ST. PAUL, MN – On Tuesday, June 11, Governor Tim Walz ceremonially signed into law legislation authored by Rep. Barb Haley (R-Red Wing) to name the new Highway 63 bridge in Red Wing the "Eisenhower Bridge of Valor". The legislation was included in the larger transportation package approved by the legislature and governor last month.
“It’s been an honor advocating for this memorial to honor and remember the extraordinary courage and sacrifices of all our veterans and first responders,” said Haley, who advocated for the name change throughout this year’s legislative session. “Thank you to those from our communities who advocated for this project and attended the ceremony. Being surrounded by veterans, first responders, Gold Star Families, and Purple Heart recipients as the governor signed this legislation was a powerful experience.”
A number of veterans, first responders, Gold Star Family members, Purple Heart recipients, and community advocates from the area attended Tuesday’s ceremony to witness the governor put his signature on the name change. Below is a list of those who attended:
Roger Pohlman, Red Wing Police Chief & Veteran
Kathy Altstatt Bunkers, US Army Veteran & USMC mother
Julie Foreman, US Army Veteran & USMC mother
John Foreman, son of WWII USMC Veteran
Joan Kovacs, Gold Star Sister to Michael Lally KIA Vietnam
Andru Peters, Veteran
Tom Kosec, cousin to Thomas Reitman, USAF pilot KIA Vietnam
Greg Drazkowski, retired Wisconsin Fire and Rescue
Jane Drazkowski
Tom Drazkowski
Dodie and Mike Harris
Ernie Stone
Jessie Schmitt, Gold Star Wife & Founder of Victory and Valor for Veterans
Jerry Simon, VFW
Dave Green, VFW
Candace Bettendorf, DAR
Jessica Jenkins, Victory and Valor for Veterans
Bryan Bodrog, Purple Heart Marine Veteran & VP of Victory and Valor for Veterans
Jonathan Arnold, Victory and Valor for Veterans & Army Veteran
Linda Auger, Gold Star Mother
Breann Jenkins, Gold Star Family
VFW Members
With the bill now signed into law, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is directed to “adopt a suitable design to mark this bridge and erect appropriate signs”.