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Currently Posted Meetings

Monday, March 18, 2019

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Monday, March 18, 2019
Agenda Changed
Chair: Nancy Gibson
Location: 5 State Office Building

1. Approve the minutes for last Executive Committee meeting July 18, 2018

2. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today’s business

3. Review/approve interagency agreement with MMB/MAD for strategic planning assistance

4. Online Grants Management System
- Review staff recommendations
- Funding recommendation
- Authorization to select vendor and proceed to contract

5. Discussion about additional FY19 and FY20 funds available following passage of H.F 80

6. Other business (as needed)

7. Public Testimony

The public is asked to keep their comments brief. If you would like to testify, please contact Diana Griffith at 651-296-2406 or by 4:00 pm the day before the meeting and specify to which agenda item your testimony relates. The chair will accommodate testimony at the requested agenda item as time allows.

8. Adjourn

Meeting materials will be made available at:
NOTICE: Pursuant to M.S. 13D.015, some members may be participating by phone.

For more agenda information, click here
Monday, March 18, 2019 , 9:00 AM

Compensation Council

Chair: Tom Berg
Location: Basement State Office Building
  1. Adopt minutes of the March 8, 2019 meeting
  2. Duties of the Office of the Secretary of State
  3. Duties of the Office of the State Auditor
  4. Judicial Selection Commission
  5. Council discussion
  6. Next steps

Notice: Pursuant to MS 13D.015, some members may be participating via phone.

Monday, March 18, 2019 , 9:00 AM

Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division

Chair: Rep. Dave Pinto
Location: Remote Hearing
I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes

III. HF1685 (Wazlawik) - Child care substitute providing care time increased.

IV. HF1924 (Pryor) - Family child care emergency preparedness plan requirements modified.

V. HF1925 (Pryor) - Department of Human Services licensing provisions modified.

VI. HF1926 (Pryor) - Child care; individuals exempted from training and background studies.

VII. HF2047 (Pryor) - County licensors required to seek clarification from Department of Human Services before correction order issuance.

VIII. HF2048 (Pryor) - Child care training timelines clarified and extended.

IX. HF2049 (Pryor) - Child care training requirements clarified.

X. Adjournment
Bills Added

Monday, March 18, 2019 , 9:45 AM

Ways and Means

Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Location: Remote Hearing
HF 682 (Pelowski) Disaster contingency account money transferred
HF1408 (Koegel) Peace officer citation issuance from work zone flagger report authorized, work zone use of wireless communications devices prohibited
HF85 (Brand) Emergency medical services regulatory board required to propose guidelines authorizing patient-assisted medication administration
HF286 (Hornstein) Rail carrier minimum crew size required, and criminal penalties imposed

Chair: Rep. Gene Pelowski
Location: Remote Hearing
Presentation of the Priority Project List from Minnesota Public Facilities Authority - Jeff Freeman, Executive Director

*Bills added to the agenda*

HF1479 (Sandstede) Floodwood; wastewater system improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
HF2119 (Murphy) Two Harbors; new wastewater treatment plant loan or grant funding provided, and money appropriated
HF2159 (Quam) Oronoco; wastewater infrastructure funding provided, and money appropriated
Monday, March 18, 2019 , 12:45 PM

Long-Term Care Division

Chair: Rep. Jennifer Schultz
Location: Remote Hearing
HF1225 (Schultz) - Payment rate methodology for personal care assistance services established, commissioner of human services required to study methodology, providers required to submit workforce data, and reports required.
HF1298 (Considine) - Personal care service provider minimum wage provided, and money appropriated.
HF763 (Loeffler) - Medical assistance excess income standard for persons who are elderly, blind, or have disabilities increase phased in.
HF1046 (Loeffler) - Medical assistance income limit for elderly, blind, or disabled persons increase phased in.

Bills Added

Monday, March 18, 2019 , 12:45 PM

Property and Local Tax Division

Chair: Rep. Diane Loeffler
Location: Remote Hearing
I. HF 2348 (Loeffler) Homestead credit refund maximum refund increased
II. HF 2349 (Loeffler) Renter's refund calculation modified
III. HF 2286 (Loeffler) Certificates of rent paid automated system established, reporting of rent data required, data retention and classification provided, and money appropriated
IV. HF 1323 (Demuth) Property tax refund income definition modified
V. HF 1467 (Davids) Property tax refund income definition modified
VI. HF 1391 (Marquart) School building bond agricultural credit modified
VII. HF 1430 (Torkelson) Agricultural riparian buffer credit established, and money appropriated
Bills Added

Monday, March 18, 2019 , 3:30 PM

Floor Session

Monday, March 18, 2019 , 6:00 PM

Legislative Water Commission

Chair: Sen. Bill Weber
Location: 10 State Office Building

1.  Approval of Minutes—February 11, 2019

2.  Welcome to new member: Senator Michael Goggin

3.   Presentation: Groundwater Management Area Progress Update: Jason Moeckel, MDNR

4.   Presentation: Sources of Phosphorus in the Le Sueur River, Anna Baker, UM, USGS

5.   Update: Section 404 Assumption: Clean Water Act

6.   Update: History and background proposed changes to the specific conductance water quality 
standard (Stark)
7.   Discussion: Proposed Legislation for a Consolidated Water Agency (Stark)

8.  Discussion: Progress on LWC recommended bills

9.   Next steps for draft bills—Jim Stark

10. Discussion: Proposed field tour with CWC, LCCMR, LSOHC-- Summer

11. Status of  other introduced “water” legislation

For more agenda information, click here