House Finance Committee Monday, December 15 2008 FY2008-2009 budget deficit:.
07:58 – Gavel and introductory remarks.
10:30 - Presentation on unallotment.
24:31 - Minnesota Management and Budget testimony.
State agency testimony:.
1:02:04 - Department of Education.
2:01:34 - University of Minnesota and MnSCU.
2:30:50 - Department of Health, Department of Human Services.
2:58:51 - Department of Administration, Department of Corrections, Department of Agriculture.
3:21:42 - Department of Employment and Economic Development, Office of Enterprise Technology, Department of Labor and Industry.
3:34:22 - Department of Military Affairs, Pollution Control Agency, Department of Public Safety.
3:51:20 - Department of Revenue, Department of Transportation, Housing Finance Agency.
4:10:39 - Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Higher Education, Department of Human Rights.
4:26:18 - Minnesota Management and Budget.
4:32:54 - Public testimony.
Runs 4 hours, 45 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee and Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Wednesday, December 10 2008 00:50 - Gavel and Introductory remarks regarding the 2008-2009 budget deficit.
Overview of issues surrounding:.
06:26 - Tax Aid and Credits.
13:26 - Local Government Aid.
44:23 - Unallotment.
1:38:14 - Public testimony and general discussion
Runs 2 hours, 37 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Friday, December 5 2008 02:36 - Gavel, and presentation of the November 2008 Economic Forecast by Minnesota Management & Budget.
Runs 1 hour, 51 minutes.
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Governor Pawlenty Press Conference Thursday, December 4 2008 Governor Pawlenty responds to the release of the November 2008 Economic Forecast.
Runs 48 minutes.
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House/Senate DFL Press Conference Thursday, December 4 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher, House Majority Leader Tony Sertich, Senate Majority Leader Lawrence Pogemiller and Senate Assistant Majority Leader Tarryl Clark respond to the release of the November 2008 Economic Forecast.
Runs 25 minutes.
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House/Senate Republican Press Conference Thursday, December 4 2008 House Minority Leader Marty Seifert and Senate Minority Leader David Senjem respond to the release of the November 2008 Economic Forecast.
Runs 11 minutes.
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Release of the November 2008 Economic Forecast Thursday, December 4 2008 Release of the November 2008 Economic Forecast by Minnesota Management & Budget.
Runs 46 minutes.
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House Commerce and Labor Committee Tuesday, November 25 2008 06:20 - Gavel and overview of Wakota Bridge issues.
11:36 - Wakota Bridge progress report by Department of Transportation. Runs 52 minutes.
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House Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs Committee Thursday, November 13 2008 00:12 - Gavel.
00:25 - Brief overview presentation of agreements between Northwest Airlines, the State of Minnesota and the Metropolitan Airports Commission.
• Jeanne LeFevre, House Research.
06:50 - Fact-finding hearing to determine the impact of the NWA-Delta merger and enforcement of covenants with the State of Minnesota.
• Richard Hirst, Delta Air Lines.
• Kathy Kardell, Minnesota management and Budget.
• Tom Anderson, Metropolitan Airports Commission.
Runs 1 hour, 46 minutes.
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House Transportation Finance Division Wednesday, November 12 2008 07:04 - Gavel, and update on Department of Transportation bridge inspections.
1:36:27 - Update on Department of Public Safety computer system.
Runs 1 hour, 50 minutes.
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House DFL post-election press conference Wednesday, November 5 2008 Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a press conference to discuss the election results.
Runs 19 minutes.
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House Republican post-election press conference Wednesday, November 5 2008 Minority Leader Marty Seifert held a press conference to discuss the election results.
Runs 28 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Monday, October 6 2008 Impact of the federal "Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008'' on Minnesota.
00:36 - Gavel.
01:42 - Background and overview of the federal "Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008".
22:25 - Update on foreclosure data.
31:33 - Continued overview of the federal "Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008".
43:25 - Update on the federal "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008".
1:15:24 - Presentation from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
1:33:03 - Minnesota Housing Finance Agency overview of state implementation.
1:58:22 - Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development role.
2:10:44 - Update on foreclosure impacts on renters.
2:15:52 - Update from the Minnesota Foreclosure Partners Council.
Runs 2 hour, 30 minutes.
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Joint House/Senate Environment & Natural Resources Finance Division Monday, September 8 2008 03:11 - Gavel.
03:52 - Testimony from PCA concerning TMDL's (Total Maximum Daily Loads).
1:05:23 - Testimony from DNR concerning the recent Legislative Auditor's Report: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the 2007 North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers Association´s Conference.
Runs 2 hour, 28 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Friday, August 15 2008 01:40 - Gavel, and overview of committee recommendations on legislative process reform.
19:37 - General discussion of recommendations and process.
Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Monday, July 28 2008 00:40 - Gavel, and continued discussion on legislative process reform, including conference committees/end of session, family-friendly issues and committee procedure for recommendations on process reform.
Runs 1 hour, 52 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Thursday, July 10 2008 04:23 - Gavel, and continued discussion on legislative process reform: floor procedures and end of session.
Runs 2 hours, 12 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Monday, June 23 2008 01:15 - Gavel and overview of policy considerations and potential changes regarding committee structure and procedures.
09:18 - Public testimony and general discussion.
Runs 2 hours, 1 minutes.
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Joint House/Senate Transportation Committee Monday, June 16 2008 13:17 - Gavel and opening comments.
19:15 - MnDOT update on implementation of HF2800 (Leider/Murphy) Omnibus Transportation Finance law.
52:38 - General discussion.
Runs 1 hour, 53 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Friday, June 13 2008 04:19 - Gavel and overview of continued discussion on legislative process reform.
Discussion of policy considerations and potential changes regarding:.
07:23 - General policy considerations.
13:51 - Committee structure and procedures.
21:53 - Floor procedures.
27:13 - End of session deadlines.
29:08 - Limits on legislative time; “family-friendly” issues.
31:00 - General discussion.
Runs 2 hours, 3 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Friday, May 16 2008 04:14 - Gavel.
05:07 - SF2492 (Wagenius) LCCMR funding recommendations for special environment and natural resource projects.
Coverage ended early because of the impending start of the House floor session.
Runs 1 hour, 3 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, May 9 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to review the past week, preview next week and answer questions from the media.
Runs 24 minutes.
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House Republican Press Conference Friday, May 9 2008 Minority Leader Marty Seifert held a media availability to review the past week, preview next week and answer questions from the media.
Runs 17 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Wednesday, May 7 2008 01:16 - Gavel.
01:52 - HF1875 (Huntley) Medical education research funds; public program volume factor for MERC converted from revenue to charges.
04:09 - HF3293 (Clark) Pollution Control Agency required to analyze cumulative pollution effects in an area prior to issuing a permit.
Runs 5 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Wednesday, May 7 2008 00:40 - SF2833 (Thissen) Abigail Taylor Pool Safety Act.
02:40 - HF2748 (Liebling) Administrative services unit required to apportion the necessary amount to purchase medical professional liability insurance coverage and authorizing fees to be adjusted to compensate for the apportioned amount, and money appropriated.
07:09 - HF3796 (Eken) Council established to prescribe legislator and constitutional officer salaries, compensation council abolished, and constitutional amendment proposed.
13:37 - HF3082 (Murphy, M.) Omnibus public pension bill.
Runs 20 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Tuesday, May 6 2008 15:07 - Gavel.
15:33 - HF3380 (Liebling) State health care county-based purchasing program requirements revised.
24:01 - HF863 (Hortman) Emission standards adoption required for motor vehicles, necessary updates provided for to comply with the Clean Air Act, and reports and study required.
Runs 16 minutes.
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House Commerce and Labor Committee Monday, May 5 2008 02:06 - Continued examination of proposed merger of Northwest and Delta airlines, and its impact on Minnesota commerce and jobs.
Testimony from Delta Air Lines President Ed Bastian.
Runs 1 hour, 2 minutes.
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Transportation Conference Committee Monday, May 5 2008 05:21 - HF3800 /SF3223 (Hornstein/Murphy) 2008 Omnibus transportation policy bill.
The House put forth a counter-offer to the recent Senate offer.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 16 minutes.
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Agriculture and Veterans Conference Committee - part 1 Friday, May 2 2008 02:40 - Gavel, and discussion of HF3902/SF3683* (Juhnke/Vickerman) Omnibus agriculture and veterans policy bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 12 minutes.
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Agriculture and Veterans Conference Committee - part 2 Friday, May 2 2008 02:03 - Continued discussion of HF3902/SF3683* (Juhnke/Vickerman) Omnibus agriculture and veterans policy bill.
Coverage ended early in order to provide a variety of additional conference committee coverage.
The complete audio archive is available on the House's Conference Committee Hearings Audio Archives Web site.
Runs 1 hour, 50 minutes.
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DFL Press Conference Friday, May 2 2008 Senator Ellen Anderson, Representative Tom Rukavina and Archbishop Harry Flynn held a news conference to call for an increase to the state's minimum wage.
Runs 22 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, May 2 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to review the past week, discuss legislative issues, preview next week and answer questions from the media.
Runs 32 minutes.
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Public Safety Conference Committee Friday, May 2 2008 02:52 - HF2996/SF2790 (Paymar/Higgins) Omnibus public safety policy bill.
Runs 1 hour, 43 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Tuesday, April 29 2008 01:12 - Gavel, and public testimony on HF3149 (Lenczewski) Omnibus tax bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 5 hours, 18 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee - part 1 Monday, April 28 2008 06:53 - Gavel.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 35 seconds.
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House Taxes Committee - part 2 Monday, April 28 2008 14:27 - Gavel, and discussion of HF3149 (Lenczewski) Omnibus tax bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 50 minutes.
• The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at:
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House Commerce and Labor Committee Friday, April 25 2008 Examination of proposed merger of Northwest and Delta Airlines, and its impact on Minnesota commerce and jobs.
07:43 - Gavel and introductory remarks.
11:48 - Tom Pender, Minnesota House Research Department.
27:30 - Mike Maguire, Mayor, Eagan.
43:03 - Myles Shaver, Professor, University of Minnesota.
1:03:26 - Dan McElroy, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.
1:24:35 - Ben Hirst, Senior Vice President-Corporate Affairs and General Counsel, Northwest Airlines.
Runs 2 hours, 43 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, April 25 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to release a DFL budget offer, discuss legislative issues, preview next week and answer questions from the media.
Runs 29 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Friday, April 25 2008 07:40 - Gavel.
08:34 - HF4014 (Fritz) Nursing facility moratorium exception and transfer – Steele County.
35:30 - HF3494 (Pelowski) State employee blood donors provided with up to three hours of paid leave in any 12-month period, and employee leave provided by employers.
43:25 - HF3345 (Sertich) Minnesota Film and TV Board grant authorized through Explore Minnesota Tourism, and money appropriated.
1:00:53 - HF3969 (Kahn) Help America Vote Act funds transfer authorized.
1:06:20 - HF3873 (Rukavina) Potential enrollee name release prohibited to health plans for marketing purposes.
1:15:37 - HF3539 (Swails) Hospital construction moratorium exception provided.
1:44:43 - HF1724 (Walker) Naturopathic doctor registration provided.
Runs 2 hours, 8 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Tuesday, April 22 2008 Representative Joe Atkins held a press conference to announce legislation related to the proposed sale of Northwest Airlines to Delta Airlines.
Runs 24 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Committee Tuesday, April 22 2008 10:42 - Gavel, and informational hearing on HF4157 (Faust) Permits to harvest or destroy aquatic plants provisions modified.
1:42:04 - HF4164 (Eken) Wildlife Feeding in a Bovine Tuberculosis Zone.
• Coverage of this meeting ended early.
• The complete audio archive of this meeting can be found on the committee's audio archives page at:
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House Taxes Committee Tuesday, April 22 2008 11:15 - Gavel.
12:05 - HF2237 (Nelson) Bloomington tax increment financing district improvements construction materials sales tax exemption provided, district duration extended and boundaries modified, bonds issued, and money.
Runs 5 hours, 19 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Monday, April 21 2008 Representatives Ann Lenczewski and Paul Marquart held a press conference regarding the House property tax proposal.
Runs 27 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, April 21 2008 13:47 - Gavel.
14:51 - HF3729 (Hilty) Legislative Energy Commission established, and Legislative Electric Energy Task Force abolished, conforming corrections made, and money appropriated.
17:51 - SF2706 (Hilty) Sustainable building 2030; building performance standards development.
20:58 - SF2786 (Mahoney) Restricted plumber licenses modifications.
22:47 - HF3034 (Mahoney) Electrical, plumbing, water conditioning, boiler, and high-pressure piping professional provisions modified.
44:24 - HF3292 (Dittrich) School trust fund lands management provided, school trust fund land return improvements provided, Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee mission redefined, and report provided.
50:17 - HF3498 (Berns) Firefighter Training and Education Board member compensation authorized.
52:30 - HF3955 (Thissen) Home care service provider regulations modified, and community-based care promoted for older adults through establishment of community consortiums, and reports required.
Runs 43 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, April 18 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to preview next week and answer questions from the media.
Runs 33 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Friday, April 18 2008 15:21 - Gavel.
17:00 - HF934 (Clark) Polybrominated diphenyl ether manufacture and sale restricted.
25:29 - HF4189 (Davnie) First class metropolitan area cities financial status study and report required on conventions and event.
40:05 - HF3587 (Solberg) Budget recommendations development specified, and state agencies required to provide information.
1:42:16 - SF2866 (Johnson) Broadband service mapping project and inventory funding provided, and money appropriated.
1:45:12 - HF2351 (Johnson) State video franchising impact study required.
1:57:32 - SF3158 (Moe) Explore Minnesota Tourism rental lodging study required, definitions created, and report required.
2:11:35 - HF3725 (Hornstein) Urban partnership agreements authorized to provide user fees for high-occupancy vehicle lanes and dynamic shoulder lanes, rulemaking exemptions provided, penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
2:36:05 - HF2998 (Koenen) Free entrance authorized for totally and permanently disabled veterans.
2:38:06 - HF3505 (Bigham) Predatory offenders required to register prohibited from accessing and using social networking Web sites.
2:55:03 - HF3301 (Kalin) Design-build project requests modified for proposals, scoring, project awards, protests, and stipulated fees; and Technical Review Committee provisions modified.
Runs 3 hours, 26 minutes.
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House Republican Press Conference Friday, April 18 2008 Minority Leader Marty Seifert held a media availability to answer questions from the media.
