The following House Files were introduced:
Finke and Keeler introduced:
H. F. 5036, A bill for an act relating to human services; appropriating money for a needs analysis for emergency shelter for LGBTQIA+ youth experiencing homelessness; requiring a report.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Children and Families Finance and Policy.
Mueller introduced:
H. F. 5037, A bill for an act relating to education; encouraging districts to commemorate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 120A.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Policy.
Curran, Keeler, Gomez, Fischer and Howard introduced:
H. F. 5038, A bill for an act relating to local government; requiring cities and counties to create policies regarding homeless encampments; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 465.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on State and Local Government Finance and Policy.
Cha introduced:
H. F. 5039, A bill for an act relating to retirement; Public Employees Retirement Association, statewide volunteer firefighter plan; adding a defined contribution plan; reducing the frequency of determining funding requirements for fire department accounts in the lump-sum division from annually to biennially; clarifying that firefighters with previous service in other fire departments may request service credit for vesting purposes; making other technical and administrative changes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 352.1155, subdivision 3; 353G.01, subdivisions 9, 9a, 11, by adding subdivisions; 353G.05, as amended; 353G.08, subdivision 2; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 353G.01, subdivisions 7b, 8b, 12, 12a, 14a, 15; 353G.02, subdivisions 1, 3, 4; 353G.03, subdivision 3; 353G.07; 353G.08, subdivision 1; 353G.09, subdivisions 1, 1a; 353G.10; 353G.11, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 353G.115; 353G.12, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 353G.14; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 353G; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 353G.01, subdivision 10; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 353G.01, subdivisions 7a, 8a; 353G.02, subdivision 6; 353G.08, subdivision 3; 353G.11, subdivisions 1, 1a, 3, 4; 353G.112; 353G.121.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on State and Local Government Finance and Policy.
Her; Nelson, M.; Cha; Berg and Wolgamott introduced:
H. F. 5040, A bill for an act relating to retirement; authorizing eligible employees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities who are members of the higher education individual retirement account plan to elect coverage by the Teachers Retirement Association and purchase past service credit; requiring an annual report; appropriating money for offsetting the cost of service credit purchases; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 354B.20, subdivision 18, by adding subdivisions; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 354B.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on State and Local Government Finance and Policy.
Heintzeman and O'Driscoll introduced:
H. F. 5041, A bill for an act relating to commerce; allowing continuing education credit for participation in a professional insurance association; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 60K.56, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce Finance and Policy.
Torkelson introduced:
H. F. 5042, A bill for an act relating to education finance; appropriating money to Independent School District No. 84, Sleepy Eye, for American Indian mascot removal and replacement costs.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.
Hassan introduced:
H. F. 5043, A bill for an act relating to housing; appropriating money for a grant to Turning Point Inc.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Housing Finance and Policy.
Hassan, Noor, Hussein, Xiong and Gomez introduced:
H. F. 5044, A bill for an act relating to economic development; appropriating money for a grant to the Metro Youth Diversion Program.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Workforce Development Finance and Policy.
Nelson, M.; Noor; Hassan and Pérez-Vega introduced:
H. F. 5045, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a grant to the Organization of Liberians in Minnesota.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Kotyza-Witthuhn introduced:
H. F. 5046, A bill for an act relating to taxation; tax increment financing; authorizing special rules for the city of Eden Prairie.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Schultz introduced:
H. F. 5047, A bill for an act relating to game and fish; modifying the shotgun use area; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 97B.318, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy.
Hassan introduced:
H. F. 5048, A bill for an act relating to workforce development; appropriating money for Ka Joog to establish tech training centers.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Workforce Development Finance and Policy.
Hicks introduced:
H. F. 5049, A bill for an act relating to family law; providing rights for parents with disabilities; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 259.53, by adding a subdivision; 260C.201, by adding a subdivision; 518.1751, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law.
Acomb introduced:
H. F. 5050, A bill for an act relating to health insurance; requiring coverage of cancer imaging and clinical genetic testing; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 62Q.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce Finance and Policy.
Hussein introduced:
H. F. 5051, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Asian Economic Development Association.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Hicks introduced:
H. F. 5052, A bill for an act relating to transportation; requiring uniform disability parking signs; providing criminal penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 169.346, subdivision 2.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy.
Hicks introduced:
H. F. 5053, A bill for an act relating to emergency medical services; modifying reimbursement for volunteer education costs; authorizing carryforward of certain appropriations; amending Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 144E.35.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Finance and Policy.
