Forfeiture laws modified on use of proceeds from the sale of forfeited property, required reports and financing, and how policies are adopted.
Campaign finance and public disclosure board provisions modified; enforcement, registration, fees, data, contributions, statements of economic interest, and other provisions administered by the board modified; penalties provided; and technical changes made.
Public postsecondary institutions directed to give full credit to students for completed Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) courses, and report required.
Chair: Rep. Denny McNamara Location: 5 State Office Building Agenda:
If you would like to testify for or against this bill please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Greg Exley at 651.296.4375.
Bills Added
Wild rice quality standard application prohibited until Pollution Control Agency commissioner adopts rules to establish criteria for designating waters subject to a wild rice water quality standard.
Chair: Rep. Rod Hamilton Location: 5 State Office Building Agenda:
Presentations on organizations and programs that receive pass through grants from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council MnSCU - mental health counseling for farm families Agricultural Societies and Associations Second Harvest Heartland Minnesota Turf Seed Council Northern Crops Institute Minnesota Livestock Breeders Association Minnesota Horticultural Society Minnesota State Poultry Association Dairy Development and Profitability Enhancement (Minnesota Department of Agriculture)
Traffic violations around school buses fine increased, penalties enhanced and minimum fines established for repeat violations of driving without a license, alcohol use by sensory testing service allowed, avian influenza emergency response funding extended, correctional industries revolving fund transfer provided to the general fund, and money appropriated.
Ambulance service staff requirement variance eliminated, alternative ambulance staffing allowed, and licensed ambulance service allowed in limited areas to accept full mutual aid support on a part-time basis.
K-12 education expense credit modified, credit amount and income phaseout for the credit increased, and credit phaseout threshold adjusted for inflation.
K-12 education expense subtraction and credit modified; credit extended to tuition; subtraction and credit amounts increased; income phaseout for the credit increased; and credit, subtraction amount, and credit phaseout threshold adjusted for inflation.
K-12 teachers who complete master's degree in a content area directly related to their licensure field allowed tax credit, and money appropriated.
State general levy on seasonal recreational property phased out over five years, and automatic inflation of the state general levy eliminated.
Competitive market regulation provided for local exchange carriers, informal review and resolution of disputes provided, call routing practices prohibited, and registration of wholesale transport providers provided.