Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Vice Chair Kim Norton began the twenty-sixth meeting of the Health Care and Human Services Finance Committee at 10:09 a.m. in Room 200 of the State Office Building on Thursday, March 13, 2013.
HF 524 (Fischer) - Congregate living for individuals with lower needs reduction of rates modified.
Representative Fisher gave an overview of his bill. Testifying was:
Julie Bogenholm, Safe Transitions
Chair Norton announced there will be no committee meeting on March 14, as the policy committee is using our timeslot.
At 10:14 a.m. a quorum was present and Chair Norton officially called the meeting to order. The committee legislative assistant noted the roll:
Members Present:
Rep. Thomas Huntley, Chair
Rep. Kim Norton, Vice Chair
Rep. Jim Abeler
Rep. Susan Allen
Rep. Matt Dean
Rep. Peter Fischer
Rep. Patti Fritz
Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen
Rep. Laurie Halverson
Rep. Melissa Hortman
Rep. Carolyn Laine
Rep. Tina Liebling
Rep. Diane Loeffler
Rep. Tara Mack
Rep. Joe McDonald
Rep. Rena Moran
Rep. Jerry Newton
Rep. Duane Quam
Rep. Nick Zerwas
Members Excused:
Rep. Joe Schomacker
Representative Fischer moved HF 524 be recommended to pass and laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill and further moved adoption of the
H0524A1 amendment. The motion prevailed. The H0524A1 amendment was adopted. Also testifying were:
Sue Abderholden, NAMI-MN
Bruce Nelson, ARRM
The Chair laid the bill over, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill.
HF 404 (Mack) - Return on taxpayer investment study and recommendation funding provided for implementing methodology and practices for human services and corrections programs, and money appropriated.
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March 13, 2013
Representative Mack moved HF 404 be recommended to pass and laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill and further moved an oral amendment as follows:
Line 1.18, delete "2014" and insert "2013"
The motion prevailed and the oral amendment was adopted. Testifying was:
Kelly Harder, on behalf of MICA and MACSSA
Following discussion, Representative Mack renewed her motion that HF 404, as orally amended, be recommended to pass and be rereferred to the Committee on Public Safety. The motion prevailed.
HF 1088 (Fischer) - Adult mental health grant funding provided for supportive housing, and money appropriated.
Chair Norton moved HF 1088 be recommended to pass and laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill. Representative Fischer gave a brief overview of his bill. Testifiers were:
Sue Abderholden, NAMI-MN
Julie Grothe, Director of Delancey Services, Guild Incorporated
LaShay Griffin, Delancey Apartments
Dr. Tim Burkett, CEO, People Incorporated Mental Health Services
Chair Norton renewed her motion that HF 1088 be recommended to pass and laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill and laid the bill over.
HF 619 (Abeler) - Medical assistance payment procedures modified for multiple services provided on the same day, and health care home certification process modified for federally qualified health centers.
Chair Norton moved HF 619 be recommended to pass and laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill and further moved adoption of the H0619A1 amendment. The motion prevailed. The
H0619A1 amendment was adopted.
In Representative Abeler's absence, Representative Allen (a co-author of the bill) gave a brief overview. Testifying were:
Jonathan Watson, Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers
Dr. Chris Reif, Community University Health Care Center
Dr. Madhuri Shors, Psychiatrist, Community University Health Care Center
Representative Abeler moved adoption of an oral amendment to HF 619, as amended by the H0619A1 amendment, as follows:
Delete Section 2
Following discussion, the motion prevailed. The oral amendment was adopted.
Representative Abeler made closing comments about his bill and Chair Norton laid the bill over, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill.
The meeting adjourned at 11:14 a.m.
Kim Norton, Vice Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant