This is the fourth Tea Time meeting that I've had in our district, and so far I've enjoyed hearing all of your suggestions, questions and comments on our work at the legislature and our goals for 2020. Hearing from you helps me to be a better legislator and representative.
If you aren't able to join me tomorrow, I also would like to invite you to a 2020 Census town hall meeting with Elections Subcommittee Chair Raymond Dehn, Rep. Kristin Bahner, Rep. Jim Davnie, Rep. Aisha Gomez, Rep. Steve Sandell, Senator Jeff Hayden, and me on Monday, February 3, from 6:30 - 8pm at the Philips Community Center. We are excited to welcome a special guest, Attorney General Keith Ellison.

In March and April of this year, the U.S. Census Bureau will mail information to nearly every home about the 2020 Census. The census provides critical data that directly impacts our community’s representation and federal funding that supports hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources. It’s important that you and your household are accurately counted, and that you respond online, by mail, or by phone. We hope to provide you with all the information you'll need to respond to the Census!
I hope to see you soon!
Rep. Hodan Hassan