow transit way; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Thissen introduced:
H. F. 2993, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for a forensic crime lab in Minneapolis; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Anzelc introduced:
H. F. 2994, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Big Fork.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Kalin introduced:
H. F. 2995, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to Amador Township.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Paymar and Eastlund introduced:
H. F. 2996, A bill for an act relating to corrections; authorizing deferral of judgment for certain drug offenses; repealing the sunset on early release of nonviolent controlled substance offenders; requiring the commissioner of corrections to develop a marketing plan for MINNCOR industries; defining long-term homelessness to include persons released from incarceration for purposes of receiving supportive services; granting the Department of Corrections access to DEED preconfinement data on inmates; providing a tax credit to employers that employ persons with criminal records; requiring the commissioner of corrections to study re-entry facilities and programming; increasing funding for chemical and mental health treatment for inmates and probationers; creating a certificate of rehabilitation; establishing a task force to study and recommend approaches for developing a re-entry court pilot program; establishing a controlled substance law working group; requiring the commissioner of corrections to conduct an internal review of parole and supervised release procedures and sanctions; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 152.18, subdivision 1; 241.27, by adding a subdivision; 256K.26, subdivision 3; 290.06, by adding a subdivision; 611A.06, subdivision 1a; Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 268.19, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 364; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 244.055, subdivision 11.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Buesgens introduced:
H. F. 2997, A bill for an act relating to public employment; establishing financial parameters for public employment contracts; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 179A.01; 179A.03, by adding subdivisions; 179A.07, subdivision 1; 179A.18, subdivision 1; 179A.20, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Koenen and Eken introduced:
H. F. 2998, A bill for an act relating to natural resources; authorizing free lifetime state park permits for totally and permanently disabled veterans; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 85.053, by adding a subdivision; 85.055, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
Haws introduced:
H. F. 2999, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for replacement of the roof at the St. Cloud National Guard Training and Community Center; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Hilstrom introduced:
H. F. 3000, A bill for an act relating to public safety; making technical correction to provision relating to financing the statewide public safety radio system; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 373.47, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Moe introduced:
H. F. 3001, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for a grant to the city of Cass Lake.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Moe; Welti; Hausman; Dill; Ozment; Tingelstad; Howes; Fritz; Peterson, A., and Scalze introduced:
H. F. 3002, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for state trail acquisition, rehabilitation, and repair; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Bly, Hansen, Garofalo and Fritz introduced:
H. F. 3003, A bill for an act relating to transit; removing restrictions on Dan Patch commuter rail line planning and development; repealing Laws 2002, chapter 393, section 85.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Transportation Finance Division.
Dittrich, Hortman, Tingelstad and Abeler introduced:
H. F. 3004, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for Anoka-Ramsey Community College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Gardner, Wagenius, Bunn and Hansen introduced:
H. F. 3005, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the installation of new groundwater monitoring wells; authorizing the sale of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Simon, Hilty and Masin introduced:
H. F. 3006, A bill for an act relating to elections; establishing procedures for home rule charter jurisdictions that adopt ranked-choice voting; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 205.13, subdivision 2; 206.83; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 206; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter 204E.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections.
Simon introduced:
H. F. 3007, A bill for an act relating to public safety; prohibiting juveniles under the age of 16 from waiving their right to counsel during custodial interrogations except if the waiver is made by the juvenile's attorney or parent; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 260B.175, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Civil Justice.
Slocum; Hausman; Urdahl; Jaros; Lanning; Dean; Peterson, N.; Tingelstad; Carlson and Solberg introduced:
H. F. 3008, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for revitalization of historic Fort Snelling; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Morrow introduced:
H. F. 3009, A bill for an act relating to human services; providing for treatment of certain nursing facility employee pension benefit costs; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 256B.431, subdivision 28.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Kohls, Holberg, Buesgens, Wardlow, Drazkowski and Dean introduced:
H. F. 3010, A bill for an act relating to law enforcement; prohibiting immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies; providing for use of immigration-related data; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 13; 299A.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 3011, A bill for an act relating to human services; requiring authorization before relocating regional treatment centers or state-operated nursing homes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 246.0135.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Ward introduced:
H. F. 3012, A bill for an act relating to children; changing certain placement provisions for children in foster or residential care; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 260C.193, subdivision 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Norton; Murphy, E.; Ruud; Hornstein and Abeler introduced:
H. F. 3013, A bill for an act relating to health; requiring coverage of plasma protein treatments; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 256B.0625, by adding a subdivision; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144A.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Hosch and Ruud introduced:
H. F. 3014, A bill for an act relating to higher education; clarifying the loan forgiveness program for nurses; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 144.1501, subdivision 2.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division.
Erickson and Anderson, B. introduced:
H. F. 3015, A bill for an act relating to human services; increasing payment rates for nursing facilities in specified counties to the geographic group III median rate; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 256B.434, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Murphy, E.; Brod; Abeler and Bunn introduced:
H. F. 3016, A bill for an act relating to human services; allowing medical assistance payment for services provided by more than one home care or hospice agency; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 256B.0625, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services.
Tschumper, Gardner, Bunn, Bly, Paymar, Greiling, Knuth, Masin and Scalze introduced:
H. F. 3017, A bill for an act relating to the environment; removing exemption from environmental impact statement requirements for some ethanol plants; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 116D.04, subdivision 2a.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.