Chair, Representative Phyllis Kahn
Representative Kahn, Chair of the Legacy Committee, called the meeting to order at 2:15 P.M. on February 12, 2013 in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Kahn, Chair
Lillie, Vice Chair
Urdahl, Lead Republican
Hansen, Ex-officio
Murphy, M.
Ward, J.
Members excused:
A quorum was not present.
Jim Nobles, Legislative Auditor, Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA), gave a quick overview of their evaluation report on Conservation Easements.
A quorum was present at 2:20 P.M.
Representative Ward moved that the minutes of February 6, 2013 be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Judy Randall, Evaluation Coordinator, OLA, explained the different types of conservation easements and how the standards used for the evaluation were developed. She then presented the report's key findings and the OLA's oversight recommendations.
Michael Henson, President and CEO, Minnesota Orchestral Association, testified that he wants to ensure the MN Orchestra will be financially stable and continue well into the future. He wants the musicians to get back to work as soon as possible but in a sustainable manner.
Mr. Henson then explained why he believes the musicians and management have failed to come to an agreement and why the orchestra lockout situation has come about. He then gave an overview of the orchestra's funding sources and said that no state funds have or will be used to fund the negotiations.
Cathy Schubilski, Musician, Minnesota Orchestra, stated that the musicians also want to ensure a sustainable future for the Orchestra and want to get back to work quickly but feel that the process needs transparency. She then explained the musicians' beliefs on why the situation has not been resolved yet.
Anthony Ross, and Douglas Wright, both Musicians with the Minnesota Orchestra, responded to committee member questions.
Helen Roberts, Committee Fiscal Analyst, explained how much the State has given the Orchestra and which funds - general or arts and cultural heritage - it has come from.
Paula DeCosse, Co-Chair, Orchestrate Excellence, gave some background on their organization and explained that they are "…giving voice to the economic, educational and artistic repercussions" of the lockout. She said that both sides need to come together to find a solution that would allow the musicians to go back to work, even if it's temporary while negotiations are continuing.
Carole Mason Smith, Musician, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO), said the musicians are disappointed about how they have been treated in the negotiations and explained that they put forth a good-faith proposal, which included pay cuts that was ignored. She stated that she thinks the current management actions aren't in line with the mission of the SPCO.
Mariellen Jacobson, Chair, Save Our SPCO, explained how the organization began and how they are trying to help the locked out musicians. She said they are trying to bring an end to the dispute and get the musicians back to work.
Elmer Pierre, Save Our SPCO, since time was short, briefly stated that he agreed with the previous two testifiers.
Michael Henson, President and CEO, MN Orchestral Association, came back to the table to respond to member questions
The meeting was adjourned at 3:57 P.M.
Representative Phyllis Kahn, Chair
Krysta Niedernhofer, Committee Legislative Assistant