Keeler introduced:
H. F. 5054, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for flood hazard mitigation in the city of Moorhead; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Hussein introduced:
H. F. 5055, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a center for racial healing; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Hussein introduced:
H. F. 5056, A bill for an act relating to energy; establishing a program to award grants for the purchase of electric lawn and snow removal equipment; requiring reports; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 216C.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Climate and Energy Finance and Policy.
Tabke, Pinto, Novotny, Witte and Xiong introduced:
H. F. 5057, A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles; establishing the Lights On grant program; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 169.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy.
Norris introduced:
H. F. 5058, A bill for an act relating to health; modifying requirements relating to the provision of cause of death information; permitting administrative penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 144.221, by adding a subdivision; 144.227, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Finance and Policy.
Hollins introduced:
H. F. 5059, A bill for an act relating to public safety; amending the authorization for the intentional taking of the life of another by a person other than a peace officer; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 609.065.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy.
Grossell introduced:
H. F. 5060, A bill for an act relating to energy; exempting cooperative electric associations from clean and renewable energy standards; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 216B.1691, by adding a subdivision; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 216B.1691, subdivision 1.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Climate and Energy Finance and Policy.
Nash introduced:
H. F. 5061, A bill for an act relating to liquor; amending a temporary license in the city of St. Paul; amending Laws 2022, chapter 86, article 2, section 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce Finance and Policy.
Sencer-Mura introduced:
H. F. 5062, A bill for an act relating to taxation; property; establishing a property tax exemption for certain property owned by an Indian Tribe; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 272.02, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Hassan, Noor, Hussein, Frazier and Agbaje introduced:
H. F. 5063, A bill for an act relating to workforce development; appropriating money for Equitable Development Action.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Workforce Development Finance and Policy.
Her introduced:
H. F. 5064, A bill for an act relating to workforce development; appropriating money for a grant to Theater Mu for a workforce development program.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Workforce Development Finance and Policy.
Hussein introduced:
H. F. 5065, A bill for an act relating to workforce development; appropriating money for grants to Milestone Community Development and Minnesota STEM Project.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Workforce Development Finance and Policy.
Nadeau introduced:
H. F. 5066, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a regional fire training facility in the city of Dayton; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Anderson, P. H. introduced:
H. F. 5067, A bill for an act relating to education finance; appropriating money to Independent School District No. 777, Benson, for American Indian mascot removal and replacement costs.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.
Anderson, P. H. and Zeleznikar introduced:
H. F. 5068, A bill for an act relating to health; requiring the Department of Health to enter into an interagency agreement to pay for human services background studies for applicants and license holders regulated by the commissioner of health; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245C.10, subdivision 18.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Finance and Policy.
Anderson, P. H.; Jacob; Burkel; Harder; Nelson, N., and Swedzinski introduced:
H. F. 5069, A bill for an act relating to agriculture; modifying the appropriation and eligibility criteria for farm down payment assistance grants during fiscal year 2025; amending Laws 2023, chapter 43, article 1, section 2, subdivision 5.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture Finance and Policy.
Anderson, P. E.; West; Perryman; Garofalo; Engen; Harder; Bakeberg; Mekeland; O'Driscoll; Witte; Myers; Hudson; Altendorf; Hudella; Niska; Schultz; Johnson; Zeleznikar; McDonald; Wiener; Robbins and Nadeau introduced:
H. F. 5070, A bill for an act relating to taxation; local taxes and fees; repealing the regional transportation sales and use tax; repealing the metropolitan region sales and use tax; repealing local affordable housing aid; repealing the retail delivery fee; providing for use of amounts in repealed accounts; making technical changes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 174.49, subdivision 2; 270C.15; 297A.99, subdivision 1; Laws 2023, chapter 37, article 1, section 2, subdivision 30; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 168E.01; 168E.03; 168E.05; 168E.07; 168E.09; 297A.9915; 297A.9925; 462A.05, subdivision 42; 462A.2095; 473.4051, subdivision 2; 473.4465; 477A.35; 477A.37.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy.
Schultz; Kresha; Franson; Knudsen; Gillman; Novotny; Mekeland; Harder; Davis; Nelson, N.; Dotseth; Perryman; Urdahl; Daniels; Anderson, P. E.; Demuth; Torkelson; Anderson, P. H.; Niska; Jacob and Grossell introduced:
H. F. 5071, A bill for an act relating to law enforcement; prohibiting immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies; providing for use of immigration-related data; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 13; 299A.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy.
