1:00 PM -- 2:45 PM
Member and staff introductions
DNR presentation on “GTAC Final Recommendations Report”
MPCA presentation on “Recommendations for Products Containing Lead, Cadmium, and PFAS”
TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 1 p.m. the day prior to the hearing. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Presentation on Minnesota Chamber Foundation Report, "Streamlining Minnesota's Environmental Permitting Process: Essential for Economic Growth"
HF 8 - Efficiency of Wetland Conservation Act determinations improved, efficiency of environmental and resource management permit application process improved, Pollution Control Agency permit process modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must e-mail the committee administrator by 1 p.m. the day prior to the hearing. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
AMENDMENT DEADLINE: Amendments must be e-mailed to the committee administrator by 1 p.m. the day prior to the hearing.