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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Kelly Moller (DFL)

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Supporting Crime Victims

Monday, February 26, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

The second week of session is in the books! I’m keeping a busy schedule with committee meetings, constituent visits, and work on my legislative priorities. Here’s a quick update from the capitol:

Support for Victims of Crime

This session I have numerous bills that are centered on victims of crimes. Four of those bills have already been heard in committee over the last two weeks, including a bill that allows victim survivors of domestic violence to break a lease in certain circumstances and another bill to protect confidential communications that a domestic violence victim survivor has with a trained community-based advocate. 

A priority this year is to provide additional funding for victim services to support victim survivors. Crime victim services funding allows advocates to support victims immediately, including through shelter, forensic examinations, safety planning, court support, social supports in community and more. These programs are critical for public safety in Minnesota and are facing a shortfall in federal funds that have suddenly disappeared. As we saw in the tragic events in Burnsville, domestic violence is one of the most dangerous crimes in our state. I recently toured a domestic violence shelter in Anoka County, and the needs for this shelter and all advocacy programs are great. We must fund services to victims to improve the safety of Minnesota. 

Constituent-driven bills

This year I’m working on multiple bills that are the result of constituents reaching out to me.  One of those bills, HF3516, allows employers who require drug testing pre-hire to utilize quick tests. This is a win for both employers and employees because it allows the job applicant to start immediately upon a negative test instead of going through the more lengthy and burdensome process of lab testing before employment begins. Thanks to constituent Todd for bringing this to my attention and for testifying in committee!


Ending Predatory Ticket Pricing

In the House Judiciary Committee I presented my "T Swift" bill, HF 1989, which would reign in predatory pricing of ticket companies which we know all too well. You can watch my presentation of this bill here. I'll keep you updated as this bill moves forward!

Lawns to Legumes Program

Minnesota residents can now apply for fall 2024 Lawns to Legumes funding. The Lawns to Legumes program aims to increase habitat for at-risk pollinators in residential settings across the state by providing people with cost-share funding, workshops, coaching and gardening resources.

Anyone can apply to be reimbursed for up to $400 in costs associated with establishing new pollinator habitat in their yards. Applications will be accepted through May 15, 2024. If you previously applied for the program, you will need to reapply to be considered for fall 2024 funding. Find more information here.

Lawns to Legumes

Stay In Touch

Please feel free to contact me directly with your viewpoints or if I can be of assistance. My email is and my phone number is 651-296-0141. You can learn about bills that have been introduced here and keep track of the bills I’ve authored here. If you have neighbors, friends, or family who you think would find these updates valuable, please share this with them; they can subscribe here. I also encourage you to follow me on Facebook.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.


Kelly Moller
State Representative

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