Individuals and Families at Home
- Monitor local information about COVID-19 in your community
- Practice personal protective measures, including keeping social distance of at least 6 feet and washing hands frequently
- Put household preparation plan in action
Individuals at higher risk for severe illness should avoid large gatherings, avoid travel, and stay home as much as possible
Schools and Childcare Centers
- Cancel or postpone all large events and gatherings of more than 250 people
- Limit school-to-school events
- Provide alternative learning environments for high-risk children
- Sick students and staff should stay home until symptom-free for at least one day
Assisted Living Facilities, Senior Living Facilities, and Adult Day Programs
- Implement social distancing measures
- Reduce large gatherings
- Alter schedules to reduce mixing, such as staggering meals and other activities
- Have residents stay in facility
- Limit visitors and programs with external staff
- Screen attendees, staff, and visitors for temperature and respiratory symptoms
If cases occur among staff or residents, consider short-term closures for cleaning and contact tracing
- Encourage staff to telework when feasible
- Implement social distancing measures if not teleworking, including requiring at least 6 feet between workers, staggering work schedules, and limiting in-person meetings or gatherings
- Limit non-emergency work travel
- Consider temperature and respiratory symptom screening of staff and visitors entering buildings
- Require workers who are ill to stay home
- Provide accommodation for individuals at higher risk for severe illness, such as teleworking or separate office
Community and Faith-Based Organizations
- Follow general guidance for group gatherings
- Consider offering video or audio of events
- Determine ways to continue providing support services to individuals at increased risk of severe disease
You can also find the Governor's legislative proposals to better prepare our health care system and provide relief to Minnesotans affected by COVID-19:

The situation continues to evolve and I'm monitoring it closely. I'll be in touch with more information as it becomes available.
Kristin Bahner
Your State Representative