Neighbors and Friends,
I recently sent out my legislative survey and I would like your input. You can take the survey online
Our first committee deadline has passed and we are into another week as the second deadline draws near on Friday. Here is an update from the Capitol:
HF5 vs MinnesotaCare Buy-In
On Monday, the House passed a Republican reinsurance plan that will favor insurance companies over the health of Minnesotans. House File 5 creates a program to subsidize insurance companies. The measure establishes an 11 member board to administer the program – with a majority of board members representing insurance companies – to backfill the cost of large health care claims. The program would be funded by the Health Care Access Fund, which currently funds MinnesotaCare. The Republican author also said he doesn’t know the impact of their bill, meaning a nearly $400 million giveaway to insurance companies with no guarantee it will reduce premiums, stabilize the market, or increase access for Minnesotans.
House Democrats have a more affordable option to provide health care coverage to a greater number of Minnesotans by allowing the public to ‘buy-in’ to MinnesotaCare. MinnesotaCare is the successful plan that has existed in Minnesota for 25 years. The buy-in would provide more affordable choices for an additional 100,000 Minnesotans who are currently in the individual market. Participant’s premiums would cover the entire cost of their policies, meaning there would be no ongoing cost to taxpayers.
Those living outside the Twin Cities Metro would have access to a broad network of physicians and care providers available through MinnesotaCare. This would give families more choice in selecting their health care providers – instead of the narrow network currently available.
I am encouraging Republican leaders to give our bill a hearing in the House; it’s our job as legislators to provide Minnesotans choices and options to improve their health and I’m committed to doing so.
Supplemental Budget and Targets
On February 28, the budget forecast was released. Governor Dayton is putting the finishing touches on his supplemental budget with the details expected sometime this week.
Budget targets have yet to be announced by the House Majority. Targets are the final piece of information committee chairs need to continue assembling their committee budgets.
Please always feel free to contact me on the issues you care about. I appreciate your input.
Andrew Carlson
State Representatives