Runs 23 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Thursday, April 17 2008 DFL House and Senate members held a press conference relating to environmental status of the Minnesota River.
Runs 28 minutes.
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House Republican Press Conference Thursday, April 17 2008 Representative Laura Brod held a press conference regarding concerns about the health care reform bill.
Runs 29 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Thursday, April 17 2008 08:24 - Gavel.
08:58 - Amendment to the House Budget Resolution.
10:03 - HF3722 (Rukavina) Higher education, jobs and economic development appropriations.
12:18 - SF3669 (Madore) Transportation construction impacts mitigation effects on small businesses report.
15:01 - SF3061 (Eken) Petrofund program modified.
16:04 - HF3902 (Juhnke) Omnibus agriculture and veterans affairs policy bill.
32:57 - HF3343 (Juhnke) Wind energy conversion system aggregation program created, and money appropriated.
35:27 - SF3061 (Eken) Petrofund program modified.
41:55 - HF615 (Walker) Responsible family life and sexuality education programs provided, information on certain immunizations required, and money appropriated.
54:00 - HF3195 (Knuth) Intent to participate in greenhouse gas emission cap and trade program established, studies required, and money appropriated.
59:51 - SF3337 (Hilty) Omnibus energy policy bill.
Runs 54 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Tuesday, April 15 2008 02:24 - Gavel.
04:13 - HF3722 (Rukavina) Higher education, jobs and economic development appropriations.
06:22 - HF3349 (Rukavina) Surplus appropriation sunset provision removed.
18:18 - HF3034 (Mahoney) Electrical, plumbing, water conditioning, boiler, and high-pressure piping professional provisions modified.
34:30 - SF3337 (Hilty) Omnibus energy policy bill.
1:43:36 - SF2775 (Nelson) Disconnection notice requirement to municipality upon customer gas or electric service shutoff.
1:48:40 - HF3602 (Dill) Business subsidy provisions and terms modified.
2:03:18 - HF615 (Walker) Responsible family life and sexuality education programs provided, and money appropriated.
2:45:34 - HF2996 (Paymar) Controlled substance law working group.
2:58:33 - HF3625 (Hanson) Natural resources administrative sites sales proceeds disposition provided, and money appropriated.
3:22:30 - SF3576 (Hanson) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia control provided.
3:25:05 - HF3292 (Dittrich) School trust fund lands management provided, school trust fund land return improvements provided, Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee mission redefined, and report provided.
Runs 3 hours, 30 minutes.
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Joint meeting of House and Senate committees on environment, agriculture, natural resources, energy and transportation Tuesday, April 15 2008 07:58 - Gavel, and informational hearing on a low carbon fuel standard.
Committees and Divisions involved:.
• House Environment and Natural Resources Committee.
• House Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division.
• House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division.
• House Energy Finance and Policy Division.
• House Transportation and Transit Policy Subcommittee.
• Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee.
• Senate Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division.
Runs 2 hours, 50 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, April 14 2008 10:35 - Gavel.
11:07 - SF345 (Huntley) Medical use of marijuana.
13:55 - Amendment to House Budget Resolution.
15:27 - HF3280 (Dill) Public land expedited exchanges provided.
17:40 - HF3558 (Madore) 2008 US Women's Open temporary permits required for passenger vehicles.
20:58 - HF4075 (Olin) Bovine tuberculosis control provided in certain areas, and money appropriated.
30:20 - HF3706 (Severson) Special license plate surcharge repealed.
32:00 - HF3490 (Bigham) Juvenile driver's license $30 reinstatement fee imposed following revocation.
33:27 - HF3800 (Hornstein) 2008 Omnibus transportation policy bill.
Runs 28 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, April 11 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to talk about the past week, preview next week and answer questions from the media.
Runs 27 minutes.
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House Republican Press Conference Friday, April 11 2008 Minority Leader Marty Seifert held a media availability to discuss negotiations on the budget bill, talk about the past week, preview next week and answer questions from the media.
Runs 18 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Thursday, April 10 2008 04:02 - Gavel.
04:52 - HF4178 (Greiling) School finance system modified, and new education funding framework created.
Runs 1 hour, 44 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Wednesday, April 9 2008 05:54 - Gavel.
06:21 - HF3547 (Dill) Omnibus game and fish bill.
32:46 - HF3800 (Hornstein) 2008 Omnibus transportation policy bill (bill was subsequently laid over).
2:31:48 - HF3490 (Bigham) Juvenile driver's license $30 reinstatement fee imposed following revocation.
2:33:55 - SF3669 (Madore) Transportation construction project mitigating effects on small businesses report required.
2:45:09 - HF3558 (Madore) 2008 US Women's Open license plates issuance required.
2:47:23 - Further consideration of HF3800 (Hornstein) 2008 Omnibus transportation policy bill.
2:50:49 - HF3486 (Hornstein) International Fuel Tax Agreement fee proceeds since 2005 reallocated.
2:54:24 - SF3224 (Sailer) Nonmotorized transportation advisory committee established.
2:57:35 - HF3706 (Severson) Special license plate surcharge repealed.
2:59:48 - SF3137 (Hortman) Commuter rail; transportation commissioner's authority clarified relating to commuter rail, and operation and maintenance of commuter rail lines located in the metropolitan area provided.
Runs 2 hours, 56 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Wednesday, April 9 2008 07:06 - Gavel.
07:38 - SF345 (Huntley) Medicinal use of marijuana.
17:20 - SF2564 (Huntley) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families maintenance of effort programs modified.
Runs 20 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Tuesday, April 8 2008 03:30 - Gavel.
03:40 - HF4096 (Lenczewski) Alternative minimum taxable income modified to exclude charitable contributions made by nonitemizers.
06:33 - HF4162 (Lenczewski) Partnership return, and refund claim time filing extended.
51:35 - HF3882 (Simpson) Lodging definition modified and standardized for lodging tax purposes.
1:13:50 - HF3599 (Marquart) JOBZ provisions modified, reporting requirements and tax credit provided, tax benefits allowed, and terms defined.
Runs 3 hours, 25 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Monday, April 7 2008 00:23 - Gavel.
02:00 - HF3126 (Ruth) Tax registration for intracity buses fixed.
12:50 - HF3323 (Hornstein) Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board authorized to adopt standards for dedication of land to the public or a payment of a dedication fee on certain new commercial and industrial development.
18:39 - HF4169 (Lenczewski) Bloomington; tax increment financing five-year district rule extended.
34:06 - Public testimony on HF4103 (Lenczewski) Corporation franchise tax modified, grants authorized, foreign operating corporations eliminated, tax havens defined, subsidies taxed, rate reduced, JOBZ, programs, and tax credits repealed, exemptions eliminated, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 17 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, April 4 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to talk about the past week and preview next week.
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Omnibus Capital Investment Conference Committee Tuesday, April 1 2008 08:37 - Gavel, and discussion of HF380 (Hausman/Langseth) Omnibus Capital Investment bonding bill.
Runs 1 hour, 13 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Monday, March 31 2008 07:29 - Gavel, and discussion of SF3564 (Lieder) Compressed natural gas special fuel excess tax transitional rate correction.
15:59 - Office of the Legislative Auditor report on JOBZ Program.
1:27:54 - Public testimony on HF4103 (Lenczewski) amendment provisions that will be offered to HF1812 (Carlson) Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
Video coverage of this meeting ended at this point.
Runs 1 hour, 45 minutes.
• The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the House Taxes Committee Web page:
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Survivor Compensation Fund Conference Committee Monday, March 31 2008 02:49 - Gavel, and discussion of HF2553 (Winkler/Latz) Catastrophe survivor compensation fund established, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 6 minutes.
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2007 Omnibus Transportation Policy Bill Conference Committee Friday, March 28 2008 21:08 - Gavel, and discussion of HF1351 (Hornstein/Murphy) 2007 Omnibus transportation policy bill providing policy changes relating to transportation, highways, drivers' licenses and railroads, and appropriating money.
Runs 39 minutes.
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Health Care Reform Press Conference Friday, March 28 2008 Representatives Tom Huntley and Paul Thissen held a press conference related to health care reform.
Runs 19 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, March 28 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to talk about the past week and preview next week.
Runs 28 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 1 Thursday, March 27 2008 04:20 - Gavel, and discussion of budget bill process.
11:35 - HF3360 (Ozment) Claims bill.
18:12 - HF4023 (Solberg) Health, human services and education forecast adjustments made, and money appropriated.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 20 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 2 Thursday, March 27 2008 06:33 - Gavel.
08:34 - HF1812 (Carlson) Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
The following Division reports were amended into HF1812:.
14:15 - HF4063 (Jaros) Minnesota heritage supplemental budget bill.
33:43 - HF3805 (Lieder) Transportation supplemental budget bill.
44:14 - HF3981 (Juhnke) Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs supplemental budget bill.
1:06:40 - HF3381 (Clark) Housing and public health supplemental budget bill.
1:42:37 - HF4021 (Wagenius) Environment and natural resources supplemental budget bill.
2:54:10 - HF2305 (Hilty) Energy supplemental budget bill.
3:18:12 - HF4077 (Paymar) Public safety supplemental budget bill.
4:07:16 - HF3987 (DeLaForest) State government supplemental budget bill.
4:56:55 - HF3722 (Rukavina) Higher education and workforce development supplemental budget bill.
5:17:38 - HF2475 (Greiling) K-12 education supplemental budget bill.
5:47:07 - HF3976 (Huntley) Health care and human services supplemental budget bill.
Runs 6 hours, 25 minutes.
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House Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division Wednesday, March 26 2008 04:42 - Gavel.
06:12 - HF2475 (Greiling) K-12 education supplemental budget bill.
1:36:20 - HF3722 (Rukavina) Higher education and workforce development supplemental budget bill.
2:44:01 - Early Childhood Learning Finance Division report.
Runs 2 hours, 43 minutes.
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Survivor Compensation Fund Conference Committee Wednesday, March 26 2008 02:13 - Gavel and introductions.
05:10 - Introductory remarks related to HF2553 (Winkler/Latz) Catastrophe survivor compensation fund established, and money appropriated.
14:57 - Side-by-side comparison by policy staff.
52:30 - Side-by-side comparison by fiscal staff.
1:24:24 - Public testimony.
Runs 1 hour, 50 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Tuesday, March 25 2008 06:30 - Gavel.
06:56 - HF2475 (Greiling) K-12 education supplemental budget bill mark-up.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
The audio archive of the continuation of this meeting is available on the House K-12 Finance Division's Audio Archives Web page:
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House K-12 Finance Division Wednesday, March 19 2008 12:42 - Gavel.
14:25 - HF2475 (Greiling) K-12 Education Finance Supplemental Budget Bill.
Runs 38 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Wednesday, March 19 2008 03:06 - Gavel.
03:55 - HF3132 (Mullery) Animal fighting provisions changed.
15:27 - HF2787 (Mullery) Private actions on behalf of one or more persons alleging unlawful business, commerce or trade practices defined as in the public interest relating to statutory interpretation.
27:47 - HF3498 (Berns) Firefighter Training and Education Board member compensation authorized.
34:33 - HF3505 (Bigham) Predatory offenders required to register prohibited from accessing and using social networking Web sites.
49:14 - HF3863 (Thissen) Official traffic-control camera device automatic enforcement authorized, and legislative report required.
1:15:40 - HF3257 (Loeffler) Sexual offenders facing civil commitment allowed to choose to be confined in correctional facilities while petition is adjudicated, civil commitment cost addressed, and county attorney access to data addressed.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Wednesday, March 19 2008 08:30 - Gavel.
08:50 - HF4103 (Lenczewski) Corporation franchise tax modified, grants authorized, foreign operating corporations eliminated, tax havens defined, subsidies taxed, rate reduced, JOBZ, programs, and tax credits repealed, exemptions eliminated, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Tuesday, March 18 2008 05:00 - Gavel.
05:05 - HF3034 (Mahoney) Electrical, plumbing, water conditioning, boiler, and high-pressure piping professional provisions modified.
08:19 - HF2107 (Masin) High-Speed Broadband Task Force established.
12:29 - SF2511 (Pelowski) Health care peer review committee and Minnesota breeders fund committees reestablishment.
14:37 - SF248 (Pelowski) Election expenditure limit modification.
19:00 - SF3364 (Kalin) Deaf and hard-of-hearing people commission provisions modification.
23:57 - HF3702 (Kalin) Election assessment and payment of costs provided.
32:33 - SF2402 (Atkins) Accountancy board provisions modifications.
37:52- HF3516 (Davnie) Foreclosure information specification provided and report required.
52:03 - HF3316 (Mariani) Prekindergarten through grade 12 education provided for general education, education excellence, special programs, libraries, and self-sufficiency and lifelong learning.
Runs 1 hour, 18 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Tuesday, March 18 2008 02:24 - Gavel.
03:05 - HF2937 (Brynaert) Open Door Health Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
12:31 - HF2671 (Urdahl) Nursing facility payment rates required to recognize pension benefit costs.
31:54 - HF3009 (Morrow) Nursing facility employee pension benefit costs treatment provided.
34:85 - HF3409 (Peterson, A.) Rural health care purchasing alliance funding provided, and money appropriated.
57:52 - HF3785 (Doty) Morrison County nursing facility payment rates increased.
1:11:45 - Discussion of the following three bills:.
• HF3616 (Walker) Minnesota Family Investment Program unpaid work prohibited, Minnesota Family Investment Program provisions repealed for family cap and rental subsidy as unearned income (informational hearing).
• HF3618 (Walker) Minnesota family investment program family cap repealed.
• HF3619 (Walker) MFIP participant supported work and auto-related costs funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 48 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, March 17 2008 03:08 - Gavel.
03:18 - HF3138 (Bigham) State labor contracts ratified.
08:15 - HF3868 (Lieder) Compressed natural gas excise tax transitional rate corrected.
15:10 - HF3138 (Bigham) State labor contracts ratified.
18:01 - HF2941 (Hausman) University of Minnesota funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
20:30 - HF2783 (Swails) P-20 education partnership established.
25:22 - HF3090 (Morrow) Department of Transportation position provisions modified.
35:30 - HF2877 (Paymar) Disarming a peace officer crime established.
38:24 - HF1625 (Hosch) Order of protection and restraining order durations extended after multiple violations or continued threats.
41:18 - HF2906 (Paymar) Dangerous dogs regulating provisions changed.
53:33 - HF3569 (Rukavina) University of Minnesota directed to study workers' health including lung health, and money appropriated.
