Getting Minnesotans Safely Back to Work
This week, Governor Walz announced new executive action that takes a first step in the process of safely returning to work starting on April 27, beginning only with workers at non-critical sector industrial, manufacturing and office-based businesses that are non-customer facing. The executive order requires businesses to create and share a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan with employees, engages in health screenings of employees daily, and continuing to use telework when possible. This executive order will allow approximately 20,000 businesses and roughly 80,000 – 100,000 workers to go back to work and represents roughly 20% of the workers currently unable to work under the Governor’s orders.
Governor Walz also shared a dial framework which takes into consideration several health, economic, and social factors – and applies them to a variety of settings that have varying levels of predictability and size considerations. The framework shows how the Governor anticipates the process of reopening Minnesota will work. It helps us set expectations and see the path ahead more clearly.

PUA Payments Begin
Today, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) began making Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) payments for self-employed, contract, and other workers who were not previously eligible for regular unemployment benefits.
Here’s what Minnesotans need to know about applying for PUA:
- If you have already applied for regular unemployment benefits, you do not need to do anything extra to qualify for PUA. DEED will automatically establish a PUA benefit account for you if you are eligible.
- If you have not applied for unemployment benefits yet, special instructions for self-employed and 1099 workers are available here. These instructions include steps you can take to make your account easily identifiable as potentially eligible for PUA.
- If you applied for unemployment benefits without following those instructions, don’t worry – you don’t need to change anything. Your account will still be reviewed for PUA eligibility.
- If you have not heard from DEED yet, don’t worry. They expect to be in touch with most people who are eligible for benefits under PUA by the end of April. There is no need to call or follow-up; you will hear from them proactively if they need additional information to determine eligibility.
- You will receive information about PUA benefits in your online account, by email, and by mail.
- Applicants who receive PUA benefits will also receive the $600/week additional payment.
- PUA benefits will be backdated to whenever you first became eligible due to COVID-19.
Additional information, including answers to many commonly asked questions, can be found here: COVID-19 information for self-employed people and independent contractors.

Distance Learning Remains in Place
Governor Walz made the tough, but necessary decision to keep schools closed for the remainder of the school year. Distance learning will remain in place for students. I wish all of our teachers, parents and families the best as they continue working to adapt to an entirely new system of learning. The hardest part is that teachers miss their students and students are missing their teachers and friends. We know this too shall pass, but for anyone with kiddos at home, life has led to new challenges and triumphs. I hope you are finding new rituals and making new memories with your students.
Virtual Coffee with Kristin- Tomorrow!
Don’t forget to join me for a virtual chat over Facebook tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. I will be ready with my favorite angel mug and a hot cup of tea to answer questions from all my neighbors! I hope you can make it, I’d love to hear from you! You can access the chat on my Facebook page.

Keep in Touch
Please continue to reach out anytime with questions or input at
Be safe, be well, and have a good weekend.
Kristin Bahner
Your State Representative