Sen. Sandra L. Pappas
112 State Capitol
Review of the July 1, 2013, actuarial valuation reports:
--William V. Hogan, FSA, Milliman, Commission reviewing actuary
--Tim Herman, FSA, Milliman, Commission reviewing actuary
SF1943 (Pederson); HF1873 (O'Driscoll): PERA-General; Coverage exclusion for St. Cloud Metropolitan Transit Commission employees.
SF2148 (Westrom); HF1894 (McNamar): PERA-General; Coverage for Stevens County Housing and Redevelopment Authority employees.
SF1326 (Goodwin); HF1410 (Nelson): MSRS; Deferred members permitted to vote in board elections.
SF713 (Pappas); HF872 (Kahn): MnSCU; Eliminate early retirement incentive sunset date.
SF764 (Pappas); HF871 (Kahn): MnSCU; Eliminate sunset date on eligibility to elect TRA coverage.
SF765 (Pappas); HF870 (Kahn): MnSCU; Increase maximum salary for the annuitant return-to-work provision.
SFxxxx; HF2179 (Nelson): TRA; Board of trustees increased by adding an additional elected retired member.
SF2169 (Hayden); HF2316 (Kahn): PERA; Service credit purchase for certain Hennepin Co. elected service.
To testify, please contact Commission Assistant Lisa Diesslin at
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