1:14:30 - HF3312 (Olin) Drainage system repair fund modified to maximum amount allowed.
1:22:25 - HF3090 (Morrow) Department of Transportation position provisions modified.
Runs 1 hour, 21 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Monday, March 17 2008 04:00 - Gavel.
Department of Revenue's presentation of the governor's tax related budget recommendations, as put forth in HF3967 (Simpson) Various tax provisions modified; tax refund, withholding, and subtraction changes made; tax system and association created; adjustments provided, federal conforming changes made, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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House Transportation Finance Division Monday, March 17 2008 01:53 - Gavel.
02:52 - Governor's budget recommendations:.
HF3964 (Magnus) Transportation appropriations reduced, surcharge deleted, and technical change made relating to driver examination requirements.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Friday, March 14 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to talk about the past week and preview next week.
Runs 25 minutes.
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House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division Friday, March 14 2008 02:50 - Gavel.
03:00 - HF3386 (Marquart) Property tax exemption eligibility clarification provided for public charity institutions.
19:25 - Department of Revenue's presentation of the governor's property tax related budget recommendations.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Thursday, March 13 2008 00:05 - Gavel, and public testimony on the governor's budget recommendations.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Thursday, March 13 2008 01:09 - Gavel, and discussion of governor's budget recommendations for:.
02:20 - Board of Public Defense.
50:15 - Civil Legal Services.
1:09:13 - Human Rights Department.
Runs 1 hour, 17 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Thursday, March 13 2008 02:18 - Gavel.
02:38 - HF3453 (Kahn) Starbase program effectiveness study provisions modified.
08:14 - HF3417 (Tillberry) Returning combat veteran reinstatement fee waiver provided.
11:12 - HF3969 (Kahn) Help America Vote Act funds transfer authorized.
16:40 - HF3493 (Solberg) Disaster relief funding provided, state reimbursement provided, and money appropriated.
24:19 - HF3737 (Solberg) State agency budget access provided to members of the legislature, forecast of general fund cash flow required, budget modifying deadline provided, deficiency requests deadline imposed, and obsolete requirements eliminated.
1:06:15 - HF3587 (Solberg) Budget recommendations development specified, and state agencies required to provide information.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, March 12 2008 01:40 - Gavel.
01:50 - HF3357 (Marquart) Municipal boundary changes provided, and chief administrative law judge powers and duties imposed.
07:40 - HF3135 (Scalze) Local impact notes requirements changed.
11:47 - HF3725 (Hornstein) Urban partnership agreements authorized to provide user fees for high-occupancy vehicle lanes and dynamic shoulder lanes.
28:44 - HF2683 (Otremba) Minnesota Agriculture Education Leadership Council expiration date modified.
31:45 - HF3770 (Winkler) Office of Enterprise Technology legislative report required regarding its approval process for state agency technology requests and assistance provided to state agencies in developing agency information system plans.
40:15 - HF3113 (Hortman) State budget requirements modified.
1:03:39 - SF1218 (Kalin) Absent voting procedures modification.
1:59:05 - HF3367 (Pelowski) Disputed data access specified, closed meetings recording required, and attorney fees granted.
Runs 2 hours, 6 minutes.
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Wednesday, March 12 2008 04:44 - Gavel.
04:56 - Impact of governor's proposed budget cuts on the Office of Higher Education.
29:53 - University of Minnesota President Bruininks will discuss impacts of governor's proposed cuts on the University.
1:05:37 - Impact of governor's proposed budget cuts on the MnSCU system.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Wednesday, March 12 2008 00:13 - Gavel.
00:21 - Housing Finance Agency presentation of governor's budget recommendations.
25:05 - Department of Health presentation of governor's budget recommendations.
Runs 1 hour, 42 minutes.
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House Transportation and Transit Policy Subcommittee Wednesday, March 12 2008 01:50 - Gavel.
04:23 - HF2968 (Ward) Joey's Law; alcohol-restricted driver's licenses distinguishing color and markings specified.
11:50 - HF3835 (Davnie) Medium-speed electric vehicles defined, medium-speed electric vehicles required to be registered and titled, and roads identified on which medium-speed electric vehicles may be operated.
17:50 - HF3792 (Hortman) Commuter rail; transportation commissioner's authority clarified relating to commuter rail, and operation and maintenance of commuter rail lines located in the metropolitan area provided.
42:53 - HF3896 (Hornstein) Walkways required by certain railroad tracks.
1:11:07 - HF3962 (Morrow) Spotter trucks regulated.
1:15:53 - HF3960 (Morrow) Driver education instruction relating to interaction with commercial motor vehicles required and modification of driver's manual required.
1:22:17 - HF3800 (Hornstein) Impounded vehicle and contents sale permitted after title transfer; notices provided, right to receive contents without charge established, deficiency claim limited, and oversize and overweight tow truck permit provided.
Runs 1 hour, 37 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Tuesday, March 11 2008 01:31 - Gavel, and discussion of HF3390 (Loeffler) Nutrition added as required standard, BMI monitoring program required, statewide health improvement program, and health nutrition, and physical education advisory council established, reports required, and money appropriated.
1:18:06 - HF3569 (Rukavina) University of Minnesota directed to study workers' health including lung health, and money appropriated.
1:55:10 - HF3208 (Lanning) Community action grants provided, and money appropriated.
2:03:25 - HF2736 (Mullery) Statewide landlord registry study provided, and report required.
Runs 2 hours, 17 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Tuesday, March 11 2008 02:56 - Gavel.
03:02 - HF3593 (Marquart) School district reciprocity agreements modified.
26:25 - HF3140 (Westrom) School district integration revenue increased, and levy created for school districts with negative fund balances.
43:32 - HF3329 (Brynaert) Academic success state measures established.
1:22:50 - HF3423 (Hilstrom) School district integration revenue increased, and levy created for school districts with negative fund balances.
Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.
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House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee Tuesday, March 11 2008 05:37 - Gavel, and discussion of HF2811 (Atkins) Board of Accountancy governing provisions modified.
09:26 - HF2911 (Atkins) Ticket sale and purchase offenses established.
14:28 - HF3397 (Atkins) Gambling expenditure restriction changes made, bingo games and prizes modified, and clarifying and technical changes made.
16:52 - HF3378 (Tillberry) Gambling device definition clarified, and gambling devices or components for shipment to other jurisdiction provisions repealed.
20:45 - HF3597 (Mullery) Sexual assault indictment limitations modified.
26:25 - HF3775 (Olin) Sexual assault victim protection law modified.
51:31 - HF3429 (Hansen) Administrative penalty orders provided, civil penalties provided, implementation plan required, and rulemaking exemption provided.
1:10:00 - HF3257 (Loeffler) Sexual offenders facing civil commitment allowed to choose to be confined in correctional facilities while petition is adjudicated, civil commitment cost addressed, and county attorney access to data addressed.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
The audio of the continuation of this meeting is available on the House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee's Audio Archives Web page:
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House Finance Committee Monday, March 10 2008 11:50 - Gavel.
12:22 - HF2904 (Pelowski) Natural disaster assistance procedures established for state agencies.
21:21 - HF3346 (Davnie) Mortgage foreclosure assistance provided, and maximum amount of financial assistance increased.
39:30 - SF1436 (Hilstrom) State auditor provisions modifications.
43:49 - HF3167 (Johnson) Senior nutrition funding clarification provided.
46:13 - HF3143 (Winkler) Individual income and corporate franchise credit allowed for investment in Minnesota high technology businesses, and appropriation reduced.
49:26 - HF2805 (Mahoney) Restricted plumber licenses effective dates modified.
52:12 - HF2972 (Mahoney) Minnesota Technology, Inc. renamed Enterprise Minnesota, Inc., and related provisions updated.
1:19:15 - HF2779 (Paulsen) Lifelong learning account program established, tax credits to employees and employers for contributions to lifelong learning accounts allowed, and money appropriated.
1:25:35 - HF3349 (Rukavina) Surplus appropriation sunset provision removed.
1:37:20 - Presentation of governor's supplemental budget.
Runs 1 hour, 18 minutes.
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DFL Leadership response to governor's budget balancing plan Friday, March 7 2008 House Majority Leader Tony Sertich and Senate Assistant Majority Leader Tarryl Clark respond to the governor's budget balancing plan.
Runs 7 minutes.
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Governor Pawlenty press conference Friday, March 7 2008 Governor Tim Pawlenty and Finance Commissioner Tom Hanson held press conference to announce the governor's plan to solve the state's projected $935 million deficit and balance the budget.
Runs 30 minutes.
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House DFL media availability Friday, March 7 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher and Majority Leader Tony Sertich held a media availability to talk about the past week and preview next week.
Runs 25 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division - part 1 Friday, March 7 2008 10:55 - Gavel.
11:00 - HF3566 (Nelson) Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 16 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division - part 2 Friday, March 7 2008 04:00 - Gavel, and discussion of HF3236 (Davnie) Deed, rates of interest, and mortgage contracts regulated, borrower's ability to repay verification provided, and mortgage broker's failure to comply penalties and remedies provided.
17:25 - HF3287 (Davnie) Debt management services regulated, and obsolete criminal provision repealed.
21:21 - HF3612 (Davnie) Minnesota Subprime Foreclosure Deferment Act of 2008 provisions provided.
Runs 1 hour, 48 minutes.
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House Veterans Affairs Division Friday, March 7 2008 09:14 - Gavel.
10:13 - HF3762 (Murphy) Veterans Health Care Advisory Council created.
14:14 - HF3417 (Tillberry) Returning combat veteran reinstatement fee waiver provided (was temporarily laid on the table).
18:00 - HF3427 (Dettmer) Veteran loan program established, certain veterans added to program eligibility, unemployment compensation provision changed, and money appropriated.
25:57 - HF3660 (Dettmer) Immediate family member employment discrimination prohibited, civil actions permitted, and penalties provided.
33:30 - HF3417 (Tillberry) Returning combat veteran reinstatement fee waiver provided.
37:50 - HF3617 (Koenen) Wound prevention and care formulary demonstration project established for state veteran homes and reports required.
54:30 - HF3763 (Juhnke) Veterans Homes Board of Directors functions transferred to commissioner of veterans affairs.
1:02:07 - HF3749 (Juhnke) State veterans cemeteries authorized and regulated.
1:04:40 - HF3686 (Tingelstad) National Guard and reservist businesses provided a stay of proceedings for members who have been mobilized into active military service.
1:30:40 - HF3672 (Severson) Korean War Veterans Day designated for July 27.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Thursday, March 6 2008 20:30 - Gavel.
20:35 - HF3312 (Olin) Drainage system repair fund modified to maximum amount allowed.
29:17 - HF3292 (Dittrich) School trust fund lands management provided, school trust fund land return improvements provided, Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee mission redefined, and report provided.
57:24 - HF2745 (Wagenius) Environment and natural resources trust fund repayment provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 1 minute.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, March 5 2008 25:48 - SF1298 (Hilty) Elections provisions modifications.
1:18:01 - HF1546 (Simon) Driver's license and identification card applicants automatic voter registration provided, and money appropriated.
1:31:20 - HF3391 (Huntley) State health care programs funding increased, provisions modified, fees increased, subsidies provided, Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange established, standard created, reports required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Wednesday, March 5 2008 01:50 - Gavel.
02:20 - HF3569 (Rukavina) University of Minnesota directed to study workers' health including lung health, and money appropriated.
54:25 - HF3143 (Winkler) Individual income and corporate franchise credit allowed for investment in Minnesota high technology businesses, and appropriation reduced.
1:05:40 - HF3295 (Solberg) Conflict of interest rules clarified for local economic development authorities.
1:13:32 - HF3707 (Hortman) Industry sector training initiatives funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 18 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Wednesday, March 5 2008 01:00 - Gavel, and discussion of - HF1233 (Benson) Foodshelf programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
53:28 - HF3381 (Brynaert) Long-term homeless supportive services money appropriated.
1:17:55 - HF758 (Laine) Emergency assistance and transitional housing funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 1 Tuesday, March 4 2008 08:35 - Gavel.
10:05 - HF380 (Hausman) Omnibus Capital Investment bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 2 hours, 42 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 2 Tuesday, March 4 2008 09:53 - Gavel, and continued discussion of HF380 (Hausman) Omnibus Capital Investment bill.
Runs 46 minutes.
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House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee Tuesday, March 4 2008 03:32 - Gavel, and discussion of HF3204 (Cornish) Vehicle window glazing restriction exemptions provided.
16:29 - HF2735 (Mullery) Peace officer training in managing and policing citizens with mental and emotional problems funding provided, and money appropriated.
38:20 - HF2141 (Dominguez) Eviction records expungement required after one year.
1:13:02 - HF2168 (Kahn) Hemp industry development and regulation provided, possession and cultivation of industrial hemp defense provided, and definition of marijuana modified.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
The audio of the evening continuation of this meeting is available on the House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee's Audio Archives Web page:
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House Capital Investment Finance Division - part 1 Monday, March 3 2008 03:40 - Gavel.
03:50 - HF380 (Hausman) Omnibus Capital Investment Finance bill presentation.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 43 minutes.
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House Capital Investment Finance Division - part 2 Monday, March 3 2008 05:55 - HF380 (Hausman) Omnibus Capital Investment bill mark-up and passage.
Runs 1 hour, 8 minutes.
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Representative Joe Mullery Press Conference Monday, March 3 2008 Representative Joe Mullery (DFL - Minneapolis) held a press conference addressing mortgage foreclosure issues.
Runs 30 minutes.
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Joint meeting of the House Finance and House Ways and Means committees Friday, February 29 2008 07:00 - Gavel.
08:50 - Presentation of the February Forecast.
Runs 1 hour, 56 minutes.
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House Capital Investment Finance Division Thursday, February 28 2008 03:13 - gavel.
03:33 - Update on Central Corridor.
14:20 - HF3166 (Hausman) University of Minnesota biomedical science research facilities.
Runs 1 hour, 37 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, February 27 2008 04:30 - Gavel.
05:54 - HF3138 (Bigham) State labor contracts ratified.
28:36 - HF3292 (Dittrich) School trust fund lands management provided, school trust fund land return improvements provided, Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee mission redefined, and report provided.
49:23 - HF3130 (Murphy, E.) Child Care Advisory Task Force established, and report required.
53:45 - HF863 (Hortman) California vehicle emissions standards adopted, and updates provided to comply with the federal Clean Air Act.