McDonald and Scott introduced:
H. F. 5072, A bill for an act relating to civil law; regulating the use of parenting consultants in family court cases; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 518.1751, subdivision 4, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law.
Pérez-Vega introduced:
H. F. 5073, A bill for an act relating to education finance; authorizing building lease aid for private contract alternative schools; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 124D.69, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; Laws 2023, chapter 55, article 2, section 64, subdivision 6.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.
McDonald; Olson, B.; Torkelson; Nash; Knudsen; Murphy; Harder; Anderson, P. H.; Backer; Mueller and Mekeland introduced:
H. F. 5074, A bill for an act relating to taxation; property; increasing the shareholder limit for entity-owned agricultural homestead property; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 273.124, subdivision 8.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Lee, F. introduced:
H. F. 5075, A bill for an act relating to taxation; individual income; providing a tax credit for the removal of trees infested by the emerald ash borer; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 290.06, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Hassan introduced:
H. F. 5076, A bill for an act relating to workforce development; creating the youth climate action fellowship program; requiring a report; appropriating money for the program.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Climate and Energy Finance and Policy.
Sencer-Mura, Her, Keeler, Freiberg, Finke, Pursell, Jordan, Pérez-Vega, Clardy, Agbaje, Cha, Gomez, Smith, Hollins and Olson, L. introduced:
H. F. 5077, A bill for an act relating to health; establishing the reproductive health equity grant fund; appropriating money.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Finance and Policy.
Noor; Lee, F.; Gomez; Vang; Hassan; Frazier; Sencer-Mura; Xiong; Hollins; Hussein; Pérez-Vega and Lee, K. introduced:
H. F. 5078, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; imposing restrictions on Minnesota's Multipurpose Community Facility Projects to Support Community Revitalization, Connectedness and Equity by Promoting Education, Work and Health program.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.
Dotseth and Pfarr introduced:
H. F. 5079, A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles; appropriating money for vehicle inspections.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy.
West introduced:
H. F. 5080, A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles; providing for drivers' licenses; allowing applicants to designate a secondary mailing address for drivers' licenses and identification cards; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 171.01, by adding a subdivision; 171.06, by adding a subdivision; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 171.06, subdivision 3; 171.07, subdivisions 1, 3.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy.
Clardy introduced:
H. F. 5081, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for public infrastructure improvements in the city of Lilydale; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Finke introduced:
H. F. 5082, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for improvements to the Gibbs Farm Museum in Ramsey County; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Kozlowski and Lislegard introduced:
H. F. 5083, A bill for an act relating to taxation; sales and use; providing a refundable exemption for construction materials used in certain housing development projects in St. Louis County.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Dotseth introduced:
H. F. 5084, A bill for an act relating to natural resources; requiring a report on reopening General C.C. Andrews State Nursery.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy.
Pérez-Vega, Hussein and Finke introduced:
H. F. 5085, A bill for an act relating to arts and cultural heritage; appropriating money for cultural events.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Legacy Finance.
Newton introduced:
H. F. 5086, A bill for an act relating to health occupations; creating licensure for music therapists; establishing fees; imposing civil penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 144.0572, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148G.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Finance and Policy.
Wiens and Hill introduced:
H. F. 5087, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a grant to Belwin Conservancy.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Capital Investment.
Bierman and Clardy introduced:
H. F. 5088, A bill for an act relating to human services; establishing a residential crisis stabilization for children medical assistance covered service; directing the commissioner of human services to request federal approval; requiring a report; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.0625, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Finance and Policy.
Clardy and Bierman introduced:
H. F. 5089, A bill for an act relating to human services; establishing a Collaborative Intensive Bridging Services medical assistance covered service; directing the commissioner of human services to conduct a rate study and request federal approval; requiring a report; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.0625, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Finance and Policy.
Newton introduced:
H. F. 5090, A bill for an act relating to arts and cultural heritage; appropriating money for the Twin Cities Jazz Festival.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Legacy Finance.
Pérez-Vega, Hussein, Jordan, Sencer-Mura and Clardy introduced:
H. F. 5091, A bill for an act relating to education finance; creating the Slice for St. Paul Kids literacy incentive pilot program through a school and community partnership; requiring a report; appropriating money.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.
Davids introduced:
H. F. 5092, A bill for an act relating to economic development; establishing the Minnesota Strategic Industrial Development Enhancement tax credits; authorizing rulemaking; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116J.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Economic Development Finance and Policy.
Her introduced:
H. F. 5093, A bill for an act relating to economic development; appropriating money for a grant to YWCA St. Paul.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Workforce Development Finance and Policy.