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Currently Posted Meetings

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Time Note: The committee will recess at 10 a.m. and reconvene at 6:30 p.m.

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division

Chair: Rep. Jean Wagenius
Location: 5 State Office Building
HF1025 (Poppe) Austin; Flood mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF749 (Howes) Akeley; Culvert reconstruction or replacement funding provided for Trunk Highway 64 in Eleventh Crow Wing Lake, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF274 (Howes) Shingobee Connection Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF490 (Olin) Saint Vincent; Flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1092 (Olin) Roseau; Flood mitigation project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1061 (Brown) Shell Rock River Watershed District funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1062 (Brown) Shell Rock River Watershed District flood mitigation project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF967 (Lillie) Ramsey County; trail construction funding provided, bonds issued, money appropriated.
HF743 (Lillie) Ramsey County; Funding provided for restoration of channel connecting
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Time Note: Committee will not reconvene at 6:15 PM as previously noted.

K-12 Education Policy and Oversight

Time Changed
Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Location: Basement State Office Building
HF935 (Slocum) Charter school provisions modified.

Continuation of previous week's discussion of delete-everything amendment to HF935 Charter school provisions modified. Additional amendments may be offered and discussed.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Public Safety Finance Division

Chair: Rep. Michael Paymar
Location: 10 State Office Building
Budget Presentations: Civil Legal Services, Public Defenders
Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF653 (Kahn) Election provided of certain council members elected by ward after reapportionment.
HF655 (Kahn) Candidacy affidavit required to state candidate's residence address and phone number, and candidates placement on ballot prohibited if residency requirements are not met.
HF456 (Johnson) Indian Affairs Council allowed to conduct meetings by telephone or by electronic means.
HF1010 (Kalin) Military and overseas voting provisions changed.
Chair: Rep. Al Juhnke
Location: 5 State Office Building
Budget discussions on the Marketing Division of the Department of Agriculture, the Ag 21 program proposal, and ethanol plant reports.
Chair: Rep. Tim Mahoney
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF567 (Gunther) Bioscience business development public infrastructure grant program expanded.
HF12 (Mahoney) Unemployment compensation definitions modified.
HF680 (Kalin) Federal stimulus funding allocated for energy programs.
Chair: Rep. Karen Clark
Location: Basement State Office Building
Presentations on eliminating health disparities initiative from the Minnesota Department of Health
HF922 (Nelson) Public housing rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, money appropriated.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Chair: Rep. Ann Lenczewski
Location: 10 State Office Building
HF885 (Lenczewski) DOR bill making technical and policy changes in income, sales, property, and special taxes
Location Changed Agenda Changed
Chair: Sen. Sandy Pappas
Location: 200 State Office Building
Regent Elections: Joint committee voting - recommendations to the joint convention
Briefing and discussion of higher education provisions in the federal stimulus bill
Location Changed
Chair: Rep. Thomas Huntley
Location: 5 State Office Building
Overview of the health and human services provisions in the federal stimulus bill by House Research and agency staff
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Public Safety Policy and Oversight

Chair: Rep. Debra Hilstrom
Location: 10 State Office Building
Report from Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division:
HF116 (Ward) Type III school bus driver qualifications modified.
HF980 (Lieder) Peace officer eligibility requirements based on military experience modified.
HF622 (Welti) Local law enforcement agency grant established to develop or expand lifesaver programs that locate lost or wandering persons who are mentally impaired, task force authorized, and money appropriated.
HF180 (Paymar) Heads of law enforcement agencies penalty established for those who allow nonlicensed employees and peace officer agents to carry firearms.
HF600 (Kalin) Controlled substance offense minimum fine disbursement authorized to juvenile substance abuse court programs.
HF166 (Sanders) Retail sales of recalled toys prohibited.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

K-12 Education Finance Division

Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Location: 10 State Office Building
HF1172 (Garofalo) Early childhood and family, prekindergarten through grade 12, and adult education provided.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

State Government Finance Division

Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Phyllis Kahn
Location: 5 State Office Building
Department of Administration: Capitol renovation, asset preservation update, and brief tour
Time Changed
Chair: Rep. Paul Thissen
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF419 (Davnie) Lead Poisoning Prevention Act modified
HF326 (Clark) Bisphenol-A prohibited in products for young children
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Commerce and Labor

Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Joe Atkins
Location: Basement State Office Building
HF549 (Davnie) Debt management and debt settlement services regulated.
HF403 (Gardner) Yard waste containers required to be compostable, and biodegradable standard for certain plastics established.
HF813 (Johnson) Trucking industry classifications of employment regulated.
HF978 (Lillie) Automobile insurers prohibited from owning repair facilities.

Bills Removed:
HF772 (Atkins) Medical examination frequency limited for physicians of motor vehicle insurers.
HF458 (Thissen) & HF250 (Knuth) have been removed from the agenda.
Chair: Rep. Tony Sertich
Location: 200 State Office Building
HF1046 (Mariani) Minnesota reading corps program established, and money appropriated
HF223 (Slawik) Words Work grant provided for early childhood literacy, and money appropriated
Presentation by St. Paul Project Early K
Testimony from providers in quality rating system
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Environment Policy and Oversight

Chair: Rep. Kent Eken
Location: 5 State Office Building
Bills Added
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Environment Policy and Oversight

Chair: Rep. Kent Eken
Location: 5 State Office Building
HF690 (Hortman) Minnesota Clean Car Act adopted, decreased emissions required, low emission standards adopted, and federal Clean Air Act updates provided
Chair: Rep. Bernie Leider
Location: 10 State Office Building
HF809 (Hornstein) Charitable organizations provided a metropolitan transit pass discount.
HF108 (Thissen) has been removed from the agenda
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Licensing Division

Time Changed Location Changed Agenda Changed
Chair: Rep. Cy Thao
Location: Basement State Office Building
SF29*/HF53 (E. Murphy) Pharmacy practice provision changed in administering influenza vaccines
SF230*/HF240 (Norton) Licensure for physician assistants created
added to Health Care Reform Review Council
HF535 (Thao) Health-related licensing board provisions modified
HF565 (Abeler) Chiropractor license provisions changed
HF1077 (E. Murphy) Respiratory therapists licensed
HF249 (Thissen) has been removed from the agenda