Runs 1 hour, 53 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Wednesday, February 27 2008 03:23 - Gavel.
09:02 - Overview of primary care in Minnesota, rural health care and education efforts targeted at primary care providers.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Wednesday, February 27 2008 01:40 - Gavel.
02:38 - HF3206 (Rukavina) School technology permanent funding source created, and fund endowment income distribution modified.
23:09 - HF2981 (Carlson) Intermediate school districts authorized to borrow in anticipation of revenue payments.
28:42 - HF2650 (Brown) Principals' Leadership Institute money appropriated.
35:00 - HF2559 (Brown) Wind energy production tax removed from county apportionment deduction for school districts.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Tuesday, February 26 2008 00:33 - Gavel.
03:50 - Discussion regarding the closed landfill program.
Runs 1 hour, 39 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Tuesday, February 26 2008 01:08 - Gavel, and discussion of HF2459 (Tschumper) Pesticides application information access expanded.
Runs 1 hour, 46 minutes.
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Joint meeting of the House Health and Human Services Committee and the House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Tuesday, February 26 2008 04:26 - Gavel.
05:48 - Overview of the Transformation Task Force report.
20:23 - Overview of the Health Care Access Commission report.
23:43 - Presentations, and testimony, on the report sections.
Runs 2 hour, 43 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Monday, February 25 2008 Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Majority Leader Anthony "Tony" Sertich and Rep. Bernard Lieder respond to the veto override of HF2800 (Lieder) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 19 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Monday, February 25 2008 01:13 - Gavel.
02:23 - HF2788 (Anzelc) Nashwauk Public Utilities Commission membership increased from three to five members.
07:23 - HF3229 (Nelson) Water utility notice required when customer's heat source disconnected.
23:55 - HF2946 (Hansen) Strategic tree planting inclusion mandated as eligible for direct expenditures as energy conservation improvement.
45:37 - HF3334 (Magnus) Local renewable energy initiative enacted to finance small-scale renewable energy projects, account established, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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House Republican Press Conference Monday, February 25 2008 House Minority Leader Marty Seifert responds to the veto override of HF2800 (Lieder) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 11 minutes.
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House Telecommunications Regulation and Infrastructure Division Friday, February 22 2008 01:35 - Gavel.
03:05 - HF2414 (Johnson) Telecommunications obsolete rules repealed.
13:12 - HF2107 (Masin) Telecommunications goals provided, and broadband policy director and advisory board established.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Friday, February 22 2008 04:00 - Gavel.
04:34 - HF3055 (Solberg) State agencies deficiency funding provided, and money appropriated.
09:10 - HF2553 (Winkler) Catastrophe survivor compensation fund established, and money appropriated.
33:30 - Discussion regarding possible impact of upcoming February Economic Forecast.
38:09 - HF3200 (Lenczewski) Internal Revenue Code conforming changes made, tuition and teacher expense additions provided, contractor withholdings required, income tax brackets index temporarily modified, nonresident income assigned to this state, and report required.
1:17:05 - HF3201 (Lenczewski) Omnibus Tax bill.
Runs 1 hour, 43 minutes.
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House Minority Leader Marty Seifert Press Conference Thursday, February 21 2008 House Minority Leader Marty Seifert lays out the House GOP caucus transportation funding plan.
Runs 12 minutes.
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Representative Frank Hornstein Press Conference Thursday, February 21 2008 Representative Frank Hornstein responds to the House GOP caucus transportation funding plan.
Runs 6 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Wednesday, February 20 2008 10:20 - Gavel.
11:00 - HF2562 (Kelliher) Minneapolis; Orchestra Hall and Peavey Plaza predesign funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
29:38 - HF2553 (Winkler) Catastrophe survivor compensation fund established, and money appropriated.
Runs 39 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Wednesday, February 20 2008 01:00 - Gavel.
04:20 - HF3200 (Lenczewski) Federal tax law conformity.
47:02 - HF3201 (Lenczewski) Income, corporate, property and special tax items from the vetoed 2007 tax bill.
Runs 1 hour, 6 minutes.
The audio of the evening continuation of this meeting is available on the House Taxes Committee's Audio Archives Web page:
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House Transportation and Transit Policy Subcommittee Wednesday, February 20 2008 04:35 - Gavel.
07:11 - HF2943 (Madore) Transit implementation plan required to meet 80 percent of transit needs in greater Minnesota by 2015, annual assessment of ADA paratransit ridership needs in metropolitan area required, and annual transit report required.
55:53 - HF2408 (Carlson) Physically disabled persons multiple sets of license plates authorized.
1:05:28 - HF1822 (Jaros) Cell phones; mobile telephones used in motor vehicles required to be hands-free.
1:28:50 - HF2538 (Madore) Dakota County; Cedar Avenue Bus Rapid Transit funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Biosciences and Emerging Technology Committee Tuesday, February 19 2008 03:36 - Gavel.
05:14 - Minnesota's venture capital/angel investment climate.
1:23:50 - HF3143 (Winkler) Individual income and corporate franchise credit allowed for investment in Minnesota high technology businesses, and appropriation reduced.
1:26:30 - HF3144 (Mahoney) Jurisdiction limitation provided to tax persons investing in certain entities.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Early Childhood Learning Finance Division Tuesday, February 19 2008 02:28 - Gavel, presentations and discussion of the Minnesota Early Learning Foundation scholarships and the state allowances.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Tuesday, February 19 2008 01:53 - Gavel.
02:38 - HF2795 (Tschumper) Local government: Public entities may hold meetings or events after 6:00pm on March 4, 2008.
08:08 - Technology demonstration - Winona Model Legislature.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee - part 1 Tuesday, February 19 2008 06:58 - Gavel.
07:09 - HF2469 (Hornstein) Dog and Cat Breeders Act adopted providing standards of care for dog and cat breeders, authorizing rulemaking, and appropriating money.
48:25 - HF2906 (Paymar) Dangerous dogs regulating provisions changed.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 9 minutes.
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House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee - part 2 Tuesday, February 19 2008 02:17 - Gavel, and continued discussion of HF2906 (Paymar) Dangerous dogs regulating provisions changed.
39:45 - HF3132 (Mullery) Animal fighting provisions changed.
Runs 48 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee - part 1 Monday, February 18 2008 02:05 - Gavel, and announcements by the Chair.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 3 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee - part 2 Monday, February 18 2008 10:21 - Gavel.
11:20 - HF2800 (Lieder) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Friday, February 15 2008 04:08 - Gavel.
04:50 - HF439 (Greiling) Lake property sellers required to disclose and provide to buyers known existing land surveys.
26:34 - HF1596 (Nelson) Project labor agreements use regulated.
1:05:14 - HF1158 (Lesch) One-week waiting period for eligibility for unemployment benefits eliminated.
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Friday, February 15 2008 06:13 - Gavel.
08:15 - Overview of 1999 statewide master plan for fire and law enforcement training facilities in Minnesota.
26:31 - HF502 (Beard) Scott County regional public safety training facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
54:32 - HF2830 (Davnie) Appropriating money for an emergency operations center and regional fire training center in the city of Minneapolis.
1:11:30 - HF2236 (Liebling) Southeastern Minnesota Regional Public Safety Training Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
1:35:52 - HF2672 (Urdahl) Annandale Tactical Training Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 41 minutes.
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House Veterans Affairs Division Friday, February 15 2008 08:36 - Gavel.
09:10 - HF2582 (Howes) Vietnam Veterans Day designated as March 29.
40:17 - HF2664 (Koenen) Montevideo; New veterans home to be established and operated in Montevideo.
1:13:09 - HF2276 (Demmer) Silver Star Families of America Day designated on May 1.
1:18:58 - HF2524 (Ward) Resident student definition expanded to include the spouse and children of a resident veteran for purposes of determining eligibility for state financial aid for higher education.
Runs 1 hour, 20 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Committee Thursday, February 14 2008 10:47 - Gavel.
12:07 - HF863 (Hortman) California vehicle emissions standards adopted, and updates provided to comply with the federal Clean Air Act.
Runs 2 hours, 34 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Thursday, February 14 2008 06:15 - Gavel.
06:50 - SF758 (Pelowski) Lobbying activities related to a ballot question exempted from campaign finance reporting requirements.
09:56 - HF2553 (Winkler) Catastrophe survivor compensation fund established, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 7 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Thursday, February 14 2008 03:07 - Gavel.
03:50 - Governor's bonding recommendations for the Department of Administration.
Runs 1 hour, 8 minutes.
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House Transportation Finance Division - part 1 Wednesday, February 13 2008 06:13 - Gavel.
07:49 - Public testimony regarding HF2800 (Lieder) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
The Division went into recess to the call of the Chair.
Runs 1 hour, 42 minutes.
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House Transportation Finance Division - part 2 Wednesday, February 13 2008 03:50 - Gavel, amending and debate of HF2800 (Lieder) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 41 minutes.
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House Capital Investment Finance Division Tuesday, February 12 2008 02:56 - Gavel, and overview on interim site visits.
10:11 - Presentation of the governor's bonding recommendations by Finance Commissioner Tom Hanson.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
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House Transportation Finance Division Tuesday, February 12 2008 01:20 - Gavel.
02:13 - HF2800 (Lieder) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 22 minutes.
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House Commerce and Labor Committee Tuesday, January 29 2008 Review of Wakota Bridge project bids and bidding process.
Runs 2 hours, 21 minutes.
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Associated Press' annual preview of the upcoming legislative session - part 1 Thursday, January 10 2008 The Associated Press hosts a preview of the upcoming legislative session. Governor Pawlenty responds to questions by press corps from around the state.
Runs 50 minutes.
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Associated Press' annual preview of the upcoming legislative session - part 2 Thursday, January 10 2008 The Associated Press hosts a preview of the upcoming legislative session.
03:50 - Legislative leaders respond to questions by press corps from around the state.
Runs 1 hour, 5 minutes.
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E-12 Education Working Group on School Accountability Monday, December 3 2007 02:48 - Gavel, and introductory remarks regarding previous meetings related to the Minnesota School Report Card.
09:48 - Elementary and secondary principals' position on report card development.
27:01 - Accountability discussion starters.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, December 3 2007 08:15 - Gavel and introductory remarks.
10:20 - Report on the November 2007 Economic Forecast.
Testimony by:.
• State Economist Tom Stinson, Department of Finance.
• Commissioner Tom Hanson, Department of Finance.
• Assistant Commissioner James Schowalter, Department of Finance.
Runs 1 hour, 54 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Thursday, November 15 2007 06:07 - Gavel.
HFXXXX (Winkler) Disaster victim compensation fund created.
Runs 2 hour, 17 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Friday, November 9 2007 11:37 - Gavel.
14:08 - Overview of federal funds received by Minnesota.
25:47 - Federal funding for state agency staff (FTE report information).
39:10 - Legislative review of federal fund spending requests.
1:20:12 - Federal fund spending review requests since the end of the 2007 regular session.
1:24:30 - Federal funds spending by an agency - overview of two agencies: Department of Natural Resources and Department of Education.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
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Transportation Contingency Appropriation Group Thursday, November 8 2007 02:35 - Gavel.
November report from MnDOT:.
03:58 - Update from Kevin Gray, MnDOT.
12:18 - Response to questions previously submitted to MnDOT - Tim Henkel and Kevin Gray, MnDOT.
1:38:40 - Department of Finance request - Tom Hanson, Commissioner, Department of Finance.
Runs 1 hour, 58 minutes.
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2007 Special Session - House Capital Investment Finance Division Tuesday, September 11 2007 20:57 - Gavel, and discussion of HFXXX (Tschumper) 2007 Disaster relief bill .
Runs 49 minutes.
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2007 Special Session - House Finance Committee - part 1 Tuesday, September 11 2007 07:43 - Gavel, and discussion of HFXXX (Tschumper) 2007 Disaster relief bill.
The Committee went into recess to the call of the Chair.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes.
** No video archive is available of the continuation of this meeting.
** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at:
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House DFL Press Conference Tuesday, September 11 2007 House Majority Leader Tony Sertich had a news conference to preview today's special session of the state Legislature.
Runs 9 minutes.
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Joint House Transportation Finance Division and Senate Transportation Budget and Policy Division Wednesday, August 22 2007 Continuation of hearing on the plan for reconstruction of the I-35W bridge.
06:13 - Gavel.
07:58 - Testimony from Minneapolis Mayor Rybak.
31:09 - Testimony from Congressman James Oberstar.
1:09:51 - Testimony from Metropolitan Council Chair Peter Bell.
1:48:25 - Testimony from Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin.
1:56:20 - Testimony from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, including Commissioner Carol Molnau.
Runs 3 hours, 57 minutes.
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Swearing-in of Rep.-elect Steve Drazkowski Thursday, August 16 2007 Rep.-elect Steve Drazkowski (R-Wabasha) District 28B takes his oath of office.
Runs 6 minutes.
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Joint House Transportation Finance Division and Senate Transportation Budget and Policy Division Wednesday, August 15 2007 Overview of plan for reconstruction of the I-35W bridge.
10:37 - Gavel, and introductory remarks.
18:14 - Testimony from the offices of Congressman James Oberstar and Congresswoman Betty McCollum.
32:10 - Testimony from the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
Runs 2 hours, 12 minutes.
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House Republican Press Conference Wednesday, August 8 2007 House Minority Leader Marty Seifert's press conference with District 28B Representative-elect Steve Drazkowski.
Runs 11 minutes.
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House Health and Human Services Committee Wednesday, July 11 2007 02:24 - Gavel.
05:27 - Overview of Office of Legislative Auditor's report, "Human Services Administration".
Runs 2 hours, 2 minutes.
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Legislative Commission on Health Care Access Wednesday, July 11 2007 06:40 - Gavel.
08:00 - Overview of reform efforts by other states.
1:03:57 - Panel discussion on universal coverage.
Runs 2 hours, 53 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Friday, May 18 2007 01:40 - Gavel, and start of Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission stadium presentation.
Runs 1 hour, 37 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Wednesday, May 16 2007 04:30 - Gavel, and discussion of HF2285 (Sertich) Natural resource and cultural heritage dedicated funding provided through increased sales tax revenue, funds established, Natural Heritage Enhancement Council created, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Runs 6 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, May 14 2007 05:25 - Gavel.
06:09 - Presentation of HF2285 (Sertich) Natural resource and cultural heritage dedicated funding provided through increased sales tax revenue, funds established, Natural Heritage Enhancement Council created, and constitutional amendment proposed.
