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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peter Fischer (DFL)

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Legislative Update

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

As you may know, the house is in a historic conflict that is quite complicated and involves various rules and statutes that are convoluted. Put simply, the House Republicans are using a temporary plurality (meaning the most votes, but not a majority) to try to unseat a fairly elected DFL Representative, despite a district court ruling that he won unequivocally. This is an unacceptable attempt to grab power and overturn the will of the voters. That is why I – along with my DFL colleagues – have chosen to deny quorum (a term which means the amount of legislators needed to govern legitimately,) until the GOP agrees to seat our duly elected colleague and govern with equal power, as is right in a soon to be tied House after the special election in 40B.

In the meantime, I am hard at work representing you and our community. The work of a legislator goes beyond the bounds of the Capitol and it is my job to represent you no matter the circumstances.

Representing You

Several of my Colleagues and I worked hard and met with Ramsey County officials going over their legislative agenda and reviewing their legislative asks.


I had a great meeting with Nikki Villavicencio and Darrell Paulson. We are working together to get a bill drafted to address supports for Parents with Disabilities.


I joined a number of my colleagues on a tour of the Ramsey Washington Recycling and Energy Center. Great opportunity to learn how we are increasing the amount of trash that can be reused and recycled while reducing the waste going to landfills.


Keep in touch

It is easy to stay connected to news from the State Capitol. Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services offers nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. Subscribe to receive these here. To track bills of interest through the legislative process, I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature on the Minnesota House of Representatives’ website.  

Please continue to reach out with any input, ideas, or feedback about the issues important to you. I value hearing from you, so call (651) 296-5363 or email any time at You can find my information on my House website.


Peter Fischer

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