08:33 - HF1175 (Murphy, M.) Aircraft facilities state financing modified to allow flexibility in obtaining a new lessee for a facility, and other statutory provisions modified.
20:25 - Amendments and final discussion of HF2285 (Sertich) Natural resource and cultural heritage dedicated funding provided through increased sales tax revenue, funds established, Natural Heritage Enhancement Council created, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Runs 1 hour, 4 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Friday, May 11 2007 00:35 - Gavel, and discussion of HF464 (Sertich) School district employees statewide health insurance pool.
Runs 32 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Wednesday, May 9 2007 02:34 - Gavel.
03:04 - SF276 / HF464 (Sertich) School district employees statewide health insurance pool.
Runs 3 hours, 29 minutes.
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House Minnesota Heritage Finance Division Wednesday, May 9 2007 01:21 - Gavel, and discussion of HF2285 (Sertich) Natural resource and cultural heritage dedicated funding provided through increased sales tax revenue, funds established, Natural Heritage Enhancement Council created, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Runs 1 hour, 13 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Tuesday, May 8 2007 08:20 - Gavel.
08:49 - HF1940 (Dill) Airport funding advisory task force and state airports fund established, and money appropriated.
28:55 - SF1186 / HF790 (Moe) Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Act provisions modified, technical and housekeeping changes made, and Pollution Control Agency project priority rule modified.
42:27 - HF1973 (Carlson) Minneapolis Public Library and Hennepin County library system merger enabled; and transfer of employees, property and assets to Hennepin County authorized.
Runs 1 hour, 2 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, May 7 2007 11:34 - Gavel.
12:27 - SF167 (Mahoney) Unemployment insurance provisions modification.
39:00 - SF345 (Huntley) Medical use of marijuana.
Runs 46 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 1 Thursday, May 3 2007 06:36 - Gavel.
06:58 - HF2433 (Marquart) Browns Valley flood relief funding provided, and
money appropriated.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 54 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 2 Thursday, May 3 2007 01:06 - Gavel, and continued discussion of HF2433 (Marquart) Browns Valley flood relief funding provided, and
money appropriated.
Runs 40 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Wednesday, May 2 2007 00:34 - HF1855 (Huntley) Health care facilities required to report on major spending commitments, nonprofit hospitals and outpatient surgical centers required to report on community benefits in a standard way, and work group established.
05:19 - HF1873 (Bunn) Health care cost containment goals annual reports required, health care transformation task force established, universal coverage goals modified, performance payments modified, grants and projects provided, and money appropriated.
33:57 - Continued discussion of HF1855.
Runs 38 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Tuesday, May 1 2007 05:27 - Gavel.
06:20 - HF655 (Huntley) Medicinal use of marijuana authorized, civil and criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
49:45 - HF298 (Huntley) Family planning access increased to prevent unintended pregnancies, nurses authorized to dispense oral contraceptives at clinics, reimbursement rates increased, grant reductions eliminated, and money appropriated.
52:50 - SF1959 (Huntley) County return of unused drugs and medical devices to pharmacies.
Runs 1 hour, 22 minutes.
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Omnibus Transportation Finance Conference Committee Tuesday, May 1 2007 09:50 - Gavel, and continued discussion of HF946/SF1986 (Lieder/Murphy) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 13 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Monday, April 30 2007 02:11 - Gavel.
02:17 - HF102 (Shimanski) Winsted authorized to issue bonds for acquisition of a city hall, community center, and police station.
08:28 - HF2391 (Hornstein) Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditures additional financing provided, and bonds authorized.
11:40 - HF617 (Dill) Crane Lake certificates of indebtedness authorized.
16:42 - HF2294 (Dill) Cook-Orr Hospital District levy authority modified.
28:45 - HF1160 (Hilstrom) Local governments and school districts postemployment benefits trusts authorized, and money appropriated.
1:06:04 - HF2268 (Lenczewski) Public improvements and services financing and issuance of obligations terms and conditions provided.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, April 30 2007 05:43 - Gavel.
06:00 - HF436 / SF145 (Hilty) Next Generation Energy Act of 2007 adopted establishing energy policy goals, and providing for renewable energy obligations.
25:13 - HF2253 (Peterson) Community-based energy development projects provisions modified, renewable energy projects regulated, Public Utilities Commission policies required, wind energy permits authorized, and renewable energy option program sunset repealed.
31:26 - HF904 (Dill) Land acquisition, land owners' bill of rights, and mineral interest record requirements modified; state park additions and deletions provided; state land conveyances authorized; and St. Louis County land status provided.
34:30 - HF1116 (Dill) Game and fish definitions, fees, license and stamp provisions, and possession and taking provisions modified; apprentice hunter validation provided; commercial fishing provisions modified; and criminal and civil penalties imposed.
Runs 37 minutes.
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Omnibus Transportation Finance Conference Committee Monday, April 30 2007 11:56 - Gavel, and continued discussion of HF946/SF1986 (Lieder/Murphy) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 2 hours, 18 minutes.
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Omnibus Transportation Finance Conference Committee Wednesday, April 25 2007 05:00 -Gavel.
06:38 - Comparison of HF946/SF1986 (Lieder/Murphy) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 14 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Tuesday, April 24 2007 00:16 - Gavel, and overview of the spreadsheet for the delete all amendment to HF2362.
42:10 - Public testimony will be taken on HF2362 (Lenczewski) Omnibus Tax bill.
* The Omnibus Tax bill is a delete all amendment to HF2362 (a link to the amendment is available on the House Taxes Committee website at ).
The committee went into recess.
Runs 2 hours, 56 minutes.
** No video archive is available of the evening continuation of this meeting.
** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at: .
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House Taxes Committee Monday, April 23 2007 01:16 - Gavel.
02:04 - HF2438 (Dettmer) Centerville; property located within certain tax increment financing districts defined as not commercial industrial property for purposes of metropolitan revenue distribution.
05:40 - HF2446 (Howes) Emily wastewater treatment facility construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
08:04 - HF2443 (Lenczewski) Card club operations gross receipts tax imposed, and combined receipts tax on gambling reduced.
1:33:22 - Beginning presentation of the Omnibus Tax bill.
* The Omnibus Tax bill is a delete all amendment to HF2362 (a link to the amendment is available on the House Taxes Committee website at ).
The committee went into recess.
** No video archive is available of the afternoon continuation of this meeting.
** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at: .
Runs 2 hours, 10 minutes.
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Omnibus Transportation Finance Conference Committee Monday, April 23 2007 02:25 - Preliminary discussion of HF946 /SF1986 (Lieder/Murphy) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
Runs 59 minutes.
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Joint House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division and House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Tuesday, April 17 2007 Discussion of mesothelioma and work related cancer.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, April 16 2007 02:38 - Gavel.
03:28 - HF931 (Mullery) Predatory mortgage lending practices prohibited, and civil and criminal penalties imposed.
15:41 - SF238 (Huntley) Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas.
1:12:26 - SF585 (Doty) National register of historic places property sale or lease restrictions repeal.
1:31:21 - HF1901 (Faust) World War II veterans memorial dedication activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 35 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Monday, April 16 2007 04:15 - Gavel.
04:47 - HF2422 (Clark) Alcohol health impact fund established, and alcohol health impact fee imposed.
2:02:18 - House Research comparison of income tax proposals.
2:12:10 - Discussion of HF1738 (Greiling) Individual income tax rates modified, and revenues deposited in a K-12 education account, and HF1932 (Jaros) Income tax rates modified.
5:09:41 - Discussion of HF60 (Brod) Income tax rates reduced, and HF62 (Brod) Income tax rates reduced.
Runs 5 hours, 32 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Friday, April 13 2007 08:55 - Gavel.
09:50 - Discussion of adjustments to the House budget target allocations.
15:41 - HF1048 (Pelowski) Employee Relations Department abolished and duties transferred, and employee protections provided.
21:45 - SF2096 (Wagenius) Omnibus Environment, Natural Resources and Energy Finance bill.
1:36:28 - HF2227 (Juhnke) Omnibus Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance bill.
The committee took a 4 minute recess.
1:47:40 - HF829 (Paymar) Omnibus Public Safety Finance bill.
Runs 2 hours, 7 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 1 Thursday, April 12 2007 06:34 - Gavel.
07:13 - HF854 (Sailer) Video display device collection, transportation, and recycling provided; and civil penalties imposed.
1:13:21 - HF797 (Rukavina) Omnibus Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance bill.
2:24:40 - SF2089 ( ) Omnibus Jobs and Economic Development Finance bill, incorporating portions of HF797 (Rukavina) Omnibus Higher Education and Work Force Development Finance bill, HF2241 (Clark) Omnibus Housing Policy and Public Health Finance bill, and HF1660 (Jaros) Omnibus Minnesota Heritage Finance bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 2 hours, 20 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 2 Thursday, April 12 2007 00:52 - Presentation of HF297 (Huntley) Omnibus Health Care and Human Services Finance bill, and portions of HF2241 (Clark) Omnibus Housing Policy and Public Health Finance bill, and HF1056 (Slawik) Omnibus Early Childhood Learning Finance bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 20 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 3 Thursday, April 12 2007 02:28 - Gavel and continued discussion of - HF297 (Huntley) Omnibus Health Care and Human Services Finance bill, and portions of HF2241 (Clark) Omnibus Housing Policy and Public Health Finance bill, and HF1056 (Slawik) Omnibus Early Childhood Learning Finance bill.
The committee went in recess.
Runs 1 hour, 17 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 4 Thursday, April 12 2007 05:33 - Gavel, and continued discussion of HF297 (Huntley) Omnibus Health Care and Human Services Finance bill, and portions of HF2241 (Clark) Omnibus Housing Policy and Public Health Finance bill, and HF1056 (Slawik) Omnibus Early Childhood Learning Finance bill.
Runs 35 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 1 Wednesday, April 11 2007 02:12 - Gavel.
03:15 - HF6 (Greiling) Omnibus K-12 education finance bill, which incorporates portions of HF1056 (Slawik) Omnibus early childhood learning finance bill.
2:08:36 - Presentation of HF953 (Kahn) Omnibus state government finance bill and HF1660 (Jaros) Omnibus Minnesota heritage finance bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 2 hours, 47 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - part 2 Wednesday, April 11 2007 00:18 - Gavel, and continued discussion of HF953 (Kahn) Omnibus state government finance bill and HF1660 (Jaros) Omnibus Minnesota heritage finance bill.
(There was a brief recess).
1:07:38 - HF2241 (Clark) Omnibus housing policy and public health finance bill.
The committee went into recess.
** No video archive is available of the evening continuation of this meeting.
** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at: .
Runs 1 hour, 59 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Tuesday, April 10 2007 02:44 - Gavel.
03:52 - HF1078 (Huntley) Hospital public interest review and alternative approval process modified.
07:47 - HF1651 (Wagenius) Omnibus environment and natural resources finance bill, which includes portions of HF1660 (Jaros) Omnibus Minnesota heritage finance bill and HF1392 (Hilty) Omnibus energy policy and finance bill.
The committee went into recess.
** No video archive is available of the evening continuation of this meeting.
** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at: .
Runs 5 hours, 5 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, April 2 2007 11:45 - Gavel.
14:18 - HF1660 (Jaros) Omnibus Minnesota heritage finance bill.
1:23:55 - HF1056 (Slawik) Omnibus early childhood learning finance bill.
2:18:39 - SF167 (Mahoney) Unemployment Insurance policy, housekeeping, and style modifications provided; administrative rules incorporated into statute; and fraud penalties modified.
Runs 1 hour, 54 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division - part 1 Friday, March 30 2007 10:36 - Gavel, and discussion of HF297 (Huntley) Omnibus health care and human services finance bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 45 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division - part 2 Friday, March 30 2007 04:27 - Gavel, and discussion of HF297 (Huntley) Omnibus health care and human services finance bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 2 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division - part 3 Friday, March 30 2007 07:20 - Gavel, and discussion of HF297 (Huntley) Omnibus health care and human services finance bill.
The committee went in recess.
** No video archive will be available of the evening continuation of this meeting.
** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at: .
Runs 1 hour, 51 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Thursday, March 29 2007 00:30 - Gavel.
01:10 - HF297 (Huntley) Omnibus health care and human services finance bill - public testimony.
Runs 2 hours, 16 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Thursday, March 29 2007 01:46 - Gavel.
02:40 - HF829 (Paymar) Omnibus public safety finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 19 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Wednesday, March 28 2007 22:50 - Gavel.
24:30 - HF1392 (Hilty) Omnibus energy finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Wednesday, March 28 2007 03:21 - Gavel.
03:42 - HF1891 (Haws) Veterans Homes Board member and executive director service qualifications modified.
09:42 - HF2100 (Clark) Bisphenol-A and phthalates prohibited in products for young children.
18:35 - HF1891 (Haws) Veterans Homes Board member and executive director service qualifications modified.
30:52 - HF917 (Clark) Lindane health impact on children study committee established, and report required.
52:28 - HF2148 (Clark) Minneapolis schools fragrance-free pilot project created.
58:16 - HF2241 (Clark) Health and human services grants and programs and Housing Finance Agency funding provided, and money appropriated (Governor's budget).
Runs 1 hour, 4 minutes.
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House DFL Press Conference Tuesday, March 27 2007 House Majority Leader Tony Sertich and Representative Tom Rukavina unveil the House Omnibus Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance bill.
Runs 31 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Tuesday, March 27 2007 02:32 - Gavel, and discussion of HF6 (Greiling) Omnibus K-12 education finance bill.
Runs 3 hour, 5 minutes.
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House Early Childhood Learning Finance Division Monday, March 26 2007 03:50 - Gavel.
04:30 - HF1056 (Slawik) Omnibus early childhood learning finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 40 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, March 26 2007 13:17 - Gavel.
13:40 - HF20 (Thissen) Prekindergarten scholarship granting organizations contribution income tax credit provided.
18:47 - HF123 (Slawik) Education expense tax credit and deduction applied to certain expenditures for prekindergarten expenses and museum memberships.
21:50 - HF1264 (Eastlund) Early childhood education access grants contribution and early childhood educational expenses income tax credit authorized.
27:00 - HF719 (Dill) Lake County; temporary suspension of tax-forfeited lands proceeds provided to reimburse county for purchase of Clair A Nelson Memorial Forest land.
32:40 - SF463 (Hortman) Notaries public fees increase.
37:10 - HF849 (Moe) Shoreland resorts development regulation provided.
43:50 - HF1221 (Kalin) Energy savings activities required under the conservation investment program.
1:34:04 - HF305 (Huntley) Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas.
2:48:04 - Motion to re-refer HF305.
Runs 2 hour, 45 minutes.
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House Telecommunications Regulation and Infrastructure Division Friday, March 23 2007 06:42 - Gavel.
08:45 - HF2107 (Masin) Telecommunications goals provided, and broadband policy director and advisory board established.
40:30 - HFXXXX (Johnson) Statewide cable franchising (continued from March 16).
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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House Early Childhood Learning Finance Division Thursday, March 22 2007 03:00 - Gavel, and continued discussion and public testimony on HF1056 (Slawik) Omnibus early childhood learning finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 14 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Thursday, March 22 2007 00:53 - HF1885 (Hansen) Invasive species emergency management provided, and money appropriated.
05:00 - HF1536 (Hansen) Mississippi River barrier construction provided to prevent aquatic invasive species from migrating up river, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
09:22 - HF1913 (Wagenius) Natural resources terms defined relating to native prairie restoration.
14:26 - HF1421 (Wagenius) Natural Resources Department easement acquisition requirements established.
20:51 - HF1540 (Wagenius) Endocrine disruptors in waters of the state report required.
25:12 - HF589 (Peterson, A.) Clean energy equipment loan program established; cellulosic biofuel development and bioenergy initiatives provided; Reinvest in Minnesota energy program created; enforcement provided; technical committee authorized, and money appropriated.
1:07:22 - HF904 (Dill) Land acquisition, land owners' bill of rights, and mineral interest record requirements modified; state park additions and deletions provided; and public and private sales and conveyances of state lands authorized.
1:17:37 - HF1674 (Eken) Biofuel processing facilities permitting report required.
Runs 1 hour, 20 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Thursday, March 22 2007 12:40 - Gavel.
12:50 - HF1807 (Huntley) Inpatient hospital services payment required on a fee-for-services basis for the general assistance medical care program.
29:32 - HF842 (Huntley) Child care, children and family, licensing, health care, continuing care, mental health, health insurance, and Department of Health provisions modified; and money appropriated.
1:04:12 - HF1073 (Hamilton) Prescription drug removal from the formulary notice required.
1:09:30 - HF1404 (Thissen) Hospital outpatient services rate increase provided for a specified essential hospital for children with disabilities.
1:22:50 - HF1857 (Eken) Native American juvenile treatment center study and predesign funding provided, and money appropriated.
1:30:00 - HF1395 (Eken) Nursing facilities, ICFs/MR, and community-based long-term care providers rate increases provided; nursing facility payment rates floor established; long-term care payment rate account established; and money appropriated.
1:56:10 - HF1289 (Heidgerken) Nursing home per diem reimbursements determination procedures modified.
Runs 1 hour, 45 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Thursday, March 22 2007 02:42 - Gavel, and presentation of HF886 (Hausman) Omnibus capital investment bill.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 4 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, March 21 2007 04:20 - Gavel.
04:45 - HF176 (Thissen) Preservation of State Documents Act established.
32:20 - HF1598 (Lillie) Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified for the Minnesota Law Enforcement Association, the Minnesota Nurses Association, and the Office of Higher Education.
37:10 - HF333 (Lillie) State employees compensated for time they were not able to work due to the 2005 partial government shutdown.
57:35 - HF1336 (Mahoney) Board of High Pressure Piping Systems established, and fees required.
1:45:57 - HF1190 (Nelson) Plumbing Council established.
2:17:20 - HF1957 (Bigham) State employee combined charities campaign registration process streamlined.
Runs 2 hours, 20 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Wednesday, March 21 2007 03:20 - Gavel.
04:30 - Committee overview.
06:10 - HF1153 (Sertich) Independent School District #698, Floodwood, fund transfer authorized, and money appropriated.
09:50 - HF389 (Hamilton) Independent School District #2895, Jackson County Central, fund transfer authorized.
13:30 - HF1796 (Marquart) Independent School District #, Campbell-Tintah, fund transfer authorized.
15:10 - HF1427 (Ward) Independent School District #181, Brainerd, fund transfer authorized.
20:00 - HF1795 (Greiling) Independent School District #623, Roseville, fund transfer authorized.
25:30 - HF1000 (Welti) Consolidating school districts account flexibility created; and Independent School District #2899, Plainview-Elgin-Millville, fund balance adjustment authorized.
35:15 - HF1320 (Severson) Statutory operating debt fund transfers for school districts authorized.
41:30 - Disparities in Student Support and Service Subcommittee Report on HF989 (Hilstrom) Open enrollment students authorized to participate in academic courses and extracurricular and cocurricular activities on the same basis as resident district students, and HF2151 (Hilstrom) Minnesota State High School League rules subjected to the Administrative Procedure Act.
Runs 1 hour, 15 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Tuesday, March 20 2007 00:21 - Gavel.
00:55- HF1663 (Moe) Wild rice; genetically-engineered organisms regulation provisions modified.
12:50 - HF2216 (Scalze) Watercraft surcharge and water recreation account modified, and nonresident fishing surcharge imposed.
46:27 - HF593 (Juhnke) Wetlands access restrictions modified.
51:48 - HF849 (Moe) Shoreland resorts development regulation provided.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division Tuesday, March 20 2007 03:30 - Gavel.
03:35 - HF2059 (Dill) Ely local sales and use tax authorized.
16:10 - HF2142 (Marquart) Property tax class rates modified, rural woodlands classification provided, seasonal recreational property tax deferral program established, market value exclusions provided, monthly payments authorized, and money appropriated.
1:17:50 - HF1819 (Murphy, M.) Proctor sales taxes authorized.
1:23:25 - HF1820 (Lieder) Crookston sales and use tax authorized.
Committee coverage ended due to time conflict with upcoming floor session.
Runs 1 hour, 22 minutes.
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House Capital Investment Finance Division Monday, March 19 2007 02:30 - Gavel.
04:00 - Presentation from noncommercial radio.
05:55 - Presentation from noncommercial television.
14:05 - Presentation of HF886 (Hausman) Capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated - vehicle for omnibus capital investment finance bill.
Runs 45 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - evening meeting Monday, March 19 2007 10:24 - Gavel, and discussion of HF946 (Lieder) Omnibus transportation finance bill.
Runs 53 minutes.
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House Finance Committee - morning meeting Monday, March 19 2007 05:19 - Gavel.
HF274 (Juhnke) Rural Finance Authority agricultural loan funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
The committee went in recess to the call of the Chair.
Runs 6 minutes.
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House Telecommunications Regulation and Infrastructure Division Friday, March 16 2007 06:40 - Gavel.
07:45 - HFXXXX (Johnson) Statewide cable franchising.
Runs 1 hour, 22 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Friday, March 16 2007 15:27 - Gavel, followed by an extended recess.
1:06:08 - Beginning discussion of HR1 (Solberg) A house resolution setting the maximum limits on expenditures by major finance bills for the biennium in accordance with House Rule 4.03.
Discussion of HR1 runs 1 hour, 20 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Thursday, March 15 2007 02:47 - Gavel, and because the audio was not turned on in the committee room, the following discussion was joined-in-progress: HF305 (Huntley) Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas.
Runs 1 hour, 16 minutes.
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House Transportation Finance Division Thursday, March 15 2007 03:11 - Gavel.
05:40 - HF946 (Leider) Omnibus transportation finance bill (presentation only).
37:22 - HF311 (Hornstein) Cell phones; moving violation fines doubled when committed while operating mobile phone.
1:10:10 - HF1058 (Thissen) Automatic enforcement of official traffic-control devices authorized.
Runs 2 hours.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Wednesday, March 14 2007 07:33 - Gavel.
07:42 - HF1405 (Thissen) Incidental nursing services coverage authorized under the elderly waiver, rate exceptions provided, and long-term care consultation payments withheld for certain facilities in arrears.
19:55 - HF320 (Anzelc) Public Employees Retirement Association nursing facilities cost reimbursement methods established, and money appropriated.
23:12 - HF721 (Fritz) Long-term care provisions modified, provider rates increased, new nursing facility case mix indices use required, MinnesotaCare employer-subsidized coverage exemption provided, moratorium exceptions authorized, and money appropriated.
57:38 - HF1408 (Howes) Programs for the all-inclusive care of the elderly (PACE) programs authorization modified.
Runs 57 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Wednesday, March 14 2007 02:04 - Gavel, and because the audio was not turned on in the committee room, the following discussion was joined-in-progress: HF425 (Paymar) Motor vehicle theft victims emergency grants authorized and money appropriated.
21:18 - HF503 (Hilstrom) Sexual solicitation of children through the Internet crimes provided.
32:23 - HF1464 (Hilstrom) Emergency 911 emergency telecommunications service fee increased, statewide public safety radio communication system provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
44:15 - HF787 (Hosch) Statewide public safety radio communication system equipment grants provided, and money appropriated.
1:04:00 - HF693 (Lesch) Driver's license reinstatement fee and surcharge partial installation payments authorized.
Runs 1 hour, 4 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Tuesday, March 13 2007 00:40 - Gavel.
01:15 - Presentation by Conservation Minnesota.
15:33 - HF926 (Peterson, A.) Septic systems' impact on the environment study provided through the University of Minnesota Extension Service, and money appropriated.
25:08 - HF1488 (Peterson, A.) Ecological services for native habitats funding provided, and money appropriated.
38:10 - HF1489 (Peterson, A.) Clean Water Legacy Act ecological services funding provided, and money appropriated.
57:35 - HF944 (Juhnke) Fishing; Let's Go Fishing grants provided to promote fishing opportunities, and money appropriated.
1:14:38 - HF607 (Anzelc) Plasma torch gasification facility feasibility study funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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House Health and Human Services Committee Tuesday, March 13 2007 05:25 - Gavel.
05:32 - HF916 (Thissen) Child care centers and homes inspections and reports required.
12:48 - HF1067 (Huntley) Mental health provisions modified, county board duties clarified, mental health service delivery reform provided, grants authorized; and medical assistance and MinnesotaCare coverage modified.
22:10 - HF605 (Walker) Minnesota Family Investment Program and child care provisions modified.
The committee went into recess, and no further video archive is available.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Tuesday, March 13 2007 00:32 - HF250 (Peterson, A.) Ambulance service and interhospital transfer provisions modified.
08:15 - HF869 (Sailer) Urban and tribal Indian housing programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
43:36 - HF1233 (Benson) Foodshelf programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
1:04:27 - HF724 (Madore) Family homeless prevention and assistance program funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 18 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Monday, March 12 2007 05:22 - Gavel.
06:05 - HF375 (Ruud) Global Warming Mitigation Act adopted, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, March 12 2007 01:38 - Gavel.
02:13 - Presentation of State Fee report.
23:15 - Department Earnings report.
43:42 - HF1048 (Pelowski) Employee Relations Department abolished and duties transferred, and employee protections provided.
48:48 - HF777 (Lesch) Housing opportunity tax abatement program established.
52:48 - HF1208 (Mahoney) State Building Code modified, and construction code and licensing provisions modified and recodified.
55:57 - HF906 (Thissen) Birth defects information system funding provided, and money appropriated.
1:02:44 - HF958 (Solberg) State agencies deficiency funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 28 minutes.
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House Minnesota Heritage Finance Division Monday, March 12 2007 03:05 - Gavel.
03:35 - Informational overview from public television.
22:25 - HF1181 (Kahn) Noncommercial television grants money appropriated.
43:05 - Informational overview for public radio.
1:02:30 - HF1154 (Olin) Minnesota Public Radio, Inc., and public educational radio stations funding provided, and money appropriated, and informational interview for AMPERS (Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations).
1:03:02 - Explore Minnesota.
1:28:15 - HF1344 (Kranz) Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 35 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Friday, March 9 2007 06:00 - Gavel.
07:30 - HC2 (Solberg) Revenue targets; a house concurrent resolution relating to the adoption of revenue targets under Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 16A.102, subdivision 2 (Price of government).
21:45 - Member testimony on budget target setting process.
Runs 31 minutes.
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House Capital Investment Finance Division Thursday, March 8 2007 01:30 - Presentation from Metro Transitways Development Board.
37:33 - HF1371 (Murphy, M.) North Shore Express Intercity Rail Initiative funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
43:32 - HF386 (Kalin) Saint Paul to Hinckley Rush Line Corridor provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
48:33 - HF380 (Hausman) High-speed rail line between Saint Paul and Chicago state's share provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
53:38 - HF418 (Bigham) Red Rock Corridor transitway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
58:51 - HF959 (Bunn) I-94 corridor transportation and transit improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
1:06:00 - HF379 (Hausman) Saint Paul Union Depot improvements provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
1:07:50 - HF381 (Hausman) Central Corridor Transit Way between Saint Paul and Minneapolis provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
1:09:50 - HF1216 (Simon) Southwest transitway corridor draft environmental impact statement and preliminary engineering funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
1:14:38 - HF581 (Lenczewski) I-494 corridor transit way feasibility study provided, and money appropriated.
1:17:31 - HF1782 (Haws) Rice; commuter rail service extension technical analysis funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
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House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee Thursday, March 8 2007 06:32 - Gavel.
06:55 - HF1178 (Lillie) Driver's license endorsement required to operate three-wheeled motorcycle.
14:05 - HF738 (Greiling) Civil commitment early intervention services expanded to include chemically dependent pregnant women.
23:25 - HF611 (Anzelc) Workplace communications between labor organizations and employees protected, and certain employer conduct prohibited.
HF611 was laid on the table.
Runs 1 hour, 33 minutes.
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House Biosciences and Emerging Technology Committee Wednesday, March 7 2007 05:17 - Gavel.
06:18 - HF1462 (Liebling) Biobusiness center construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
33:24 - HF1256 (Masin) Bioscience business development and commercialization grants provided, report required, and money appropriated.
Runs 58 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Tuesday, March 6 2007 01:40 - Gavel, and discussion on PFOS and PFOA contamination.
1:24:50 - Minnesota Conservation Corps review.
1:33:53 - HF538 (Peterson, A.) Minnesota Conservation Corps funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 40 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Tuesday, March 6 2007 05:30 - Gavel.
06:27 - HF784 (Murphy, E.) Medical assistance asset limit and excess income standard for aged, blind, or disabled persons increased.
28:55 - HF727 (Tschumper) Waivered services program for persons with developmental disabilities county repayment requirement eliminated for certain expenditures.
1:06:20 - HF725 (Madore) Assistive technology provided for people with disabilities, statewide study and reports required, and money appropriated.
1:20:40 - HF706 (Hosch) Medical assistance employed persons with disabilities program modified, and commissioner directed to seek federal approval.
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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House Transportation Finance Division Tuesday, March 6 2007 05:10 - Gavel.
06:20 - HF799 (Holberg) Transportation, Metropolitan Council, and public safety funding provided; bonds issued; fees, funds, and accounts modified; motor vehicle sales and lease tax proceeds allocated, and money appropriated.
30:28 - HF23 (Erhardt) County wheelage tax authorized, vehicle registration tax provisions modified, transit fund and accounts established, motor vehicle sales tax revenues distributed, motor fuel tax rates modified, bonds authorized, and money appropriated.
53:00 - HF946 (Lieder) Motor fuel and motor vehicle taxes increased, county transportation taxes authorized, transportation impact fees imposed, highway and bridge construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
1:00:35 - Testimony on transportation funding proposals.
Runs 2 hours, 36 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, March 5 2007 03:12 - Gavel.
04:11 - HF163 (Huntley) Duluth postemployment benefits accounts authorized to pay benefits to retired employees and to generate revenue dedicated to meet certain city obligations.
16:08 - HF9 (Juhnke) Dairy investment income and corporate franchise tax credit provided for qualifying investments in dairy operations.
19:28 - HF158 (Urdahl) Livestock farming operations construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
22:08 - HF539 (Juhnke) Trunk highway Route #145 technical correction provided, and Legislative Route #262 removed.
24:45 - Presentations by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
1:12:15 - HF446 (Kahn) Outdoor light pollution restricted.
Runs 1 hour, 13 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, March 5 2007 02:35 - Gavel, and discussion of the February economic forecast with Finance Commissioner Tom Hanson, State Economist Tom Stinson, Assistant Finance Commissioner James Schowalter and Dan Laufenberg, vice president and chief economist, Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Runs 58 minutes.
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Joint House Taxes Committee and House State Government Finance Division Monday, March 5 2007 01:56 - Gavel.
04:05 - HF862 (Liebling) Taxpayer assistance toll-free telephone lines required.
06:20 - HF517 (Nelson) Tax information reporting requirements expanded, and money appropriated.
08:40 - HF879 (Nelson) Contractor payment withholdings required.
11:24 - HF1509 (Tschumper) Toll-free telephone access required for taxpayer assistance, income tax return processing provided, withholding returns electronic filing required, sales tax assistance study and additional auditors provided, and money appropriated.
13:50 - HF1614 (Lenczewski) Tax compliance expanded efforts required, and money appropriated.
16:02 - HF843 (Benson) Electronic filing of individual income tax returns provided.
19:11 - HF1503 (Walker) Taxpayer assistance services funding provided, and money appropriated.
21:24 - HFXXX (Bunn) Tax Compliance; Merit pay for tax compliance auditors.
26:23 - Department of Revenue response to bills.
1:03:57 - HF1707 (Loeffler) Taxpayer assistance grants notice to past recipients and timely procedure required.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Friday, March 2 2007 01:02 - Gavel.
02:20 - HF933 (Tillberry) Vehicle Protection Product Act adopted.
17:34 - HF1022 (Knuth) Rental vehicle no-fault auto insurance coverages regulated.
26:35 - HF512 (Atkins) Gift certificate and gift card expiration dates and service fees prohibited.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Commerce and Labor Committee Thursday, March 1 2007 04:20 - Gavel, and discussion of HF305 (Huntley) Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas.
13:40 - Testimony from proponents.
52:08 - Testimony from opponents.
Runs 1 hour, 40 minutes.
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Governor Pawlenty Press Conference Wednesday, February 28 2007 Governor Pawlenty responds to the release of the February Economic Forecast and other legislative issues.
Runs 13 minutes.
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House GOP Press Conference Wednesday, February 28 2007 House Minority Leader Marty Seifert responds to the release of the February Economic Forecast.
Runs 13 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, February 28 2007 01:43 - Gavel.
01:50 - Campaign Finance and Disclosure Board: confirmation hearing of new board members.
09:38 - HF1034 (Peterson, A) Heating and cooling policy for state building projects established.
30:23 - SF19 (Hilstrom) Legislative Commission on Metropolitan Government eliminated.
Runs 33 minutes.
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House Biosciences and Emerging Technologies Committee Tuesday, February 27 2007 03:45 - Gavel, and discussion of HF589 (Peterson, A.) Bioenergy producer payment program established for cellulosic biofuel production, bioenergy production incentive program and working lands conservation program created, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
1:07:36 - HF769 (Hansen) Native plant agronomic research funding provided, technical advisory committee established, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 28 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Tuesday, February 27 2007 00:12 - Gavel, and continuation of the overview from the Pollution Control Agency.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
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House Health and Human Services Committee Tuesday, February 27 2007 03:48 - Gavel.
04:30 - HF320 (Anzelc) Public Employees Retirement Association nursing facilities cost reimbursement methods established, and money appropriated.
10:20 - Presentation on nursing home bills.
29:19 - HF400 (Hosch) Nursing facilities for the provision of additional specialized services contracts allowed, reimbursement for short-stay residents modified, operating payment rates increased, case mix indices implemented, and rate adjustments provided.
53:50 - HF401 (Thissen) Nursing facility moratorium exception proposals criteria provided, allowable equipment interest limit increased, replacement-cost-new per bed limit increased, nursing facility property costs reimbursement provided, and funds authorized.
1:03:30 - HF721 (Fritz) Long-term care provider rates increased, new nursing facility case mix indices use required, MinnesotaCare employer-subsidized coverage exemption provided, and initiatives and study required.
Runs 1 hour, 37 minutes.
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Joint Legislative Committee on Regent Nomination and Election Tuesday, February 27 2007 Consideration of the governor's nominees for regents of the University of Minnesota for possible presentation to a joint convention of the Legislature.
07:40 - Gavel, adoption of committee rules governing the committee's regent selection process and presentation about the Regent Candidate Advisory Council by Bob Vanasek, Chair.
14:12 - Presentation of the governor's recommendations by Susan Heegaard.
29:12 - At-Large candidate presentations and questioning.
1:07:18 - Student At-Large candidate presentations and questioning.
1:36:00 - Fifth Congressional District candidate presentations and questioning.
2:05:45 - Voting on the governor's nominees for regents of the University of Minnesota.
Runs 2 hours, 26 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, February 26 2007 04:35 - Gavel.
05:43 - Presentation by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
15:30 - HF472 (Morrow) Renewable energy production incentives eligibility period extended.
21:46 - HF779 (Bly) Native American languages; Council on Indigenous Languages funding provided, and money appropriated.
36:02 - Presentation by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
Runs 1 hour, 9 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Friday, February 23 2007 04:48 - Gavel.
06:40 - HF966 (Howes) Nurse overtime orders of compliance authorized.
17:13 - HF648 (Mahoney) Unemployment Insurance policy, housekeeping, and style modifications provided; administrative rules incorporated into statute; and fraud penalties modified.
22:52 - HF554 (Nelson) Employee Free Choice Act support memorialized by resolution to Congress.
45:48 - HF643 (Hansen) Meatpacking industry workers bill of rights and ombudsman position established.
1:41:53 - HF219 (Walker) Personal sick leave benefits extended to include care for specified relatives.
Runs 1 hour, 50 minutes.
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House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division Friday, February 23 2007 02:20 - Gavel.
05:12 - Discussion of issues surrounding property tax statements and forms.
16:33 - HF449 (Murphy, M.) Property tax refund program extended to residents of certain nursing homes.
30:30 - HF96 (Mullery) Property tax refunds paid to estates in certain circumstances.
36:25 - HF856 (Atkins) Homestead property taxes limited to a percentage of homeowner's income.
59:32 - HF590 (Loeffler) Property tax statement required to contain additional information.
1:04:50 - HF1182 (Loeffler) Homestead property taxes limited for persons at least age 65 to a percentage of income under certain conditions.
1:06:35 - HF1129 (Doty) Senior citizen's property tax deferral program modified.
1:15:38 - HF432 (Paymar) Limited market value law extended for two years.
Runs 1 hour, 33 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Thursday, February 22 2007 03:57 - Gavel.
04:40 - HF804 (Atkins) International baccalaureate, preadvanced placement, and advanced placement programs participation increased; and money appropriated.
31:57 - HF417 (Bigham) Elementary and middle school years education international baccalaureate pilot program established and money appropriated.
43:38 - HF233 (Hilstrom) International baccalaureate pilot program established across all grades of a school district, and money appropriated.
54:05 - HF1088 (Davnie) College in the schools program aid provided, and money appropriated.
1:13:45 - HF806 (Faust) Career and technical revenue increased for school districts.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Thursday, February 22 2007 05:20 - Gavel.
06:08 - 911/Allied Radio Matrix for Emergency Response (ARMER).
1:15:57 - CriMNet.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, February 21 2007 05:25 - Gavel.
05:31 - HF132 (Mahoney) Minnesota Biomedical Sciences Research Facilities Authority and funding program established, University of Minnesota authorized to apply for funds, bonds issued, reports required, and money appropriated.
21:58 - HF1 (Thissen) Children's health security account and program created, eligibility criteria and covered services specified, Legislative Task Force on Children's Health Care Coverage established, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 8 minutes.
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Wednesday, February 21 2007 02:45 - Gavel.
03:10 - Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board budget overview.
34:20 - Bureau of Mediation Services budget overview.
53:55 - HF398 (Huntley) Tuition and fees paid by Wisconsin residents attending the University of Minnesota regulated.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Tuesday, February 20 2007 06:12 - Gavel.
07:01 - HF1048 (Pelowski) Department of Employee Relations abolished and duties transferred.
31:20 - HF132 (Mahoney) Minnesota Biomedical Sciences Research Facilities Authority and funding program established, University of Minnesota authorized to apply for funds, bonds issued, reports required, and money appropriated (bill was temporarily laid on the table).
1:25:46 - HF376 (Paulsen) State contracts web site with a searchable database required, and money appropriated.
1:34:02 - HF132 (Mahoney) Minnesota Biomedical Sciences Research Facilities Authority and funding program established, University of Minnesota authorized to apply for funds, bonds issued, reports required, and money appropriated (bill was laid on the table).
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Tuesday, February 20 2007 04:41 - Gavel, and budget presentation from the Department of Administration, part 2 continued.
55:18 - Testimony from Mike Stolte, oversight of pension investments.
Runs 1 hour, 28 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, February 19 2007 02:26 - Gavel, and presentations by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
03:17 - Energy Finance and Policy Division.
31:25 - Capital Investment Finance Division.
58:19 - Transportation Finance Division.
1:12:05 - Public Safety Finance Division.
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Monday, February 19 2007 02:00 - Gavel, and discussion of HF434 (Cornish) Hydrogen used to power engines or fuel cells exempted from the sales tax.
05:50 - HF114 (Solberg) Public safety radio communication products and services exempted from sales tax.
11:50 - HF929 (Ruud) Minnetonka water treatment facility construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
30:16 - HF968 (Koenen) Grain bins and fencing materials sales tax exemption provided.
53:20 - HF1027 (Kahn) Cosmetic procedures sales tax imposed.
1:20:22 - HFXXX (Ruud) Firefighters bill.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Friday, February 16 2007 01:46 - Gavel.
03:00 - HF611 (Anzelc) Workplace communications between labor organizations and employees protected, and certain employer conduct prohibited.
Runs 1 hour, 43 minutes.
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House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division Friday, February 16 2007 01:32 - Gavel, and discussion of HF3 (Marquart) School district levies modified, market value property tax credit computation modified, property tax refunds increased for homeowners and renters, senior deferral eligibility increased, city and county aid increased, and money appropriated.
50:15 - HF135 (Westrom) Property tax abatement authority extended to include delinquent taxes.
1:14:40 - HF172 (Nornes) Scambler aggregate tax authorized.
1:21:20 - HF148 (Erhardt) Residential homestead property first tier classification rate valuation limit indexing provided.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Thursday, February 15 2007 04:20 - Gavel.
05:03 - Classroom technology demonstration.
36:45 - HF493 (Mariani) Statewide science, technology, engineering, and math incentive funding provided; and money appropriated.
1:00:50 - HF543 (Swails) Gifted and talented programming funding increased, and school districts required to identify gifted and talented students.
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Thursday, February 15 2007 02:12 - Gavel, and alcohol/DWI presentation from Carol Falkowski, Hazelden Foundation.
35:04 - HF303 (Paymar) Youth intervention program grants provided, and money appropriated.
47:45 - Alcohol/DWI presentations from Professor Steve Simon, University of Minnesota, and Judge Jim Dehn.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Wednesday, February 14 2007 07:20 - Gavel.
09:08 - HF446 (Kahn) Outdoor light pollution restricted.
57:27 - HF472 (Morrow) Renewable energy production incentives eligibility period extended.
1:04:25 - HF607 (Anzelc) Plasma torch gasification facility feasibility study funding provided, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, February 14 2007 01:10 - Gavel, and report from the Voting Machine Options Working Group.
28:25 - HF340 (Slawik) Candidates and campaign workers authorized to have access to multiple unit residences for campaign and election purposes.
1:16:42 - HF403 (Peterson, S.) Campaign material disclaimer requirements constitutional conformity provided.
Runs 1 hour, 47 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Wednesday, February 14 2007 02:52 - Gavel.
03:10 - HF678 (Murphy, E.) Heart disease and stroke prevention funding provided, and money appropriated.
26:07 - HF462 (Murphy, E.) Deaf and hearing loss; support services funding provided to families with children who are deaf or have a hearing loss.
50:44 - HF315 (Otremba) Suicide prevention grants restored, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Tuesday, February 13 2007 04:10 - Gavel, and beginning of courts system budget presentation.
Runs 1 hour, 28 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Tuesday, February 13 2007 00:55 - Gavel, and beginning of budget presentation from the Department of Administration, part 2.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Tuesday, February 13 2007 01:53 - Gavel.
05:19 - HF537 (Clark) Runaway and Homeless Youth Act modified, and money appropriated.
57:21 - Minnesota Housing Finance Agency presentation of the governor's budget recommendations.
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Monday, February 12 2007 05:28 - Gavel.
06:10 - SF4 (Peterson, A.) Renewable energy standard established.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, February 12 2007 03:16 - Gavel.
03:50 - Presentation by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
14:16 - Presentation by Representative Kahn regarding State Government Finance Division areas.
16:20 - HF87 (Thao) Saint Paul Asian Pacific Cultural Center predesign expenditures authorized from previous appropriation.
28:14 - HF293 (Tingelstad) Environment and natural resources funding provided, Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources meeting requirements modified, and money appropriated.
1:16:20 - Presentation by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Friday, February 9 2007 03:21 - Gavel.
04:21 - Presentation from House Research.
29:10 - Presentation from Office of the Legislative Auditor: Prevailing Wages Report.
1:27:57 - HF532 (Winkler) Military personnel utility and other contracts regulated, and cancellations authorized.
Runs 1 hour, 36 minutes.
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House Veterans Affairs Division Friday, February 9 2007 02:32 - Gavel.
04:00 - HF279 (Haws) War Orphans Act educational benefits eligibility clarified and extended for surviving military spouses and children.
31:41 - HF272 (Haws) Firearms safety and usage training certificates continuation provided while soldiers and essential employees are engaged in active military service.
47:40 - HF451 (Jaros) Honor guard member reimbursement provided for National Guard funerals, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 12 minutes.
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Thursday, February 8 2007 03:17 - Gavel.
03:40 - Continuation of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget overview.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Thursday, February 8 2007 07:03 - Gavel.
11:00 - HF56 (Thao) Saint Paul Police Department Special Investigation Unit Asian Gang Task Force funding provided, and money appropriated.
42:28 - Testimony from crime victim groups.
Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Thursday, February 8 2007 01:50 - Gavel.
02:05 - Budget presentation from the Department of Administration, part 1.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Thursday, February 8 2007 03:27 - Gavel.
04:53 - HF160 (Hilty) Help America Vote Act account appropriations transfer authorized.
Runs 9 minutes.
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House Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Committee Wednesday, February 7 2007 01:10 - Gavel, and overview of agriculture education.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Wednesday, February 7 2007 01:44 - Gavel.
03:00 - Continuation of University of Minnesota budget overview.
46:18 - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget overview.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Wednesday, February 7 2007 02:48 - Gavel.
04:57 - Full-day kindergarten testimony.
44:16 - HF170 (Slawik) Early childhood learning preparedness and enrichment allowance program established, and class sizes for kindergarten through grade three reduced to meet the statutory state standard (only Sections 2, 3, and 4 and for information only).
46:22 - HF2 (Swails) Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding authorized.
50:13 - HF78 (Morrow) Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding authorized.
52:27 - HF597 (Brown) Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding authorized, and full funding phased in.
54:44 - HF637 (Dittrich) Full-day kindergarten authorized, state aid provided, sliding scale fee imposed, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 29 minutes.
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Health and Human Services (afternoon meeting) Tuesday, February 6 2007 00:56 - Gavel.
02:00 - Testimony related to, and action on, HF298 (Huntley) Family planning access increased to prevent unintended pregnancies, nurses authorized to dispense oral contraceptives at clinics, reimbursement rates increased, grant reductions eliminated, and money appropriated.
1:18:55 - HF276 (Otremba) MinnesotaCare self-employed farmers income definition modified.
The committee went into recess.
Runs 1 hour, 35 minutes.
** No video archive is available of the evening continuation of this meeting.
** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at:
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Tuesday, February 6 2007 05:50 - Gavel, and University of Minnesota budget overview with President Robert Bruininks.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Tuesday, February 6 2007 04:15 - Gavel.
04:45 - Department of Public Safety budget presentation with Commissioner Michael Campion and Deputy Commissioner Mary Ellison.
Runs 1 hour, 18 minutes.
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Joint House Taxes Committee/House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division Tuesday, February 6 2007 04:50 - Gavel, and 2006 assessor reports presented by Department of Revenue.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Monday, February 5 2007 02:55 - Gavel.
04:35 - Continued discussion of HF4 (Peterson, A.) Renewable energy standard established.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, February 5 2007 03:22 - Gavel.
03:50 - Presentation by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
38:55 - HF160 (Hilty) Help America Vote Act account appropriations transfer authorized.
1:00:10 - Presentation by Finance Department regarding report on expenditure increases.
Runs 1 hour, 22 minutes.
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House Mental Health Division Friday, February 2 2007 03:40 - Gavel.
05:15 - Overview of housing and employment options for the mentally ill.
Runs 2 hours, 3 minutes.
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House Telecommunications Regulation and Infrastructure Division Friday, February 2 2007 06:40 - Gavel.
09:45 - Presentation on the Office of Enterprise Technology by Gopal Khanna.
35:08 - Presentation on the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network by Mike Wassenaar.
53:57 - HF116 (Atkins) Customer sales and service call center requirements imposed.
Share your comments on HF116 or e-mail us your comments directly.
Runs 1 hour, 43 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Thursday, February 1 2007 02:48 - Gavel, and discussion of HF237 (Morgan) Pre-election reports required of certain contributions to political committees, funds, and party units; reporting requirements modified; and contribution limits increased for secretary of state and state auditor candidates.
13:55 - HF203 (Mariani) Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board legislative membership expanded.
37:00 - HF13 (Tingelstad) Legislative training forums required, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes.
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House Health and Human Services Committee Thursday, February 1 2007 04:26 - Gavel.
04:54 - HF305 (Huntley) Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas.
Runs 2 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Biosciences and Emerging Technology Committee Wednesday, January 31 2007 00:40 - Gavel.
01:45 - Overview of biofuel research in Minnesota - University of Minnesota.
Runs 1 hour, 14 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Wednesday, January 31 2007 03:17 - Gavel.
04:27 - Continuing testimony on Minnesota's transmission system.
16:58 - HF4 (Peterson, A.) Renewable energy standard established.
Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Wednesday, January 31 2007 02:38 - Gavel.
03:08 - HF55 (Sviggum) Nursing facility payment rates increased to the geographic group III median rate. (HF55 was laid over).
51:36 - Department of Human Services agency wide functions.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes.
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House Biosciences and Emerging Technology Committee Tuesday, January 30 2007 01:52 - Gavel.
04:18 - HF194 (Norton) Biotechnology and medical genomics research funding provided to research partnership between the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Foundation, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Tuesday, January 30 2007 04:30 - Gavel.
05:44 - Continuing care overview.
Runs 1 hour, 28 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Monday, January 29 2007 06:22 - Beginning of audio of the meeting (room audio was not turned on until this point).
Continuing testimony on Minnesota's transmission system.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, January 29 2007 02:20 - Gavel, and presentations by the House Fiscal Analysis Department about division accounts and funding base.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Friday, January 26 2007 02:31 - Gavel.
03:22 - HF131 (Hilstrom) Social Security number use restricted.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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House Veterans Affairs Division Friday, January 26 2007 02:46 - Gavel.
03:40 - Presentations by veterans organizations.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Capital Investment Finance Division Thursday, January 25 2007 02:13 - Gavel.
02:40 - Overview on Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement (HEAPR) by House Research Department staff.
20:25 - University of Minnesota's 2007 HEAPR capital request.
38:45 - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities' 2007 HEAPR capital request.
Runs 1 hour, 14 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Thursday, January 25 2007 00:15 - Gavel.
00:40 - Statewide Conservation and Preservation Plan presentation.
36:30 - HF293 (Tingelstad) Environment and natural resources funding provided, Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources meeting requirements modified, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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Joint House Finance & Ways and Means Committee Thursday, January 25 2007 02:33 - Gavel, and presentation of Governor Tim Pawlenty's proposed state budget by Commissioner of Finance Tom Hanson.
Runs 1 hour, 17 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Wednesday, January 24 2007 00:00 - HF160 (Hilty) Help America Vote account appropriations transfer authorized.
10:10 - HF110 (Huntley) Great Lakes - Saint Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact enacted.
1:13:50 - HF163 (Huntley) Duluth post employment benefits accounts authorized to pay benefits to retired employees and to generate revenue dedicated to meet certain city obligations.
Runs 1 hour, 52 minutes.
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House Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division Wednesday, January 24 2007 00:35 - Gavel, and overview from the Department of Health.
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.
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House Transportation and Transit Policy Subcommittee Wednesday, January 24 2007 03:34 - Gavel.
04:11 - HF147 (Johnson) Mississippi River Parkway Commission expiration date extended to 2012.
08:23 - HF106 (Thissen) Seat belt violation primary offense provided in all seating positions regardless of age, and seat belt violation fine increased.
Runs 58 minutes.
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Tuesday, January 23 2007 00:45 - Gavel, and student presentations from private colleges, nonprofit post-secondary institutions and for-profit career colleges.
Runs 1 hour, 4 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Tuesday, January 23 2007 06:25 - Gavel.
08:15 - Overview by Minnesota Lottery.
26:20 - Overview by the Minnesota Racing Commission.
1:04:40 - Overview by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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Joint House Taxes Committee/House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division Tuesday, January 23 2007 00:58 - Gavel, followed by a property tax overview.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division Monday, January 22 2007 06:04 - Gavel, and remarks explaining the purpose, role and responsibilities of the committee.
Runs 1 hour, 20 minutes
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House Finance Committee Monday, January 22 2007 02:42 - Gavel.
03:00 - Presentation of legislative auditor's report - "State Grants to Nonprofit Organizations".
1:11:20 - Presentations by House fiscal staff about division accounts and funding base.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, January 22 2007 01:10 - Gavel.
02:35 - Former finance commissioner Peter Hutchinson speaks about budgeting.
48:35 - Former finance commissioner Jon Gunyou speaks about budgeting.
Runs 1 hour, 9 minutes.
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House Telecommunications Regulation and Infrastructure Division Friday, January 19 2007 04:08 - Gavel, followed by testimony from interested parties.
Runs 1 hour, 19 minutes.
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House Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee Thursday, January 18 2007 01:30 - Gavel.
01:55 - HF7 (Loeffler) Appropriations continued in effect unless a law is enacted eliminating or amending the appropriation.
Runs 1 hour, 37 minutes.
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House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Thursday, January 18 2007 02:12 - Gavel, and organization of committee.
Runs 19 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Thursday, January 18 2007 00:35 - Gavel.
01:29 - Legislative auditor presentation.
47:50 - Legislative Commission on Pensions presentation.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Energy Finance and Policy Division Wednesday, January 17 2007 00:58 - Gavel.
02:10 - Public Utilities Commission agency overview.
09:38 - 2006 Wind Integration Study.
59:00 - Electric utility generation and transmission overview.
Runs 1 hour, 42 minutes.
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House Republican Press Conference Wednesday, January 17 2007 House Minority Leader Seifert responds to Governor Tim Pawlenty's State of the State address.
The DFL response to the State of the State address can be found on the Senate video archives site:
Runs 3 minutes.
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House Biosciences and Emerging Technology Committee Tuesday, January 16 2007 01:40 - Gavel, and overview from the University of Minnesota.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes,
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House Early Childhood Learning Finance Division Tuesday, January 16 2007 00:35 - Overview of child care programs by the Department of Human Services and the early childhood programs offered through the Minneapolis YWCA.
Runs 1 hour, 27 minutes.
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House Health and Human Services Committee Tuesday, January 16 2007 05:50 - Gavel and introductions.
05:50 - HF1 (Thissen) Children's health security account and program created, eligibility criteria and covered services specified, Legislative Task Force on Children's Health Care Coverage established, and money appropriated (discussion only).
Runs 1 hour, 33 minutes.
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House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Friday, January 12 2007 02:50 - Gavel.
09:04 - Presentation by the Department of Labor and Industry.
46:05 - Presentation by the Department of Employment and Economic Development.
Runs 1 hour, 6 minutes.
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House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division Friday, January 12 2007 00:30 - Gavel, introductory remarks and introductions.
15:17 - Testimony from city groups concerning local property tax and its effects.
1:16:38 - Testimony from Hennepin county concerning local property tax and its effects.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.
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House Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division Thursday, January 11 2007 00:10 - Introductions and introductory remarks.
18:48 - Fiscal overview by Jim Reinholdz, House Fiscal Analyst.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes.
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House State Government Finance Division Thursday, January 11 2007 00:54 - Gavel, and introductory remarks and introductions.
09:40 - An overview by Helen Roberts, House Fiscal Analyst.
19:08 - Presentation on the State Capitol renovation plan by Commissioner Dana Badgerow, Department of Administration, and Michael Bjornberg, pre-design project manager from Hammel, Green and Abrahamson.
Runs 1 hour, 1 minute.
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House Transportation Finance Division Thursday, January 11 2007 02:04 - Gavel, introductions and overview.
Runs 39 minutes.
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House Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division Wednesday, January 10 2007 02:15 - Gavel, and overview by Doug Berg and Ron Soderberg, House Fiscal Analysts, followed by student presentations from two-year rural MnSCU technical and community colleges.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.
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House K-12 Finance Division Wednesday, January 10 2007 00:28 - Gavel, followed by education finance briefing.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.
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House Public Safety Finance Division Wednesday, January 10 2007 06:38 - Gavel, introductions and introductory remarks.
50:30 - Overview by Gary Karger, House Fiscal Analyst.
55:03 - Presentation by the Department of Corrections.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.
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House Republican press conference Wednesday, January 10 2007 House Republicans release their anti-crime package.
Runs 18 minutes.
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House Republican press conference Tuesday, January 9 2007 House Minority Leader Marty Seifert and Representative Joyce Peppin discuss legislation that would prevent use of state funds for athletic department buyouts at University of Minnesota.
Runs 7 minutes.
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House DFL press conference Monday, January 8 2007 House DFL leadership lay out their 2007 legislative priorities.
Runs 17 minutes.
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House Finance Committee Monday, January 8 2007 03:30 - Gavel, and state budget overview by Bill Marx, House Chief Fiscal Analyst.
Runs 54 minutes.
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House Republican press conference Monday, January 8 2007 House Minority Leader Seifert responds to the House DFL legislative priorities.
Runs 7 minutes.
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House Taxes Committee Monday, January 8 2007 07:25 - Gavel, welcome and introductions.
24:10 - HF8 (Wollschlager) Federal tax conformity provided.
Runs 1 hour, 13 minutes.
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House Ways and Means Committee Monday, January 8 2007 02:27 - Gavel.
05:20 - Economic forecast presentation by Finance Commissioner Tom Hanson and State Economist Tom Stinson.
Runs 47 minutes.
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